< Psalms 148 >

1 Praise Yahweh! Praise him, from up in heaven; praise him from way up in the sky!
Alléluia! Louez l’Eternel dans les sphères célestes, louez-le dans les régions supérieures!
2 All you angels who belong to him, praise him! All you who are in the armies of heaven, praise him!
Louez-le, vous tous, ses anges, louez-le, vous, ses milices,
3 Sun and moon, [you also] praise him! You shining stars, you praise him!
louez-le, vous, soleil et lune, louez-le, vous toutes, étoiles lumineuses.
4 You highest heavens, praise him! And you waters that are high above the sky, praise him!
Louez-le, cieux des cieux, et vous, eaux supérieures, au-dessus des cieux.
5 I want [all of] these to praise Yahweh [MTY] because by commanding [them to exist], he created them.
Que tous les êtres louent le nom de l’Eternel, car il a ordonné, et ils furent créés.
6 He determined the places where they should be [in the sky], and he commanded that they should be there forever. They cannot disobey that command!
Il les maintient jusque dans l’éternité, il leur a tracé des lois qui sont immuables.
7 And everything on the earth, praise Yahweh! You [huge] sea monsters and [everything else that is] deep [in the ocean],
Louez l’Eternel sur toute l’étendue de la terre: monstres marins et vagues profondes,
8 and fire and hail, and snow and frost, and strong winds that obey what he commands, [I tell] all of you to praise Yahweh!
foudre et grêle, neige et brouillard, vent de tempête, chargé d’exécuter ses ordres,
9 Hills and mountains, fruit trees and cedar [trees],
montagnes et collines, toutes ensemble, arbres fruitiers et cèdres réunis,
10 all the wild animals and all [you] cattle, and the (reptiles/creatures that scurry across the ground), and [all] the birds, [I tell all of them to praise Yahweh]!
bêtes sauvages et animaux domestiques, reptiles, oiseaux ailés,
11 You kings on this earth and all the people [that you rule], you princes and all [other] rulers,
rois de la terre et vous tous, ô peuples, princes et juges de la terre,
12 you young men and young women, you old people and children, [everyone, praise Yahweh!]
jeunes gens et vierges, vieillards de concert avec les adolescents!
13 I want them [all] to praise Yahweh [MTY] because he is greater than anyone else. His glory is greater than [anything on] the earth or [in] heaven.
Célébrez le nom de l’Eternel, car seul son nom est sublime; sa splendeur s’étend sur la terre et dans les cieux.
14 He caused us, his people, to be strong in order that we, his people, we Israeli people (who are very precious to him/whom he loves very much), would praise him. So praise Yahweh!
Il a grandi la force de son peuple; aussi est-il l’objet des louanges de tous ses pieux adorateurs, des enfants d’Israël, du peuple qu’il a rapproché de lui. Alléluia!

< Psalms 148 >