< Psalms 13 >

1 Yahweh, how long will you continue to forget about me [RHQ]? Will you hide yourself [SYN] from me forever?
Zborovođi. Psalam. Davidov.
2 How long must I endure anguish/worry? Must I be miserable/sad every day? How long will my enemies continue to defeat me?
TÓa dokle, Jahve, dokle ćeš me zaboravljati? Dokle ćeš skrivati lice od mene?
3 Yahweh my God, look at me and answer me. Enable me to become strong [again] [IDM], and do not allow me to die.
Dokle ću nositi bol u duši; tugu u srcu obdan i obnoć? Dokle će se dušmanin dizat' na me?
4 Do not allow my enemies [to boast] saying, “We have defeated him!” Do not allow them to defeat me, with the result that they will rejoice about it!
Pogledaj, usliši, Jahve, Bože moj! Prosvijetli mi oči da ne zaspim nasmrt,
5 But I trust that you will faithfully love me; I will rejoice when you rescue me.
nek' ne kaže dušmanin: “Nadjačah njega!” Nek' ne kliču protivnici ako posrnem!
6 Yahweh, you have done many good things for me, so I will sing to you.
Ja se u tvoju dobrotu uzdam, nek' mi se srce raduje spasenju tvome! Pjevat ću Jahvi koji mi učini dobro, pjevat ću imenu Jahve Svevišnjeg!

< Psalms 13 >