< Psalms 23 >

1 Yahweh, you [care for] me [like] a shepherd [cares for his sheep]. [So] I have everything that I need.
Dāvida dziesma. Tas Kungs ir mans gans, man netrūks nenieka.
2 You [encourage] me [and give me peace]; [you are like a shepherd] who leads [his sheep] to places where there is plenty of green grass [for them to eat], and lets them rest beside streams where the water [is flowing] slowly.
Viņš man liek ganīties uz zālainām ganībām, Viņš mani vada pie palēna ūdens.
3 You renew my strength. You guide me along the roads that are the right ones [for me] in order that I can honor you.
Viņš atspirdzina manu dvēseli, Viņš mani ved uz taisnības ceļiem Sava Vārda dēļ.
4 Even when I am walking through very dangerous dark ravines where I might be killed, I will not be afraid of anything because you are with me. You protect me [like a shepherd protects his sheep]. [He uses] his club and his walking stick [to protect them from being attacked by wild animals].
Jebšu es arī staigātu nāves ēnas ielejā, taču ļaunuma nebīstos; jo Tu esi pie manis, Tavs koks(ganu vēzda) un Tavs zizlis mani iepriecina.
5 You prepare a [great] feast for me, in a place where my enemies can see me. You [joyfully receive me], [as people joyfully receive the guests they have invited] [by] pouring [olive] oil over their heads. You have given me very many blessings!
Tu sataisi manā priekšā galdu pret maniem ienaidniekiem, Tu svaidi manu galvu ar eļļu, mans biķeris ir papilnam pieliets.
6 I am certain that you will be good to me and act mercifully toward me as long as I live; and [then, O] Yahweh, I will live in your home [in heaven] forever.
Tiešām, labums un žēlastība mani pavadīs visu manu mūžu, un es palikšu Tā Kunga namā vienmēr.

< Psalms 23 >