< Psalms 106 >

1 Praise Yahweh! Praise Yahweh, because he does good things [for us]; he faithfully loves [us] forever/continually!
Louvae ao Senhor. Louvae ao Senhor, porque elle é bom, porque a sua misericordia dura para sempre.
2 [Because Yahweh has done many great things], no one can [RHQ] tell all the great things that Yahweh has done, and no one can praise him enough/sufficiently.
Quem pode referir as obras poderosas do Senhor? Quem annunciará os seus louvores?
3 (Happy are/He is pleased with) those who act fairly/justly, with those who always do what is right.
Bemaventurados os que guardam o juizo, o que obra justiça em todos os tempos.
4 Yahweh, be kind to me when you help your people; help me when you rescue/save them.
Lembra-te de mim, Senhor, segundo a tua boa vontade para com o teu povo: visita-me com a tua salvação;
5 Allow me to see it when your people become prosperous again and when [all the people of] your nation, [Israel], are happy; allow me to be happy with them! I want to praise you along with [all] those [others] who belong to you.
Para que eu veja os bens de teus escolhidos, para que eu me alegre com a alegria do teu povo, para que me glorie com a tua herança.
6 We and our ancestors have sinned; we have done things that were very wicked [DOU].
Nós peccámos com os nossos paes, commettemos a iniquidade, obrámos perversamente.
7 When our ancestors were in Egypt, they did not pay attention to the wonderful things that Yahweh did; they forgot about the many times that he showed that he faithfully loved them. Instead, when they were at the Red Sea, they rebelled against God, who is greater than any other god.
Nossos paes não entenderam as tuas maravilhas no Egypto; não se lembraram da multidão das tuas misericordias; antes o provocaram no mar, sim no Mar Vermelho.
8 But he rescued them for the sake of his own [reputation] in order that he could show that he is very powerful.
Não obstante, elle os salvou por amor do seu nome, para fazer conhecido o seu poder.
9 He rebuked the Red Sea and it became dry, and [then] while he led our ancestors across it, they walked through it as though it were as dry as a desert [SIM].
Reprehendeu o Mar Vermelho e se seccou, e os fez caminhar pelos abysmos como pelo deserto.
10 In that way he rescued them from the power [MTY] of their enemies who hated them [DOU].
E os livrou da mão d'aquelle que os aborrecia, e os remiu da mão do inimigo.
11 [Then] their enemies were drowned in the water [of the Red Sea]; not one of them was left.
E as aguas cobriram os seus adversarios: nem um só d'elles ficou.
12 When that happened, our ancestors believed [that Yahweh had truly done for them] what he had promised to do, and they sang to praise him.
Então creram as suas palavras, e cantaram os seus louvores.
13 But they soon forgot what he had done for them; they [did things] without waiting to find out what Yahweh wanted them to do.
Porém cedo se esqueceram das suas obras; não esperaram o seu conselho,
14 They intensely wanted [food like they formerly ate in Egypt]. They [did evil things to] find out [if they could do those things without God punishing them].
Mas deixaram-se levar da cubiça no deserto, e tentaram a Deus na solidão.
15 [So] he gave them what they requested, but he [also] caused a terrible disease to afflict them.
E elle lhes cumpriu o seu desejo, mas enviou magreza ás suas almas.
16 [Later] when [some of] the men became jealous of Moses and [his older brother] Aaron, who was dedicated [to serve Yahweh by being a priest],
E invejaram a Moysés no campo, e a Aarão, o sancto do Senhor.
17 the ground opened up and swallowed Dathan and [also] buried Abiram and his family.
Abriu-se a terra, e enguliu a Dathan, e cobriu a gente de Abiram.
18 And [God sent] a fire down [from heaven] which burned up [all] the wicked [people who (supported them/agreed with) them].
E um fogo se accendeu na sua gente: a chamma abrazou os impios.
19 Then the [Israeli leaders] made a gold statue at Sinai [Mountain] and worshiped it.
Fizeram um bezerro em Horeb, e adoraram a imagem fundida.
20 Instead of worshiping [our] glorious God, they [started to] worship a statue of a bull that eats grass!
E converteram a sua gloria na figura de um boi que come herva.
21 They forgot about God, who had rescued them by the great miracles that he performed in Egypt.
Esqueceram-se de Deus, seu salvador, que fizera grandezas no Egypto,
22 They forgot about the wonderful things that he did for them in Egypt and the amazing/awesome things that he did for them at the Red Sea.
Maravilhas na terra de Cão, coisas tremendas no Mar Vermelho.
23 Because of that, God said that he would get rid of the Israelis, but Moses, whom God had chosen [to serve him], pleaded with God [not to get rid of them]. And as a result God did not destroy them.
Pelo que disse que os destruiria, se Moysés, seu escolhido, se não pozesse perante elle na abertura, para desviar a sua indignação, afim de os não destruir.
24 [Later], our ancestors (refused/were afraid) to enter beautiful [Canaan] land because they did not believe [that God would enable them to take the land from the people who were living there, as] he had promised.
