< Psalms 118 >
1 Tell Yahweh that you thank him very much for the good [things that he has done for you] He faithfully loves [us, his people], forever.
Славте Господа, бо Він добрий, бо навіки Його милосердя.
2 You Israeli [people] should [repeatedly] shout, “He faithfully loves [us, his people], forever!”
Нехай скаже Ізраїль: «Бо навіки Його милосердя!»
3 You [priests] who are descendants of Aaron should repeatedly shout, “He faithfully loves us, his people, forever!”
Нехай скаже дім Ааронів: «Бо навіки Його милосердя!»
4 All you who revere him should repeatedly shout, “He faithfully loves [us, his people], forever!”
Нехай скажуть ті, що бояться Господа: «Бо навіки Його милосердя!»
5 When I was distressed, I called out to Yahweh, and he answered me and set me free [from my worries/troubles].
Із тісноти покликав я Господа – Господь відповів мені, [вивів мене] на просторе місце.
6 Yahweh is (on my side/helping me), so I will not be afraid [of anything]. No one [RHQ] can do anything that will [prevent God from blessing] me forever.
Господь зі мною – не боятимуся! Що зробить мені людина?
7 [Yes], Yahweh is (on my side/helping me), [so] I will look triumphantly at my enemies [while he defeats them].
Господь зі мною, щоб допомагати мені – буду дивитися [переможно] на моїх ненависників.
8 It is better to trust in Yahweh than to (depend on/trust in) people.
Краще захисту шукати в Господа, ніж надіятися на людину.
9 It is better to trust Yahweh to protect [us] than to trust [that influential/important] people [will protect us].
Краще захисту шукати в Господа, ніж надіятися на шляхетних [мужів].
10 Armies of [MTY] many nations surrounded me, [but] Yahweh enabled me to defeat them by his power [MTY].
Усі народи оточили мене, та іменем Господнім я знищив їх.
11 They completely surrounded me, [but] I defeated them all by the power of Yahweh.
Оточили мене, обступили з усіх боків, та іменем Господнім я знищив їх.
12 They swarmed around me like [angry] bees; they were like a fire that blazes strongly, but only briefly, in a thornbush, [but] I defeated them by the power [MTY] that Yahweh gave me.
Оточили мене, як бджоли, та згасли, немов вогонь у терені: іменем Господнім я знищив їх.
13 [My enemies] attacked me fiercely and almost defeated me, but Yahweh helped me.
Ти штовхнув мене, [вороже], так сильно, щоб я впав, та Господь допоміг мені.
14 Yahweh is the one who makes me strong, and he is the one about whom I [always] sing; he has saved me [from my enemies].
Сила моя і пісня моя – Господь; Він став моїм спасінням.
15 Listen to the joyful songs of victory being sung in the tents of godly/righteous people! They sing, “Yahweh has defeated our enemies by his mighty power [MTY];
Голос радості й перемоги в наметах праведників: правиця Господня діє могутньо!
16 he has raised his strong right arm [to show he has defeated his enemies]. Yahweh has completely defeated them!”
Правиця Господня піднята вгору, правиця Господня діє могутньо!
17 I will not be killed [in battle]; I will live to proclaim the great things that Yahweh has done.
Не помру, але буду жити й розповідати про діяння Господа.
18 Yahweh has punished me severely, but he has not allowed (me to die/[my enemies] to kill me).
Господь покарав мене тяжко, та не віддав мене на смерть.
19 [You gatekeepers], open for me the gates of the temple in order that I may enter and thank Yahweh.
Відчиніть мені брами правди, я увійду до них, прославлю Господа.
20 Those are the gates [through which we enter the temple to worship] Yahweh; godly/righteous people enter those gates.
Це брама Господня, у яку входять праведні.
21 [Yahweh], I thank you that you answered my prayer, and you saved me [from my enemies].
Прославлю Тебе, бо Ти відповів мені й став моїм спасінням.
22 [Yahweh’s promised/chosen king is like] [MET] the stone which the builders rejected [when they were building a house], [but that stone] became the (cornerstone/most important stone in the building).
Камінь, який відкинули будівничі, став наріжним каменем!
23 (This was done by Yahweh/Yahweh has done this), and it is a wonderful thing for us to see.
Від Господа це було, як дивно це в очах наших!
24 This is the day in which [we remember that] Yahweh acted [powerfully to defeat our enemies]; we will rejoice and be glad/happy today.
Цей день створив Господь: веселімося й радіймо сьогодні!
25 Yahweh, we plead with you to [keep] rescuing us [from our enemies]. Yahweh, please help us (accomplish/do well) [what we want to do].
О Господи, врятуй же, о Господи, даруй нам успіх!
26 Yahweh, bless the one who will come with your authority [MTY]. And from the temple we (bless/[ask Yahweh to] bless) all of you.
Благословенний Той, Хто йде в ім’я Господа! Благословляємо вас із дому Господнього!
27 Yahweh is God, and he has caused his light to shine on us. Come, carrying [palm] branches, and join the people [who are starting] the festival as they go to the altar.
Бог – це Господь, і Він осяяв нас. В’яжіть мотузками жертву святкову, ведіть до рогів жертовника.
28 [Yahweh], you are the God whom I [worship], and I will praise you! You are my God, and I will tell [everyone] that you are great!
Ти – мій Бог, і я прославлю Тебе. Боже мій, я величатиму Тебе.
29 Thank Yahweh, because he does good things [for us] He will faithfully love [us] forever.
Славте Господа, бо Він добрий, бо навіки Його милосердя.