< Psalms 144 >

1 I praise Yahweh, who is [like an overhanging] rock [under which I] ([get refuge/am protected])! He trains my hands so that I can use them to fight battles; he trains my fingers so that I can [shoot arrows in a war].
De David. Béni soit l’Eternel, mon rocher, qui a exercé mes mains au combat, mes doigts à l’art de la guerre!
2 He is the one who protects me; he is [like] a fortress [DOU] in which I am safe, he protects me [like] [protect soldiers] [MET], and he gives me refuge. He defeats [other] nations and [then] puts them under my power.
Il est mon bienfaiteur et mon rempart, ma forteresse et ma sauvegarde; il est mon bouclier, et en lui je m’abrite: il soumet les nations à mon pouvoir.
3 Yahweh, [we] people are [very insignificant/unimportant], so why (are you concerned/do you care about us) [RHQ]? [It is amazing to me that] you pay attention to humans.
Seigneur, qu’est-ce que l’homme, que tu t’en soucies? le fils de l’homme que tu tiennes compte de lui?
4 [The time that we live is as short] as [SIM] a puff of wind; our time to live disappears like a shadow does.
L’Homme ressemble à un souffle, ses jours sont comme une ombre qui passe.
5 Yahweh, (tear open/open up) the sky and come down! Touch the mountains in order that smoke will pour out from them!
Seigneur, incline tes cieux et descends, effleure les montagnes, afin qu’elles s’enveloppent de fumée.
6 Cause lightning to flash with the result that [your enemies] will run away! Shoot your arrows [at them] and cause them to (run away/scatter).
Fais briller des éclairs et disperse-les, mes ennemis, lance tes flèches et jette le trouble parmi eux.
7 [It is as though my enemies surround me like] a flood; reach your hand down from heaven and rescue me from them [SYN]. They are men from other countries
Etends les mains du haut des cieux, arrache-moi au danger, sauve-moi des flots puissants, du pouvoir des fils de l’étranger,
8 who [SYN] [always] tell lies. [Even in a courtroom where they swear to tell the truth] they tell lies.
dont la bouche profère la fausseté, et dont la droite est une droite mensongère.
9 God, I will sing a new song to you, and I will play my ten-stringed harp [while I sing] to you.
Je veux, ô Dieu, te chanter un cantique nouveau, te célébrer sur le luth à dix cordes,
10 You enable kings to defeat [their enemies]; and you rescued me, your servant David, from [being killed by] my enemies’ swords.
toi qui donnes la victoire aux rois, qui délivres David, ton serviteur, du glaive meurtrier.
11 [So I ask you to] save me from [being killed by] the swords [that those] evil [people carry]. Rescue me from the power [MTY] of those foreigners who [SYN] [always] tell lies, and [who raise] their right hands [in courtrooms when they solemnly declare that they will tell the truth].
Arrache-moi au danger, sauve-moi du pouvoir des fils de l’étranger, dont la bouche profère la fausseté, et dont la droite est une droite mensongère.
12 I wish/hope that our young sons will grow up to be like strong plants [SIM], and I wish/hope that our daughters will [grow up to] be [straight and tall] like the pillars [SIM] that stand in the corners of palaces.
Grâce à toi, nos fils sont comme des plants, qui poussent grandement dans leur jeune âge, nos filles comme des colonnes d’angle, sculptées sur le modèle du palais;
13 I wish/hope that our barns will be full of many different crops. I wish/hope that the sheep in our fields will give birth to tens of thousands of baby lambs.
nos greniers, bien garnis, regorgent de provisions de toute sorte; nos brebis se multiplient par milliers et par myriades dans nos campagnes;
14 I wish/hope that our cows will give birth to many calves without having any miscarriages or deaths when they are born (OR, that no enemies will break through our city walls and take us (into exile/to their own countries)). I wish/hope that [there will not be a time when the people in] our streets cry out in distress [because foreign armies are invading].
nos bêtes de somme sont lourdement chargées: point d’irruption du dehors, point d’exil forcé, nul cri d’alarme sur nos places publiques!
15 If good things like that happen to a nation, the people will be very happy. The people whose God is Yahweh are the ones who will be happy!
Heureux le peuple qui jouit d’un tel sort! Heureux le peuple qui reconnaît l’Eternel comme son Dieu!

< Psalms 144 >