< Psalms 2 >

1 (Why do the [leaders of] nations rage [against God]?/It is foolish for the nations to be angry [with God]) [RHQ]. (Why do people plan to rebel [against God] even though it is in vain?/It is useless for people to plan to rebel [against God]) [RHQ]!
Waarom woeden de heidenen, en bedenken de volken ijdelheid?
2 The kings of the nations prepare to revolt; the rulers plot together [to fight] against Yahweh and against his chosen king.
De koningen der aarde stellen zich op, en de vorsten beraadslagen te zamen tegen den HEERE, en tegen Zijn Gezalfde, zeggende:
3 They shout, “We should free ourselves from their control [MET]; we should not let them rule over us any longer!”
Laat ons hun banden verscheuren, en hun touwen van ons werpen.
4 But Yahweh, the one who sits [on his throne] in heaven, laughs [at them]; he ridicules those rulers.
Die in den hemel woont, zal lachen; de HEERE zal hen bespotten.
5 Then, because he is angry with them, he rebukes them. He causes them to be terrified when [they realize] that he will furiously punish them.
Dan zal Hij tot hen spreken in Zijn toorn, en in Zijn grimmigheid zal Hij hen verschrikken.
6 [Yahweh says], “I have installed my king on Zion, my sacred hill [in Jerusalem].”
Ik toch heb Mijn Koning gezalfd over Sion, den berg Mijner heiligheid.
7 [And his king says], “I will proclaim what Yahweh has decreed. He said to me, ‘[It is as though] you are my son; today I have declared to everyone that [it is as though] [MET] I am your father.
Ik zal van het besluit verhalen: de HEERE heeft tot Mij gezegd: Gij zijt Mijn Zoon, heden heb Ik U gegenereerd.
8 Ask me to give you the nations, so that they belong to you [to rule over them permanently], and I will give them to you. [Even] the most remote nations will be yours.
Eis van Mij, en Ik zal de heidenen geven tot Uw erfdeel, en de einden der aarde tot Uw bezitting.
9 You will defeat them completely [MET]; you will [destroy them like people] smash a clay pot with an iron rod [SIM].’”
Gij zult hen verpletteren met een ijzeren scepter; Gij zult hen in stukken slaan als een pottenbakkersvat.
10 So then, you kings and other rulers on the earth, act wisely! [Heed what Yahweh is] warning you!
Nu dan, gij koningen, handelt verstandiglijk; laat u tuchtigen, gij rechters der aarde!
11 Serve Yahweh, fervently revering him; Rejoice [about what he has done for you], but tremble before him!
Dient den HEERE met vreze, en verheugt u met beving.
12 Bow down humbly before his son! If you do not do that, Yahweh will be angry, and he will suddenly get rid of you. Do not forget that he can very quickly show that he is very angry! But he is very pleased with all those who request him to protect them [MET].
Kust den Zoon, opdat Hij niet toorne, en gij op den weg vergaat, wanneer Zijn toorn maar een weinig zou ontbranden. Welgelukzalig zijn allen, die op Hem betrouwen.

< Psalms 2 >