< Psalms 25 >
1 Yahweh, my God, I give myself to you.
YYAJAGO, O Jeova, nae jujatsa y antijo.
2 I trust in you. Do not allow my enemies [to defeat me], with the result that I would be ashamed/disgraced. Do not allow my enemies to defeat/conquer me, with the result that they would rejoice.
O Yuusso, iyajago nae juangocoyo: chamo yo munamamamajlao; chamo pumopolo y enimigujo na ugana gui jilojo.
3 Do not allow any of those who trust in you to be disappointed/disgraced. Cause those who (act treacherously toward/try to deceive) others to be disappointed/disgraced.
Magajet, na todo y mumananggajao ti ufanmamajlao: sija ufanmamajlao ni y chumogüe dinague sin jafa.
4 Yahweh, show me the way that I should (conduct my life/live as you want me to), teach me how to act in the manner that you want me to act/behave.
Y chalanmo, O Jeova, fanueyo; fanagüe yo, ni y chalanmo.
5 Teach me to conduct my life [by obeying] your truth because you are my God, the one who saves me. All the time I trust in you.
Osgaejonyo gui minagajetmo ya unfanagüeyo; sa jago y Yuus ni y satbasionjo: iyajago nae jufannangga todotdia.
6 Yahweh, do not forget how you have acted mercifully to me and have faithfully loved me; that is the way that you have acted toward me from long ago.
Jaso, O Jeova, y mauleg na minaasemo; yan y mauleg na güinaeyamo, sa sija guinin apmam na tiempo.
7 Forgive me for all the sinful things I did and the ways that I rebelled against you when I was young; I ask this because you faithfully love your people and do good things for them, Yahweh, do not forget me!
Chamo jumajaso y isao y pinatgonjo, ni y quinebrantaco ni y tinago: segun y güinaeyamo jasoyo, pot y minauleg y naanmo, O Jeova.
8 Yahweh is good and fair/just; therefore he shows sinners (how they should conduct their lives/how to live as you want them to).
Mauleg yan tunas si Jeova: pot enao na jafanagüe y maniisao ni y chalan.
9 He shows humble people what is right for them to do and teaches them what he wants [them to do].
Y manmanso ufanfinanagüe gui juisio: yan y manmanso ufanguinia gui chalan.
10 He always faithfully loves and does what he has promised to those who keep his agreement with them and who do what he requires.
Todo y chalan Jeova güinaeya yan minagajet ni y ayo y umadadaje y tratuña yan y testimoniuña.
11 Yahweh, forgive me for all my sins, which are many, in order that I may honor you [MTY].
Pot y naanmo, O Jeova, asie y isaojo sa gosdangculo.
12 To all those who revere you [RHQ], you show them the (right way to conduct their lives/things that they should do).
Jaye ayo na taotao y maañao as Jeova? güiya ufinanagüe ni y chalan mano y inayegña.
13 They will always be prosperous, and their descendants will continue to live in [this] land.
Y antiña usaga gui mauleg: ya y semiyaña uereda y tano.
14 Yahweh is a friend of those who have an awesome respect for him, and he teaches them the agreement that he [made with them].
Y secreton Jeova gaegue guiya sija y mumaañaogüe güe; ya güiya ufanagüe sija ni y tratuña.
15 I always ask [MTY] Yahweh to help me, and he rescues me from danger [MET].
Y atadogjo siempre juatan si Jeova; sa güiya ujala y adengjo juyong gui laso.
16 Yahweh, pay attention to me and be merciful to me, because I am alone, and I am very distressed because I am suffering/oppressed.
Atanyo, ya gaease ni guajo: sa guajo taeconsueloyo yan piniteyo.
17 Help me to not worry, and rescue me from my troubles.
Y chinatsagan y corasonjo lumalamegae: najuyongyo gui pinitijo.
18 Note that I am distressed and troubled [DOU], and forgive [me for] all my sins.
Atan y trinesteco yan y pinitijo; ya unasie todo y isaojo.
19 Also note that I have many enemies, see that they hate me very much.
Atan y enimigujo, sa sija manmegae, ya sija chumatliiyo ni y fejman na chinatlie.
20 Protect me, and rescue me from them; do not allow [them to defeat me], [with the result that] I would be ashamed/disgraced; I have come to you to (get refuge/be safe).
Adaje y antijo ya nalibreyo: ya chajo mamamajlao, sa iyajago nae juangocoyo.
21 Protect me because I do what is good and honest/just [PRS], and because I trust in you.
Y minauleg yan y tininas juadádajeyo: sa jago junanangga.
22 God, rescue [us] Israeli people from all of our troubles!
Nalibre, O Yuus, y iya Israel gui todo y chinatsagaña.