< Psalms 19 >

1 [When people look at everything that] God [has placed in] the skies, they can see that he is very great; they can see the great things that he has created.
Los cielos cuentan la gloria de ʼElohim, Y el firmamento declara la obra de sus manos.
2 Day after day [it is as though the sun] proclaims [the glory of God], and night after night [it is as though the moon and stars] say that they know [that God made them].
Día tras día pronuncian su mensaje, Y noche tras noche proclaman sabiduría.
3 They do not really speak; they do not say any words. There is no voice [from them] for anyone to hear.
No hay lengua ni palabras En las cuales no sea oída la voz de ellos.
4 But what they declare [about God] goes throughout the world, and [even people who live in] the most distant/remote places on earth can know it. The sun is in the skies where God placed it [MET];
Su expresión llega a toda la tierra, Y sus Palabras hasta los confines del mundo. En ellos puso tabernáculo para el sol,
5 it rises each morning like a bridegroom [who is happy] as he comes out of his bedroom after his wedding. It is like a strong athlete who is very eager to start running in a race.
Y éste, como esposo que sale de su aposento, Se alegra como atleta para recorrer su camino.
6 The sun rises at one side of the sky and goes across [the sky and sets on] the other side, and nothing can hide from its heat.
De un extremo de los cielos es su salida, Y su órbita hasta el término de ellos. Nada queda escondido de su calor.
7 The instructions that Yahweh has given us are perfect; they (revive us/give us new strength). We can be sure that the things that Yahweh has told us will never change, and [by learning them] people who have not been previously taught/instructed will become wise.
La Ley de Yavé es perfecta. Restaura el alma. El testimonio de Yavé es fiel. Hace sabio al sencillo.
8 Yahweh’s laws are fair/just; [when we obey them], we become joyful. The commands of Yahweh are clear, and [by reading them] [PRS] we start to understand [how God wants us to behave].
Los Preceptos de Yavé son rectos. Alegran el corazón. El Mandamiento de Yavé es puro, Alumbra los ojos.
9 It is good for people to revere Yahweh; that is something that they will do forever. What Yahweh has decided is fair, and it is always right.
El temor a Yavé es limpio, Permanece para siempre. Los Juicios de Yavé son verdaderos, Todos justos.
10 The things that God has decided are more valuable than gold, even the finest/purest gold. They are sweeter than honey that drips from honeycombs.
Deseables son más que el oro, Más que mucho oro afinado, Y más dulces que la miel, Aun la que destila del panal.
11 Furthermore, [by reading them] I learn [what things are good to do and what things are evil], and they promise a great reward to [us who] obey them.
Tu esclavo es además amonestado por ellos. En guardarlos hay grande galardón.
12 But there is no one who can know all his errors [RHQ]; so Yahweh, forgive me for these things which I do that I do not realize are wrong.
¿Quién reconocerá sus propios errores? Declárame inocente de los que me son ocultos.
13 Keep me from doing things that I know are wrong; do not let my sinful desires control me. If you do that, I will no longer be guilty for committing such sins, and I will not commit the great sin [of rebelling terribly] against you.
Aparta también a tu esclavo de las soberbias, Que no me dominen. Entonces seré íntegro Y declarado absuelto de gran transgresión.
14 O Yahweh, you are [like] an [overhanging] rock [MET] under which I can be safe; you are the one who protects me. I hope/desire that the things that I say and what I think will [always] please you.
Sean aceptos los dichos de mi boca delante de Ti Y la meditación de mi corazón, Oh Yavé, Roca mía y Redentor mío.

< Psalms 19 >