< Psalms 105 >

1 Give thanks to Yahweh, and tell others that he is very great! Tell everyone in the world what he has done!
Ku yi godiya ga Ubangiji, ku kira bisa sunansa; ku sanar a cikin al’ummai abin da ya yi.
2 Sing to him; praise him as you sing to him; tell others about his wonderful miracles.
Ku rera gare shi, ku rera yabo gare shi; ku faɗa dukan abubuwan mamakin da ya aikata.
3 Be happy because [you know that] he [MTY] is holy! You people who worship Yahweh, rejoice!
Ku ɗaukaka a cikin sunansa mai tsarki; bari zukatan waɗanda suke neman Ubangiji su yi farin ciki.
4 Ask Yahweh to help you and give you his strength, and continue to ask him!
Ku sa rai ga Ubangiji da kuma ƙarfinsa; ku nemi fuskarsa kullum.
5 You people who are descendants of God’s servant Abraham, you descendants of Jacob, the man God chose, think about [all] the wonderful things that he has done: He performed miracles, and he punished [all our enemies].
Ku tuna da abubuwan mamakin da ya yi, mu’ujizansa, da kuma hukunce-hukuncen da ya zartar,
Ya ku zuriyar Ibrahim bawansa, Ya ku’ya’yan Yaƙub, zaɓaɓɓensa.
7 He is Yahweh, our God. He rules and judges [people] throughout the earth.
Shi ne Ubangiji Allahnmu; kuma hukunce-hukuncensa suna a cikin dukan duniya.
8 He never forgets the agreement that he made; he made a promise that will last for 1,000 generations;
Yana tuna da alkawarinsa har abada, maganar da ya umarta, har tsararraki dubu,
9 that is the agreement that he made with Abraham, and he repeated that agreement with Isaac.
alkawarin da ya yi da Ibrahim, rantsuwar da ya yi wa Ishaku.
10 [Later] he confirmed it [again] to Jacob as an agreement for the Israeli [people] that would last forever.
Ya tabbatar da shi ga Yaƙub a matsayin ƙa’ida, Isra’ila a matsayin madawwamin alkawari,
11 What he said was, “I will give you the Canaan region; it will belong to you [and your descendants forever].”
“Gare ka zan ba da ƙasar Kan’ana a matsayin rabo za ka yi gādo.”
12 [He said that to them] when there were only a few of them, a tiny group of people who were living in that land like strangers.
Sa’ad da suke kima kawai, kima sosai, da kuma baƙi a cikinta,
13 They continued to wander from one place to another, from one kingdom to another.
suka yi ta yawo daga al’umma zuwa al’umma, daga masarauta zuwa wata.
14 But he did not allow others to oppress them. He warned those kings by saying to them,
Bai bar kowa yă danne su ba; saboda su, ya tsawata wa sarakuna,
15 “Do not do harm the [people] whom I have chosen! Do not harm my prophets!”
“Kada ku taɓa shafaffena; kada ku yi wa annabawa lahani.”
16 He sent a famine to Canaan, and [as a result all the people] had no food to eat.
Ya sauko da yunwa a kan ƙasa ya kuma lalace dukan tanadinsu na abinci;
17 So his people went to Egypt, but first he sent someone there. He sent Joseph, who had been sold to be a slave.
ya kuma aiki mutum a gabansu, Yusuf, da aka sayar a matsayin bawa.
18 [Later, while Joseph was in prison in Egypt], they put his legs in shackles that bruised his feet, and they put an iron collar around his neck.
Suka raunana ƙafafunsa da sarƙa aka sa wuyansa cikin ƙarafa,
19 There, Yahweh (refined Joseph’s character/tested Joseph to see if Joseph would continue to trust him), until what Joseph predicted would happen (came true/happened).
sai abin da ya rigafaɗi ya cika sai da maganar Ubangiji ta tabbatar da shi mai gaskiya.
20 The king [of Egypt] summoned him, and he set Joseph free; this ruler of many people-groups released Joseph [from prison].
Sarki ya aika aka kuma sake shi, mai mulkin mutane ya’yantar da shi.
21 [Then] he appointed him to take care of everything in the king’s household, to take care of everything that the king possessed.
Ya mai da shi shugaban gidansa, mai mulki a bisa dukan abin da ya mallaka,
22 (Joseph was permitted/He permitted Joseph) to command the king’s servants to do anything that Joseph wanted them to do, and [even] to tell the king’s advisors the things that they should do [for the people of Egypt].
don yă umarci sarakunansa yadda ya ga dama yă kuma koya wa dattawa hikima.
23 Later, [Joseph’s father] Jacob arrived in Egypt. He lived like a foreigner in the land that belonged to the descendants of Ham.
Sa’an nan Isra’ila ya shiga Masar; Yaƙub ya yi zama kamar baƙo a ƙasar Ham.
24 And [years later] Yahweh caused the descendants of Jacob to become very numerous. [As a result], their enemies, [the Egyptians], considered that the Israelis were too strong.
