< Psalms 138 >

1 Yahweh, I thank you with all my inner being. I sing to praise you in front of [the idols of false] gods [to ridicule/belittle them].
Oh Yavé, te doy gracias con todo mi corazón. Te cantaré alabanzas delante de los ʼelohim.
2 I bow down while I look towards your sacred temple, and I thank you [MTY] because you faithfully love [us] and faithfully do all that you have promised. You have shown that both you [MTY] and what you have promised to do are greater than anything else.
Me postraré hacia tu santo Templo Y daré gracias a tu Nombre por tu misericordia y tu verdad, Porque engrandeciste tu Palabra por encima de todo tu Nombre.
3 On the day when I called out to you, you answered me; you enabled me to be strong and brave.
El día cuando invoqué, Tú me respondiste. Me volviste atrevido con fortaleza en mi alma.
4 Yahweh, [some day] all the kings of this earth will praise you, because they will have heard what you have said.
Todos los reyes de la tierra te darán gracias, oh Yavé, Cuando oigan las Palabras de tu boca.
5 They will sing about what you have done; they will sing and say that you are very great.
Y cantarán de los caminos de Yavé, ¡Porque grande es la gloria de Yavé!
6 Yahweh, you are supreme, but you take care of people [who are considered to be] unimportant. And you know what proud people [are doing], even though they are far away [from you and think that you do not see them].
Porque aunque Yavé es exaltado, Sin embargo, atiende al humilde, Pero al altivo conoce de lejos.
7 When I am in the midst of [many] troubles/difficulties, you save/rescue me. With your hand/power [MTY] you rescue me from my enemies who are angry at me.
Aunque yo ande en medio de la aflicción, Tú me vivificarás. Extenderás tu mano contra la ira de mis enemigos, Y me salvará tu mano derecha.
8 Yahweh, you will do for me everything that you promised; you faithfully love [us] forever. Finish what you started to do [for us, your Israeli people.]
Yavé hará lo que concierne a mí. Oh Yavé, tu misericordia es para siempre, No desampares la obra de tus manos.

< Psalms 138 >