< Psalms 14 >

1 [Only] foolish people say to themselves, “There is no God!” People who say those things are corrupt/worthless; they do abominable/detestable deeds; there is not one [of them] who does what is good/right.
うたのかみに謳はしめたるダビデのうた 愚なるものは心のうちに神なしといへり かれらは腐れたり かれらは憎むべき事をなせり 善をおこなふ者なし
2 Yahweh looks down from heaven and sees humans; he looks to see if anyone is very wise, with the result that he desires [to know] God.
3 But they are all corrupt/evil; no one does what is good/right.
みな逆きいでてことごとく腐れたり 善をなすものなし一人だになし
4 Will those evil people never learn [what God will do to punish them] [RHQ]? They act violently toward Yahweh’s people while eating the food that he provides, and they never pray to Yahweh.
不義をおこなふ者はみな智覚なきか かれらは物くふごとくわが民をくらひ またヱホバをよぶことをせざるなり
5 But [some day] they will become very terrified because God helps those who act righteously [and will punish those who reject him].
視よかかる時かれらは大におそれたり 神はただしきものの類のなかに在せばなり
6 Those who do evil may prevent helpless people from doing what they plan to do, but Yahweh protects those helpless people [MET].
なんぢらは苦しめるものの謀略をあなどり辱かしむ されどヱホバはその避所なり
7 I wish/desire that [Yahweh] would come from Jerusalem [MTY] and rescue [us] Israeli people! Yahweh, when you bless your people again, all of us Israeli people, who are the descendants of Jacob, will rejoice.
ねがはくはシオンよりイスラエルの救のいでんことを ヱホバその民のとらはれたるを返したまふときヤコブはよろこびイスラエルは樂まん

< Psalms 14 >