< Psalms 145 >
1 My God and King, I will proclaim that you are very great/glorious; I will praise you [MTY] now and forever.
En Lovsang af David. Jeg vil ophøje dig, min Gud, min Konge, evigt og alt love dit Navn.
2 Every day I will praise you; [Yes], I will praise you [MTY] forever.
Jeg vil love dig Dag efter Dag, evigt og altid prise dit Navn.
3 Yahweh you are great, and (you ought to be praised/people should praise you) very much; [we] cannot fully realize how great you are.
Stor og højlovet er HERREN, hans Storhed kan ikke ransages.
4 Parents should tell their children the things that you have done; they should tell their children about your mighty deeds.
Slægt efter Slægt lovpriser dine Værker, forkynder dine vældige Gerninger.
5 They should tell them that you are very glorious and majestic [DOU], and I will (meditate on/think about) [all] your wonderful deeds.
De taler om din Højheds herlige Glans, jeg vil synge om dine Undere;
6 People will speak about your powerful and awesome deeds, and I will proclaim that you are [very] great.
de taler om dine ræddelige Gerningers Vælde, om din Storhed vil jeg vidne;
7 People will remember and proclaim that you are very good [to us], and they will sing joyfully that you [always act] justly/fairly.
de udbreder din rige Miskundheds Ry og synger med Fryd om din Retfærd.
8 Yahweh, you [are] kind and merciful [to us]; you do not quickly become angry; you faithfully love [us] very much.
Naadig og barmhjertig er HERREN, langmodig og rig paa Miskundhed.
9 Yahweh, you are good to everyone, and you are merciful to everything that you have made.
God er HERREN mod alle, hans Barmhjertighed er over alle hans Værker.
10 Yahweh, [all] the creatures that you [made] will thank you, and all your people will praise you.
Dine Værker takker dig alle, HERRE, og dine fromme lover dig.
11 They will tell [others] that you rule gloriously as [our] king and that you are [very] powerful.
De forkynder dit Riges Ære og taler om din Vælde
12 [They will do that] in order that everyone will know about your powerful deeds and that you rule [over us] gloriously.
for at kundgøre Menneskenes Børn din Vælde, dit Riges straalende Herlighed.
13 You will never stop being king; you [will] rule (throughout all generations/forever). Yahweh, you faithfully do all that you have promised to do, and all that you do, you do mercifully.
Dit Rige staar i al Evighed, dit Herredømme varer fra Slægt til Slægt. (Trofast er HERREN i alle sine Ord og miskundelig i alle sine Gerninger).
14 Yahweh, you help all those who are discouraged and you lift up all those who (stumble and fall down/are distressed).
HERREN støtter alle, der falder, og rejser alle bøjede.
15 All of the creatures that you made expect that you [will provide food for them], and you give them food when they need it.
Alles Øjne bier paa dig, du giver dem Føden i rette Tid;
16 You give food to all living creatures generously [IDM], and you cause them to (be satisfied/have all the food that they need).
du aabner din Haand og mætter alt, hvad der lever, med hvad det ønsker.
17 Everything that Yahweh does, he does justly/fairly, and all that he does, he does mercifully.
Retfærdig er HERREN paa alle sine Veje, miskundelig i alle sine Gerninger.
18 Yahweh (comes near to/is ready to help) all those who call out to him, to those who call to him sincerely.
Nær er HERREN hos alle, som kalder, hos alle, som kalder paa ham i Sandhed.
19 To all those who revere him, he gives them what they need. He hears them when they cry out to him, and saves/rescues them.
Han gør, hvad de, der frygter ham, ønsker, hører deres Raab og frelser dem,
20 Yahweh protects all those who love him, but he will get rid of all the wicked [people].
HERREN vogter alle, der elsker ham, men alle de gudløse sletter han ud.
21 I [SYN] will always praise Yahweh; [He is] holy; and I wish/hope that everyone will praise him [MTY] forever.
Min Mund skal udsige HERRENS Pris, alt Kød skal love hans hellige Navn evigt og altid.