< Psalms 130 >

1 Yahweh, I have a lot of troubles/many difficulties, so I call out to you.
Cantique des degrés. Du fond de l’abîme je t’invoque, ô Éternel!
2 Yahweh, hear me, while I call out to you [SYN] to be merciful to me!
Seigneur, écoute ma voix! Que tes oreilles soient attentives A la voix de mes supplications!
3 Yahweh, if you kept a record of the sins [that we have committed], not one [of us] [RHQ] would escape from being condemned [and punished]
Si tu gardais le souvenir des iniquités, Éternel, Seigneur, qui pourrait subsister?
4 But you forgive us, with the result that we greatly revere you.
Mais le pardon se trouve auprès de toi, Afin qu’on te craigne.
5 Yahweh has said [that he would help/rescue me]; I trust what he said, and I wait eagerly for him to do that.
J’espère en l’Éternel, mon âme espère, Et j’attends sa promesse.
6 I wait for Yahweh [to help me] more than watchmen wait for the light to dawn; yes, I wait more eagerly than they do!
Mon âme compte sur le Seigneur, Plus que les gardes ne comptent sur le matin, Que les gardes ne comptent sur le matin.
7 You [my fellow] Israelis, confidently expect that Yahweh [will bless us]. [He will bless us] because he faithfully loves [us], and he is very willing to save/rescue [us].
Israël, mets ton espoir en l’Éternel! Car la miséricorde est auprès de l’Éternel, Et la rédemption est auprès de lui en abondance.
8 And he will save us Israeli [people] from [being punished for] all the sins that [we] have committed.
C’est lui qui rachètera Israël De toutes ses iniquités.

< Psalms 130 >