< Psalms 144 >

1 I praise Yahweh, who is [like an overhanging] rock [under which I] ([get refuge/am protected])! He trains my hands so that I can use them to fight battles; he trains my fingers so that I can [shoot arrows in a war].
戰することをわが手にをしへ 闘ふことをわが指にをしへたまふ わが磐ヱホバはほむべきかな
2 He is the one who protects me; he is [like] a fortress [DOU] in which I am safe, he protects me [like] [protect soldiers] [MET], and he gives me refuge. He defeats [other] nations and [then] puts them under my power.
ヱホバはわが仁慈わが城なり わがたかき櫓われをすくひたまふ者なり わが盾わが依賴むものなり ヱホバはわが民をわれにしたがはせたまふ
3 Yahweh, [we] people are [very insignificant/unimportant], so why (are you concerned/do you care about us) [RHQ]? [It is amazing to me that] you pay attention to humans.
ヱホバよ人はいかなる者なれば之をしり 人の子はいかなる者なれば之をみこころに記たまふや
4 [The time that we live is as short] as [SIM] a puff of wind; our time to live disappears like a shadow does.
人は氣息にことならず その存らふる日はすぎゆく影にひとし
5 Yahweh, (tear open/open up) the sky and come down! Touch the mountains in order that smoke will pour out from them!
ヱホバよねがはくはなんぢの天をたれてくだり 手を山につけて煙をたたしめたまへ
6 Cause lightning to flash with the result that [your enemies] will run away! Shoot your arrows [at them] and cause them to (run away/scatter).
電光をうちいだして彼等をちらし なんぢの矢をはなちてかれらを敗りたまへ
7 [It is as though my enemies surround me like] a flood; reach your hand down from heaven and rescue me from them [SYN]. They are men from other countries
上より手をのべ我をすくひて 大水より外人の手よりたすけいだしたまへ
8 who [SYN] [always] tell lies. [Even in a courtroom where they swear to tell the truth] they tell lies.
かれらの口はむなしき言をいひ その右の手はいつはりのみぎの手なり
9 God, I will sing a new song to you, and I will play my ten-stringed harp [while I sing] to you.
神よわれ汝にむかひて新らしき歌をうたひ 十絃の琴にあはせて汝をほめうたはん
10 You enable kings to defeat [their enemies]; and you rescued me, your servant David, from [being killed by] my enemies’ swords.
なんぢは王たちに救をあたへ 僕ダビデをわざはひの劍よりすくひたまふ神なり
11 [So I ask you to] save me from [being killed by] the swords [that those] evil [people carry]. Rescue me from the power [MTY] of those foreigners who [SYN] [always] tell lies, and [who raise] their right hands [in courtrooms when they solemnly declare that they will tell the truth].
ねがはくは我をすくひて外人の手よりたすけいだしたまへ かれらの口はむなしき言をいひ その右の手はいつはりのみぎの手なり
12 I wish/hope that our young sons will grow up to be like strong plants [SIM], and I wish/hope that our daughters will [grow up to] be [straight and tall] like the pillars [SIM] that stand in the corners of palaces.
13 I wish/hope that our barns will be full of many different crops. I wish/hope that the sheep in our fields will give birth to tens of thousands of baby lambs.
われらの倉はみちたらひてさまざまのものをそなへ われらの羊は野にて千萬の子をうみ
14 I wish/hope that our cows will give birth to many calves without having any miscarriages or deaths when they are born (OR, that no enemies will break through our city walls and take us (into exile/to their own countries)). I wish/hope that [there will not be a time when the people in] our streets cry out in distress [because foreign armies are invading].
われらの牡牛はよく物をおひ われらの衢にはせめいることなく亦おしいづることなく叫ぶこともなからん
15 If good things like that happen to a nation, the people will be very happy. The people whose God is Yahweh are the ones who will be happy!
かかる状の民はさいはひなり ヱホバをおのが神とする民はさいはひなり

< Psalms 144 >