Tambem desprezaram a terra aprazivel: não creram na sua palavra.
25 They stayed in their tents and grumbled and would not pay attention to what Yahweh said that they should do.
Antes murmuraram nas suas tendas, e não deram ouvidos á voz do Senhor.
26 So he solemnly [MTY] told them that he would cause them to die [there] in the desert,
Pelo que levantou a sua mão contra elles, para os derribar no deserto;
27 and that he would scatter their descendants among the [people of other] nations/people-groups [who did not believe in him], and that he would allow them to die in those lands.
Para derribar tambem a sua semente entre as nações, e espalhal-os pelas terras.
28 Later the Israeli people [started to] worship [the idol of] Baal [who they thought lived] at Peor [Mountain], and they ate [meat that had been] sacrificed to [Baal and those other] lifeless gods.
Tambem se juntaram com Baal-peor, e começaram os sacrificios dos mortos.
29 Yahweh became [very] angry because of what they had done, [so again] he sent a terrible disease to attack/strike them.
Assim o provocaram á ira com as suas invenções; e a peste rebentou entre elles.
30 But Phinehas stood up and punished/killed [the ones who had sinned greatly], and as a result the (plague/serious disease) ended.
Então se levantou Phineas, e fez juizo, e cessou aquella peste.
31 People have remembered that righteous thing that Phinehas did, and in future years people will remember it.
E isto lhe foi contado como justiça, de geração em geração, para sempre.
32 [Then] at Meribah Springs our ancestors caused Yahweh to become angry, and as a result Moses had trouble.
Indignaram-n'o tambem junto ás aguas da contenda, de sorte que succedeu mal a Moysés, por causa d'elles;
33 They caused Moses to become very angry [IDM], and he said things that were foolish.
Porque irritaram o seu espirito, de modo que fallou imprudentemente com seus labios.
34 Our ancestors did not destroy the people [who did not believe in Yahweh] like he told them to do.
Não destruiram os povos, como o Senhor lhes dissera.
35 Instead, they mingled with people from those people-groups, and they started to do the evil things that those people did.
Antes se misturaram com as nações, e aprenderam as suas obras.
36 Our ancestors worshiped the idols of those people, which resulted in their being destroyed/exiled/taken to another country [MET].
E serviram aos seus idolos, que vieram a ser-lhes um laço.
37 [Some of] the Israelis sacrificed their sons and daughters to the demons [that those idols represented].
Demais d'isto, sacrificaram seus filhos e suas filhas aos demonios,
38 They killed [MTY] their own children, who (were innocent/had not done things that were wrong), and offered them as sacrifices to the idols in Canaan. [As a result], Canaan land was polluted by those murders [MTY].
E derramaram sangue innocente, o sangue de seus filhos e de suas filhas, que sacrificaram aos idolos de Canaan; e a terra foi manchada com sangue.
39 So by their deeds they caused themselves to become unacceptable to God; [because they did not faithfully worship only God], [they became like] women who sleep with other men [instead of sleeping only with their husbands] [MET].
Assim se contaminaram com as suas obras, e se prostituiram com os seus feitos.
40 So Yahweh became very angry with his people; he was completely disgusted with them.
Pelo que se accendeu a ira do Senhor contra o seu povo, de modo que abominou a sua herança.
41 [As a result] he allowed people-groups [who did not believe in him] to conquer them, so those who hated our ancestors started to rule over them.
E os entregou nas mãos das nações; e aquelles que os aborreciam se assenhorearam d'elles.
42 Their enemies (oppressed them/treated them cruelly) and completely controlled them [MET].
E os seus inimigos os opprimiram, e foram humilhados debaixo das suas mãos.
43 Many times Yahweh rescued them, but they continued to rebel against him, and they were finally destroyed because of the sins that they committed.
Muitas vezes os livrou, mas o provocaram com o seu conselho, e foram abatidos pela sua iniquidade.
44 However, Yahweh [always] heard them when they cried out to him; he listened to them when they were distressed.
Comtudo, attendeu á sua afflicção, ouvindo o seu clamor.
45 For their sake, he thought about the agreement/promise that he had made [to bless] them, and because he never stopped loving them very much, he changed his mind [about punishing them more].
E se lembrou do seu concerto, e se arrependeu segundo a multidão das suas misericordias.
46 He caused all those who had taken the Israelis [to Babylonia] to (feel sorry for/pity) them.
Pelo que fez com que d'elle tivessem misericordia os que os levaram captivos.
47 Yahweh our God, rescue/save us and bring us back [to Israel] from among those people-groups in order that we may thank you [MTY] and joyfully praise you.
Salva-nos, Senhor, nosso Deus, e congrega-nos d'entre as nações, para que louvemos o teu nome sancto, e nos gloriemos no teu louvor.
48 Praise Yahweh, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], praise him now and forever! And I want everyone to say, “Amen/May it be so!” Praise Yahweh!
Bemdito seja o Senhor, Deus d'Israel, de eternidade em eternidade, e todo o povo diga: Amen. Louvae ao Senhor.

< Psalms 106 >