< Psalms 145 >

1 My God and King, I will proclaim that you are very great/glorious; I will praise you [MTY] now and forever.
Chant de louange. De David. ALEPH. Je veux t’exalter, mon Dieu, ô Roi, et bénir ton nom à jamais et toujours.
2 Every day I will praise you; [Yes], I will praise you [MTY] forever.
BETH. Je veux chaque jour te bénir, et célébrer ton nom toujours et à jamais.
3 Yahweh you are great, and (you ought to be praised/people should praise you) very much; [we] cannot fully realize how great you are.
GHIMEL. Yahweh est grand et digne de toute louange, et sa grandeur est insondable.
4 Parents should tell their children the things that you have done; they should tell their children about your mighty deeds.
DALETH. Chaque âge dira au suivant la louange de tes œuvres, on publiera tes prodiges.
5 They should tell them that you are very glorious and majestic [DOU], and I will (meditate on/think about) [all] your wonderful deeds.
HÉ. Je chanterai l’éclat glorieux de ta majesté, et tes œuvres prodigieuses.
6 People will speak about your powerful and awesome deeds, and I will proclaim that you are [very] great.
WAV. Et l’on parlera de ta puissance redoutable, et je raconterai ta grandeur.
7 People will remember and proclaim that you are very good [to us], and they will sing joyfully that you [always act] justly/fairly.
ZAÏN. On proclamera le souvenir de ton immense bonté, et on célébrera ta justice.
8 Yahweh, you [are] kind and merciful [to us]; you do not quickly become angry; you faithfully love [us] very much.
HETH. Yahweh est miséricordieux et compatissant, lent à la colère et plein de bonté.
9 Yahweh, you are good to everyone, and you are merciful to everything that you have made.
TETH. Yahweh est bon envers tous, et sa miséricorde s’étend sur toutes ses créatures.
10 Yahweh, [all] the creatures that you [made] will thank you, and all your people will praise you.
YOD. Toutes tes œuvres te louent, Yahweh, et tes fidèles te bénissent.
11 They will tell [others] that you rule gloriously as [our] king and that you are [very] powerful.
CAPH. Ils disent la gloire de ton règne, et proclament ta puissance,
12 [They will do that] in order that everyone will know about your powerful deeds and that you rule [over us] gloriously.
LAMED. afin de faire connaître aux fils des hommes ses prodiges, et le glorieux éclat de son règne.
13 You will never stop being king; you [will] rule (throughout all generations/forever). Yahweh, you faithfully do all that you have promised to do, and all that you do, you do mercifully.
MEM. Ton règne est un règne éternel, et ta domination subsiste dans tous les âges.
14 Yahweh, you help all those who are discouraged and you lift up all those who (stumble and fall down/are distressed).
SAMECH. Yahweh soutient tous ceux qui tombent, il redresse tous ceux qui sont courbés.
15 All of the creatures that you made expect that you [will provide food for them], and you give them food when they need it.
AÏN. Les yeux de tous les êtres sont tournés vers toi dans l’attente, et tu leur donnes leur nourriture en son temps.
16 You give food to all living creatures generously [IDM], and you cause them to (be satisfied/have all the food that they need).
PHÉ. Tu ouvres ta main, et tu rassasies de tes biens tout ce qui respire.
17 Everything that Yahweh does, he does justly/fairly, and all that he does, he does mercifully.
TSADÉ. Yahweh est juste dans toutes ses voies, et miséricordieux dans toutes ses œuvres.
18 Yahweh (comes near to/is ready to help) all those who call out to him, to those who call to him sincerely.
QOPH. Yahweh est près de tous ceux qui l’invoquent, de tous ceux qui l’invoquent d’un cœur sincère.
19 To all those who revere him, he gives them what they need. He hears them when they cry out to him, and saves/rescues them.
RESCH. Il accomplit les désirs de ceux qui le craignent, il entend leur cri et il les sauve.
20 Yahweh protects all those who love him, but he will get rid of all the wicked [people].
SCHIN. Yahweh garde tous ceux qui l’aiment, et il détruit tous les méchants.
21 I [SYN] will always praise Yahweh; [He is] holy; and I wish/hope that everyone will praise him [MTY] forever.
THAV. Que ma bouche publie la louange de Yahweh, et que toute chair bénisse son saint nom, toujours, à jamais!

< Psalms 145 >