Ubangiji ya mai da mutanensa suka yi ta haihuwa; ya sa suka yi yawa suka fi ƙarfin maƙiyansu,
25 [So] Yahweh caused the rulers of Egypt to (turn against/hate) the Israeli people, and they planned ways to get rid of his people.
waɗanda ya juya zukatansu su ƙi mutanensa don su haɗa baki a kan bayinsa.
26 [But then] Yahweh sent his servant Moses along with [Moses’ older brother] Aaron, whom Yahweh had [also] chosen [to be his servant].
Ya aiki Musa bawansa, da Haruna, wanda ya zaɓa.
27 Those two performed amazing miracles among the people of Egypt, in that land where the descendants of Ham lived.
Suka yi mu’ujizansa a cikinsu, abubuwan mamakinsa a cikin ƙasar Ham.
28 Yahweh sent darkness, so that the people of Egypt could not see anything [DOU], but the rulers of Egypt refused [RHQ] to obey when [Moses and Aaron] commanded [them to let the Israeli people leave Egypt].
Ya aiko da duhu ya kuma sa ƙasar tă yi duhu, ba domin sun yi tawaye a kan maganarsa ba?
29 Yahweh caused [all] the water in Egypt to become (blood/[red like] blood), and [his doing that] caused all the fish to die.
Ya mai da ruwaye suka zama jini, ya sa kifayensu suka mutu.
30 [Then he caused] the land to become full of frogs; the king and his officials even had frogs in their bedrooms.
Ƙasarsu ta yi ta fid da kwaɗi, waɗanda suka haura cikin ɗakunan kwana na masu mulkinsu.
31 [Then] Yahweh commanded that flies come, and swarms of them descended [on the people of Egypt], and gnats [also] swarmed across the whole country.
Ya yi magana, sai tarin ƙudaje suka fito, cinnaku kuma ko’ina a ƙasar.
32 Instead of sending rain, Yahweh sent [terrible] hail, and lightning flashed throughout the land.
Ya mai da ruwan samansu ya zama ƙanƙara, da walƙiya ko’ina a ƙasarsu;
33 The hail ruined their grapevines and fig trees and shattered all the [other] trees.
ya lalace inabinsu da itatuwan ɓaurensu ya ragargaza itatuwan ƙasarsu.
34 He commanded locusts to come, and swarms of them came; [so many that] they could not be counted.
Ya yi magana, sai fāri ɗango suka fito, fāran da ba su ƙidayuwa;
35 The locusts ate every green plant in the land, ruining all the crops.
suka cinye kowane abu mai ruwan kore a cikin ƙasarsu, suka cinye amfanin gonarsu
36 [Then] Yahweh killed the oldest son in every house [of the people of Egypt] [DOU].
Sa’an nan ya karkashe dukan’yan fari a cikin ƙasarsu, nunan fari na dukan mazantakarsu.
37 Then he brought the Israeli [people] out [from Egypt]; they were carrying loads of [jewelry made of] silver and gold [that the women of Egypt had given to them]. No one was left behind because of being sick.
Ya fitar da Isra’ila, ɗauke da azurfa da zinariya, kuma daga cikin kabilansu babu wani da ya kāsa.
38 [The people of] Egypt were glad when the Israeli people left, because they had become very afraid of the Israelis.
Masar ta yi murna sa’ad da suka tafi, saboda tsoron Isra’ila ya fāɗo musu.
39 [Then] Yahweh spread a cloud to cover the Israelis; and [at night it became] a big fire [in the sky] to give them light.
Ya shimfiɗa girgije kamar mayafi, da kuma wuta don ta ba su haske da dare.
40 [Later] the Israelis asked for [meat to eat], and Yahweh sent [flocks of] quail to them, and he gave them plenty of manna [food] from the sky [each morning].
Suka roƙa, ya kuwa ba su makware ya kuma ƙosar da su da abinci daga sama.
41 [One day] he caused a rock to open up and water poured out [for them to drink]; it was like a river flowing in that desert.
Ya buɗe dutse, sai ruwa ya ɓulɓulo, kamar kogi ya gudu zuwa cikin hamada.
42 [He did that] because he kept thinking about the sacred promise [that he had given] to his servant, Abraham.
Ya tuna da alkawarinsa mai tsarki da ya ba wa bawansa Ibrahim.
43 So his people were joyful as he brought them out from Egypt; those people whom he had chosen were shouting joyfully as they went.
Ya fitar da mutanensa da farin ciki, zaɓaɓɓunsa da sowa ta farin ciki;
44 He gave to them the land that belonged to the people-groups [that lived there in Canaan], and the Israelis harvested crops that [other] people had planted.
ya ba su ƙasashen al’ummai, suka kuma sami gādon abin da waɗansu sun sha wahala a kai,
45 [Yahweh did all these things] in order that his people would do all the things that he had commanded them to do [DOU]. Praise Yahweh!
don su kiyaye farillansa su kuma kiyaye dokokinsa. Yabo ga Ubangiji.

< Psalms 105 >