< Psalms 126 >

1 When Yahweh brought [us Israeli people] back to Jerusalem (OR, enabled us Israelis to prosper again), [it was wonderful]; it seemed as though [SIM] we were dreaming.
Un cántico para los peregrinos que van a Jerusalén. ¡Cuando el Señor trajo a Israel de vuelta del cautiverio, fue como si estuviéramos soñando!
2 We were extremely happy, and we [SYN] continued shouting joyfully. Then the [other] people-groups said about us, “Yahweh has done great things for them!”
Reímos mucho y cantamos de alegría. Las otras naciones dijeron, “El Señor ha hecho cosas maravillosas por su pueblo”.
3 [And we say, “Yes], Yahweh [truly] has done great things for us, and we are [very] happy.”
Ciertamente el Señor ha hecho cosas maravillosas por nosotros. ¡Cuánto nos alegramos!
4 Yahweh, when it rains, water flows in the streams again [after they were dry] [SIM]. Similarly, enable our nation to become great again like it was before.
Por favor, vuelve y ayúdanos otra vez, Señor. Renuévanos como los arroyos de agua que renuevan el desierto de Negev.
5 We cried when we planted [seeds because it was hard work preparing the soil that had not been plowed for many years]; [now we want to] shout joyfully because we are gathering a [big] harvest.
Los que siembran en lágrimas cosecharán con gritos de alegría!
6 Those who cried as they carried the [bags of] seeds [to the fields] will shout joyfully when they bring the crops [to their houses at harvest time].
Los que lloran cuando salen a sembrar su semilla cantarán de júbilo cuando lleven la cosecha a casa.

< Psalms 126 >