< Psalms 139 >

1 Yahweh, you have examined me, and you know [everything about] me.
(Til Sangmesteren. Af David. En Salme.) HERRE, du ransager mig og kender mig!
2 You know when I sit down and when I stand up. [Even though you are] far away from me, you know what I am thinking.
Du ved, når jeg står op, du fatter min Tanke i Frastand,
3 When I travel and when I lie down, you know everything that I do.
du har Rede på, hvor jeg går eller ligger, og alle mine Veje kender du grant.
4 Yahweh, even before I say [MTY] anything, you know everything that I am going to say!
Thi før Ordet er til på min Tunge, se, da ved du det, HERRE, til fulde.
5 You protect me on all sides; you put your hand on me [to protect me with your power] [MTY].
Bagfra og forfra omslutter du mig, du lægger din Hånd på mig.
6 I am not able to understand that you know [everything about me]. That is too great for me to really understand.
At fatte det er mig for underfuldt, for højt, jeg evner det ikke!
7 (Where could I go to escape from your Spirit?/I could not go anywhere to escape from your Spirit.) [RHQ] (Where could I go to get away from you?/I could not go anywhere to get away from you.) [RHQ]
Hvorhen skal jeg gå for din Ånd, og hvor skal jeg fly for dit Åsyn?
8 If I went up to heaven, you would be there. If I lay down in the place where the dead people are, you would be there. (Sheol h7585)
Farer jeg op til Himlen, da er du der, reder jeg Leje i Dødsriget, så er du der; (Sheol h7585)
9 If I had wings and flew very far east [MTY], or if I flew west and made a place to live [on an island] in the ocean,
tager jeg Morgenrødens Vinger, fæster jeg Bo, hvor Havet ender,
10 you would be there also, to lead me by your hand, and you would help me.
da vil din Hånd også lede mig der, din højre holde mig fast!
11 I could request the darkness to hide me, or I could request the light around me to become darkness,
Og siger jeg: "Mørket skal skjule mig, Lyset blive Nat omkring mig!"
12 but even [if that happened], the darkness would not be darkness for you! For you, the night is [as bright] as the daytime is, because for you, daylight and darkness are (not different/the same).
så er Mørket ej mørkt for dig, og Natten er klar som Dagen, Mørket er som Lyset.
13 You created [all] the parts of my body; you put [the parts of] my body together when I was still in my mother’s womb.
Thi du har dannet mine Nyrer, vævet mig i Moders Liv.
14 I praise you because you made my [body in a very] awesome and wonderful way. Everything that you do is amazing! I know that very well.
Jeg vil takke dig, fordi jeg er underfuldt skabt; underfulde er dine Gerninger, det kender min Sjæl til fulde.
15 When my body was being formed, while it was being put together where no one else could see it, you saw it!
Mine Ben var ikke skjult for dig, da jeg blev skabt i Løndom, virket i Jordens Dyb;
16 You saw me before I was born. You wrote in your book the number of days that you had decided that I would live. You did that before any of those days had [even] started!
som Foster så dine Øjne mig, i din Bog var de alle skrevet, Dagene var bestemt, før en eneste af dem var kommet.
17 God, what you think about me is very precious (OR, is very hard to understand). There is a great number of things that you think about.
Hvor kostelige er dine Tanker mig, Gud, hvor stor er dog deres Sum!
18 If I could count them, [I would see that] they are more than the grains of sand [at the seashore]. And when I wake up, I am still with you [and I know that there are still more of your thoughts about me to count].
Tæller jeg dem, er de flere end Sandet, jeg vågner - og end er jeg hos dig.
19 God, I desire that you would kill all the wicked people! And I wish that violent [MTY] men would (leave/go away from) me.
Vilde du dog dræbe de gudløse, Gud, måtte Blodets Mænd vige fra mig,
20 They say wicked/malicious things about you; they slander your name.
de, som taler om dig på Skrømt og sværger falsk ved dit Navn.
21 Yahweh, I certainly [RHQ] hate those who hate you! And I despise [RHQ] those who rebel against you.
Jeg hader jo dem, der hader dig, HERRE, og væmmes ved dem, der står dig imod;
22 I hate them completely, and I consider that they are my enemies.
med fuldt Had bader jeg dem, de er også mine Fjender.
23 God, search my inner being; find out what I am thinking!
Ransag mig, Gud, og kend mit Hjerte, prøv mig og kend mine Tanker!
24 Find out whether there is anything evil in my [inner being], and lead me along the road [that leads to my being with you] forever.
Se, om jeg er på Smertens Vej, og led mig på Evigheds Vej!

< Psalms 139 >