< Psalms 16 >

1 God, protect me because I go to you to keep me safe!
Af David; et „gyldent Smykke”. Gud! bevar mig; thi jeg tror paa dig.
2 I said to Yahweh, “You are my Lord; all the good things that I have come from you.”
Du sagde til Herren: Du er min Herre, jeg har intet Gode uden dig;
3 Your people who live in this land are wonderful; I delight to be with them.
i Samfund med de hellige, som ere i Landet, og de herlige, til hvilke al min Lyst er.
4 Those who choose to worship other gods will have many things that cause them to be sad. I will not join them when they make sacrifices [to their gods]; I will not even join them when they speak [MTY] the names of their gods.
Mange skulle deres Smerter blive, som haste efter en anden; jeg vil ikke udgyde deres Drikofre af Blod og ikke tage deres Navne paa mine Læber.
5 Yahweh, you are the one whom I have chosen, and you give me great blessings. You protect me and control what happens to me.
Herren er min Arvs Del og mit Bæger; du er den, som opholder min Lod.
6 Yahweh has given me a wonderful place in which to live; I am delighted with all the things that he has given me [MET].
Snorene faldt mig paa de liflige Steder, ja, en dejlig Arv tilfaldt mig.
7 I will praise Yahweh, the one who teaches/disciplines me; even at night [he] you put in my mind what is right for me to do.
Jeg vil love Herren, som gav mig Raad; ja, mine Nyrer paaminde mig om Nætterne.
8 I know that Yahweh is always with me. He is beside me; so nothing will (perturb me/cause me to be worried).
Jeg har stedse sat Herren for mig; thi han er ved min højre Haand, jeg skal ikke rokkes.
9 Therefore I am glad and I [MTY, DOU] rejoice; I can rest securely
Derfor glæder mit Hjerte sig, og min Ære fryder sig; ja, mit Kød skal bo tryggelig.
10 because you, Yahweh, will not allow my soul/spirit to remain in the place where the dead people are; you will not allow me, your godly one, to stay there. (Sheol h7585)
Thi du vil ikke overlade min Sjæl til Dødsriget; du skal ikke lade din hellige se Forraadnelse. (Sheol h7585)
11 You will show me the road that leads to [receiving eternal] life, and you will make me joyful when I am with you. I will have pleasure forever when I am (at your right hand/seated next to you).
Du vil kundgøre mig Livets Sti; for dit Ansigt er Mættelse af Glæder, Livsaligheder ved din højre Haand evindelig.

< Psalms 16 >