< Psalms 19 >
1 [When people look at everything that] God [has placed in] the skies, they can see that he is very great; they can see the great things that he has created.
Los cielos proclaman la gloria de Dios; el firmamento deja en claro la obra de sus manos.
2 Day after day [it is as though the sun] proclaims [the glory of God], and night after night [it is as though the moon and stars] say that they know [that God made them].
Un Día se lo cuenta a otro día, envían su palabra, y noche tras noche corren la voz.
3 They do not really speak; they do not say any words. There is no voice [from them] for anyone to hear.
No hay palabras o lenguaje; su voz no hace ningún sonido.
4 But what they declare [about God] goes throughout the world, and [even people who live in] the most distant/remote places on earth can know it. The sun is in the skies where God placed it [MET];
Su voz se ha extendido por toda la tierra, y sus palabras hasta el fin del mundo, en ellos ha puesto un tabernáculo para el sol,
5 it rises each morning like a bridegroom [who is happy] as he comes out of his bedroom after his wedding. It is like a strong athlete who is very eager to start running in a race.
Y este, es como un hombre recién casado que sale de su habitación nupcial, y se alegra como un corredor fuerte que comienza su camino.
6 The sun rises at one side of the sky and goes across [the sky and sets on] the other side, and nothing can hide from its heat.
Su salida es de un extremo del cielo, y da la vuelta hasta el terminó de ellos; no hay nada que no pueda huir de su calor.
7 The instructions that Yahweh has given us are perfect; they (revive us/give us new strength). We can be sure that the things that Yahweh has told us will never change, and [by learning them] people who have not been previously taught/instructed will become wise.
La ley del Señor es perfecta, dando nueva vida al alma: el testimonio del Señor es fiel, dando sabiduría al hombre sencillo.
8 Yahweh’s laws are fair/just; [when we obey them], we become joyful. The commands of Yahweh are clear, and [by reading them] [PRS] we start to understand [how God wants us to behave].
Los mandamientos del Señor son justos, alegrando el corazón: el mandamiento del Señor es puro, dando luz a los ojos.
9 It is good for people to revere Yahweh; that is something that they will do forever. What Yahweh has decided is fair, and it is always right.
El temor de Jehová es limpio y no tiene fin; los juicios del Señor son verdaderos y llenos de justicia.
10 The things that God has decided are more valuable than gold, even the finest/purest gold. They are sweeter than honey that drips from honeycombs.
¡Más deseables son ellos que el oro, que mucho oro fino! ¡Más dulce que la miel del panal!
11 Furthermore, [by reading them] I learn [what things are good to do and what things are evil], and they promise a great reward to [us who] obey them.
Por ellos se ha hecho consciente tu siervo, y guardarlos es una gran recompensa.
12 But there is no one who can know all his errors [RHQ]; so Yahweh, forgive me for these things which I do that I do not realize are wrong.
¿Quién tiene pleno conocimiento de sus propios errores? líbrame de los que me son ocultos.
13 Keep me from doing things that I know are wrong; do not let my sinful desires control me. If you do that, I will no longer be guilty for committing such sins, and I will not commit the great sin [of rebelling terribly] against you.
Preserva a tu siervo de los pecados del orgullo; que no tengan dominio sobre mí: entonces seré recto y libre de gran rebelión.
14 O Yahweh, you are [like] an [overhanging] rock [MET] under which I can be safe; you are the one who protects me. I hope/desire that the things that I say and what I think will [always] please you.
Sean agradables a tus ojos las palabras de mi boca y la meditación de mi corazón, oh Señor, mi roca y mi redentor.