< Psalms 109 >

1 God, you are the one whom I praise, [So please] answer [my prayer],
Боже, хвалы моея не премолчи:
2 because wicked people slander me and tell [MTY] lies about me.
яко уста грешнича и уста льстиваго на мя отверзошася, глаголаша на мя языком льстивым,
3 They are constantly saying that they hate me, and they say evil things about me for no reason.
и словесы ненавистными обыдоша мя, и брашася со мною туне.
4 I show them that I want to be their friends and I pray for them, but [instead of being kind to me], they say that I have done evil things.
Вместо еже любити мя, оболгаху мя, аз же моляхся:
5 In return for my doing good things for them and loving them, they do evil things to me and hate me.
и положиша на мя злая за благая, и ненависть за возлюбление мое.
6 They said, “Appoint a wicked [judge] who will judge him, and bring in one of his enemies who will stand up and accuse him.
Постави на него грешника, и диавол да станет одесную его:
7 And cause that when the trial [ends], [the judge will] declare that he is guilty, and that [even] his prayer will be considered to be a sin.
внегда судитися ему, да изыдет осужден, и молитва его да будет в грех.
8 [Then], cause that he will soon die and that someone else will have his job/work (OR, possessions).
Да будут дние его мали, и епископство его да приимет ин:
9 Cause that his children will not have a father any more and that his wife will become a widow.
да будут сынове его сири, и жена его вдова:
10 Cause that his children will be forced to leave the ruined homes that they have been living in and wander around begging for food.
движущеся да преселятся сынове его и воспросят, да изгнани будут из домов своих.
11 Cause that all the people to whom he owed money will seize all his property; Cause that strangers will take away everything that he worked to acquire.
Да взыщет заимодавец вся, елика суть его: и да восхитят чуждии труды его.
12 Cause that [while he is still living] no one will be kind to him, and [after he dies], cause that no one will pity his children.
Да не будет ему заступника, ниже да будет ущедряяй сироты его:
13 Cause that all his descendants will die and that his grandchildren will not remember who he [MTY] was.
да будут чада его в погубление, в роде единем да потребится имя его.
14 Yahweh, remember [and do not forgive] his ancestors for the evil things that they did, and do not [even] forgive the sins that his mother committed;
Да воспомянется беззаконие отец его пред Господем, и грех матере его да не очистится:
15 think about his sins continually, and cause that his name will be completely forgotten.
да будут пред Господем выну, и да потребится от земли память их:
16 He never was kind to anyone; he (persecuted/cause problems for) poor and needy [people] and even killed helpless [people].
занеже не помяну сотворити милость, и погна человека нища и убога, и умилена сердцем умертвити.
17 He liked to curse [people]. [So] cause those terrible things that he requested to happen to others to happen to him! He did not want to bless [others], [so] cause that no one will bless him!
И возлюби клятву, и приидет ему: и не восхоте благословения, и удалится от него.
18 He cursed other people [as often/easily] as he put on his clothes [SIM]; cause that the terrible things that he wanted to happen to others will [happen to him and] enter his body like water [that he drinks] [SIM], like [olive] oil soaks into a person’s bones [when it is rubbed on his skin] [SIM].
И облечеся в клятву яко в ризу, и вниде яко вода во утробу его и яко елей в кости его:
19 Cause that those terrible things will cling to him like his clothes and be around him like the belt that he wears every day.”
да будет ему яко риза, в нюже облачится, и яко пояс, имже выну опоясуется.
20 Yahweh, I want you to punish all my enemies that way, those who say evil things about me.
Сие дело оболгающих мя у Господа и глаголющих лукавая на душу мою.
21 But Yahweh, my God, do good things for me in order that I may honor you; rescue me [from my enemies] because your faithfully loving me is good.
И Ты, Господи, Господи, сотвори со мною имене ради Твоего, яко блага милость Твоя:
22 [I ask you to do this] because I am poor and needy and my inner being is (full of pain/very troubled/discouraged).
избави мя, яко нищь и убог есмь аз, и сердце мое смятеся внутрь мене.
23 [I think that] my time [to remain alive] is short, like an evening shadow [that will soon disappear] [SIM]. I will be blown away like a locust/grasshopper is blown [by the wind].
Яко сень, внегда уклонитися ей, отяхся: стрясохся яко прузи.
24 My knees are weak because I have (fasted/abstained from eating food) very often, and my body has become very thin.
Колена моя изнемогоста от поста, и плоть моя изменися елеа ради.
25 The people who accuse me make fun of me; when they see me, they [insult me by] shaking their heads [at me as though I were an evil man].
И аз бых поношение им: видеша мя, покиваша главами своими.
26 Yahweh, my God, help me! Because you faithfully love [me], rescue me!
Помози ми, Господи Боже мой, и спаси мя по милости Твоей:
27 [When you save me], cause my enemies to know that you are the one who has done it!
и да разумеют, яко рука Твоя сия, и Ты, Господи, сотворил еси ю.
28 They may curse me, but I ask that you bless me. Cause those who (persecute/cause problems for) me [to be defeated and as a result] to be disgraced/ashamed, and cause me to be glad/happy!
Прокленут тии, и Ты благословиши: востающии на мя да постыдятся, раб же Твой возвеселится.
29 Cause those who accuse me to be completely disgraced; cause [other people to see] that they are disgraced, as [easily as they see] the clothes that they wear [SIM]!
Да облекутся оболгающии мя в срамоту и одеждутся яко одеждою студом своим.
30 But I will thank Yahweh very greatly; I will praise him [when I am] among the crowd [of people who are worshiping him].
Исповемся Господеви зело усты моими и посреде многих восхвалю Его:
31 [I will do that] because he defends [MTY] needy [people like me], and saves us from those who have decided/declared that we must be executed.
яко преста одесную убогаго, еже спасти от гонящих душу мою.

< Psalms 109 >