< Psalms 118 >
1 Tell Yahweh that you thank him very much for the good [things that he has done for you] He faithfully loves [us, his people], forever.
Halleluja! Tak HERREN, thi han er god, thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig.
2 You Israeli [people] should [repeatedly] shout, “He faithfully loves [us, his people], forever!”
Israel sige: »Thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!«
3 You [priests] who are descendants of Aaron should repeatedly shout, “He faithfully loves us, his people, forever!”
Arons Hus sige: »Thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!«
4 All you who revere him should repeatedly shout, “He faithfully loves [us, his people], forever!”
De, som frygter HERREN, sige: »Thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!«
5 When I was distressed, I called out to Yahweh, and he answered me and set me free [from my worries/troubles].
Jeg paakaldte HERREN i Trængslen, HERREN svared og førte mig ud i aabent Land.
6 Yahweh is (on my side/helping me), so I will not be afraid [of anything]. No one [RHQ] can do anything that will [prevent God from blessing] me forever.
HERREN er med mig, jeg frygter ikke, hvad kan Mennesker gøre mig?
7 [Yes], Yahweh is (on my side/helping me), [so] I will look triumphantly at my enemies [while he defeats them].
HERREN, han er min Hjælper, jeg skal se med Fryd paa dem, der hader mig.
8 It is better to trust in Yahweh than to (depend on/trust in) people.
At ty til HERREN er godt fremfor at stole paa Mennesker;
9 It is better to trust Yahweh to protect [us] than to trust [that influential/important] people [will protect us].
at ty til HERREN er godt fremfor at stole paa Fyrster.
10 Armies of [MTY] many nations surrounded me, [but] Yahweh enabled me to defeat them by his power [MTY].
Alle Folkeslag flokkedes om mig, jeg slog dem ned i HERRENS Navn;
11 They completely surrounded me, [but] I defeated them all by the power of Yahweh.
de flokkedes om mig fra alle Sider, jeg slog dem ned i HERRENS Navn;
12 They swarmed around me like [angry] bees; they were like a fire that blazes strongly, but only briefly, in a thornbush, [but] I defeated them by the power [MTY] that Yahweh gave me.
de flokkedes om mig som Bier, blussed op som Ild i Torne, jeg slog dem ned i HERRENS Navn.
13 [My enemies] attacked me fiercely and almost defeated me, but Yahweh helped me.
Haardt blev jeg ramt, saa jeg faldt, men HERREN hjalp mig.
14 Yahweh is the one who makes me strong, and he is the one about whom I [always] sing; he has saved me [from my enemies].
Min Styrke og Lovsang er HERREN, han blev mig til Frelse.
15 Listen to the joyful songs of victory being sung in the tents of godly/righteous people! They sing, “Yahweh has defeated our enemies by his mighty power [MTY];
Jubel og Sejrsraab lyder i de retfærdiges Telte: »HERRENS højre øver Vælde,
16 he has raised his strong right arm [to show he has defeated his enemies]. Yahweh has completely defeated them!”
HERRENS højre er løftet, HERRENS højre øver Vælde!«
17 I will not be killed [in battle]; I will live to proclaim the great things that Yahweh has done.
Jeg skal ikke dø, men leve og kundgøre HERRENS Gerninger.
18 Yahweh has punished me severely, but he has not allowed (me to die/[my enemies] to kill me).
HERREN tugted mig haardt, men gav mig ej hen i Døden.
19 [You gatekeepers], open for me the gates of the temple in order that I may enter and thank Yahweh.
Oplad mig Retfærdigheds Porte, ad dem gaar jeg ind og lovsynger HERREN!
20 Those are the gates [through which we enter the temple to worship] Yahweh; godly/righteous people enter those gates.
Her er HERRENS Port, ad den gaar retfærdige ind.
21 [Yahweh], I thank you that you answered my prayer, and you saved me [from my enemies].
Jeg vil takke dig, thi du bønhørte mig, og du blev mig til Frelse.
22 [Yahweh’s promised/chosen king is like] [MET] the stone which the builders rejected [when they were building a house], [but that stone] became the (cornerstone/most important stone in the building).
Den Sten, Bygmestrene forkastede, er blevet Hovedhjørnesten.
23 (This was done by Yahweh/Yahweh has done this), and it is a wonderful thing for us to see.
Fra HERREN er dette kommet, det er underfuldt for vore Øjne.
24 This is the day in which [we remember that] Yahweh acted [powerfully to defeat our enemies]; we will rejoice and be glad/happy today.
Denne er Dagen, som HERREN har gjort, lad os juble og glæde os paa den!
25 Yahweh, we plead with you to [keep] rescuing us [from our enemies]. Yahweh, please help us (accomplish/do well) [what we want to do].
Ak, HERRE, frels dog, ak, HERRE, lad det dog lykkes!
26 Yahweh, bless the one who will come with your authority [MTY]. And from the temple we (bless/[ask Yahweh to] bless) all of you.
Velsignet den, der kommer, i HERRENS Navn; vi velsigner eder fra HERRENS Hus!
27 Yahweh is God, and he has caused his light to shine on us. Come, carrying [palm] branches, and join the people [who are starting] the festival as they go to the altar.
HERREN er Gud, og han lod det lysne for os. Festtoget med Grenene slynge sig frem, til Alterets Horn er naaet!
28 [Yahweh], you are the God whom I [worship], and I will praise you! You are my God, and I will tell [everyone] that you are great!
Du er min Gud, jeg vil takke dig, min Gud, jeg vil ophøje dig!
29 Thank Yahweh, because he does good things [for us] He will faithfully love [us] forever.
Tak HERREN, thi han er god, thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!