< Psalms 15 >
1 Yahweh, who are allowed to enter your Sacred Tent? Who are allowed to live on your sacred mountain?
ヱホバよなんぢの帷幄のうちにやどらん者はたれぞ なんぢの聖山にすまはんものは誰ぞ
2 Only those who always do what is right and do not sin may do that. They always say what is true
直くあゆみ義をおこなひ そのこころに眞實をいふものぞその人なる
3 and they do not slander others. They do not do to others things that are wrong, and they do not say bad things about others.
かかる人は舌をもてそしらず その友をそこなはず またその隣をはぢしむる言をあげもちひず
4 [Godly people] hate those whom God has rejected, but they respect those who revere Yahweh. They do what they have promised to do even if it causes them trouble to do that.
惡にしづめるものを見ていとひかろしめ ヱホバをおそるるものをたふとび 誓ひしことはおのれに禍害となるも變ることなし
5 They lend money to others without charging interest, and they never accept bribes in order to lie about people who have not done what is wrong. Those who do those things will never stop trusting God [even if disastrous things happen to them].
貨をかして過たる利をむさぼらず 賄賂をいれて無辜をそこなはざるなり 斯ることどもを行ふものは永遠にうごかさるることなかるべし