< Psalms 137 >
1 When we [had been taken to] Babylonia, [far from Jerusalem], we sat down by the rivers there, and we cried when we thought about [the temple on] Zion [Hill in Jerusalem].
На водама вавилонским сеђасмо и плакасмо опомињући се Сиона.
2 On the willow trees [alongside the rivers] we hung our harps [because we did not want to play them any more because we were very sad].
О врбама сред њега вешасмо харфе своје.
3 The [soldiers] who had captured us [and taken us to Babylonia] told us to sing [for them]; they told us to (entertain them/make them happy), saying, “Sing for us one of the songs [that you previously sang in] Jerusalem!”
Онде искаху који нас заробише да певамо, и који нас оборише да се веселимо: "Певајте нам песму сионску."
4 But [we thought], “We [are sad because we have been punished by Yahweh and brought to this] foreign land, so we cannot [RHQ] sing songs about Yahweh while we are here!”
Како ћемо певати песму Господњу у земљи туђој?
5 If I forget about Jerusalem [APO], Iet my right hand wither [with the result that I will be unable to play my harp]
Ако заборавим тебе, Јерусалиме, нека ме заборави десница моја.
6 Do not allow me to sing again [MTY], if I forget about Jerusalem, if I do not consider that Jerusalem causes me to be more joyful than anything else does.
Нека прионе језик мој за уста моја, ако тебе не успамтим, ако не уздржим Јерусалима сврх весеља свог.
7 Yahweh, [punish] the people of the Edom people-group for what they did on the day that the army of Babylon captured Jerusalem. Do not forget that they said, “Tear down all the buildings! Destroy them completely! Leave only the foundations!”
Напомени, Господе, синовима Едомовим дан јерусалимски, кад говорише: Раскопајте, раскопајте га до темеља.
8 And you people of Babylon, you will certainly be destroyed! Those who punish you in return for what you did to us will be happy;
Кћери вавилонска, крвницо, благо ономе ко ти плати за дело које си нама учинила!
9 they will take your babies and completely smash them on the rocks.
Благо ономе који узме и разбије децу твоју о камен.