< Psalms 139 >

1 Yahweh, you have examined me, and you know [everything about] me.
Načelniku godbe: psalm Davidov. Gospod, preiskuješ me in spoznavaš.
2 You know when I sit down and when I stand up. [Even though you are] far away from me, you know what I am thinking.
Ti poznavaš sedenje moje in vstajanje moje; misel mojo umeš od daleč.
3 When I travel and when I lie down, you know everything that I do.
Hojo mojo in ležo mojo obsezaš, in znana so ti vsa pota moja.
4 Yahweh, even before I say [MTY] anything, you know everything that I am going to say!
Ko ni še govor na jeziku mojem, glej, Gospod, poznaš ga vsega.
5 You protect me on all sides; you put your hand on me [to protect me with your power] [MTY].
Zadaj in spredaj me obdajaš, in name pokladaš roko svojo.
6 I am not able to understand that you know [everything about me]. That is too great for me to really understand.
Prečudovita je vednost tvoja, da bi te varal; visoka je, ne morem je preseči.
7 (Where could I go to escape from your Spirit?/I could not go anywhere to escape from your Spirit.) [RHQ] (Where could I go to get away from you?/I could not go anywhere to get away from you.) [RHQ]
Kam naj grem pred duhom tvojim, ali kam naj bežim pred tvojim obličjem?
8 If I went up to heaven, you would be there. If I lay down in the place where the dead people are, you would be there. (Sheol h7585)
Ko bi stopil na nebesa, tam si; ali bi ležišče izbral v grobu, glej tu si. (Sheol h7585)
9 If I had wings and flew very far east [MTY], or if I flew west and made a place to live [on an island] in the ocean,
Ko bi si vzel zarije peroti, da bi prebival na pokrajini morja,
10 you would be there also, to lead me by your hand, and you would help me.
Tudi tja bi me spremljala tvoja roka, in zgrabila bi me desnica tvoja.
11 I could request the darkness to hide me, or I could request the light around me to become darkness,
Ko bi pa rekel: Temé me bodo vsaj pokrile kakor z mrakom; vendar noč je svetloba okolo mene.
12 but even [if that happened], the darkness would not be darkness for you! For you, the night is [as bright] as the daytime is, because for you, daylight and darkness are (not different/the same).
Tudi temé ne morejo tako omračiti, da bi ti ne videl skozi; ampak noč razsvetljuje kakor dan, tako so temé kakor luč.
13 You created [all] the parts of my body; you put [the parts of] my body together when I was still in my mother’s womb.
Ti namreč imaš v lasti ledvice moje; pokrival si me v telesu matere moje.
14 I praise you because you made my [body in a very] awesome and wonderful way. Everything that you do is amazing! I know that very well.
Slavim te zato, ker ogledujoč tista dela strmim, čudovita dela tvoja predobro pozna srce moje.
15 When my body was being formed, while it was being put together where no one else could see it, you saw it!
Skrita ni tebi moja moč, odkar sem ustvarjen bil na skrivnem; umetno narejen, kakor v zemlje globočinah.
16 You saw me before I was born. You wrote in your book the number of days that you had decided that I would live. You did that before any of those days had [even] started!
Testo moje vidijo tvoje oči, in v knjigi tvoji je pisano vse to; od kar se je narejalo, ko ni bilo še nič tega.
17 God, what you think about me is very precious (OR, is very hard to understand). There is a great number of things that you think about.
Zatorej pri meni, o kako dražestne so misli tvoje, o Bog mogočni! Kako preobila njih števila!
18 If I could count them, [I would see that] they are more than the grains of sand [at the seashore]. And when I wake up, I am still with you [and I know that there are still more of your thoughts about me to count].
Našteval bi jih, a več jih je ko peska, čujem naj še s teboj.
19 God, I desire that you would kill all the wicked people! And I wish that violent [MTY] men would (leave/go away from) me.
O da bi pokončal, o Bog, krivičnega; in može krvoločne, rekoč: Poberite se izpred mene.
20 They say wicked/malicious things about you; they slander your name.
Kateri zoper tebe govoré pregrešno; kateri povzdigujejo nično sovražnike tvoje.
21 Yahweh, I certainly [RHQ] hate those who hate you! And I despise [RHQ] those who rebel against you.
Ali ne sovražim, o Gospod, sovražnikov tvojih, in se ne mučim v zaničevanji do njih, ki se spenjajo zoper tebe?
22 I hate them completely, and I consider that they are my enemies.
S popolnim sovraštvom jih sovražim; za neprijatelje so meni.
23 God, search my inner being; find out what I am thinking!
Preiskuj me, Bog mogočni, in spoznaj srce moje; izkusi me in spoznaj misli moje.
24 Find out whether there is anything evil in my [inner being], and lead me along the road [that leads to my being with you] forever.
In glej, hodim li po potu, tebi nadležnem; in vodi me po večnem potu.

< Psalms 139 >