< Psalms 103 >
1 [I tell] myself that I should praise Yahweh. I will praise him [MTY] with all of my inner being, [because] he [MTY] is holy.
ipsi David benedic anima mea Domino et omnia quae intra me sunt nomini sancto eius
2 [I tell] myself that I should praise Yahweh and never forget all the kind things he has done for me:
benedic anima mea Domino et noli oblivisci omnes retributiones eius
3 He forgives all my sins, and he heals me from all my diseases/sicknesses;
qui propitiatur omnibus iniquitatibus tuis qui sanat omnes infirmitates tuas
4 he keeps me from dying [MTY], and blesses me by faithfully loving me and acting mercifully to me.
qui redimit de interitu vitam tuam qui coronat te in misericordia et miserationibus
5 He gives me good things during my entire life. He makes me feel young and strong like eagles.
qui replet in bonis desiderium tuum renovabitur ut aquilae iuventus tua
6 Yahweh judges justly and (vindicates/does what is right for) all those who have been treated unfairly.
faciens misericordias Dominus et iudicium omnibus iniuriam patientibus
7 [Long ago] he revealed to Moses what he planned to do; he showed to the [ancestors of us] Israeli people the mighty things that he was able to do.
notas fecit vias suas Mosi filiis Israhel voluntates suas
8 Yahweh acts mercifully and kindly; he does not quickly (get angry/punish us) [when we sin]; he is always [showing us that he] faithfully loves us.
miserator et misericors Dominus longanimis et multum misericors
9 He will not keep rebuking us, and he will not remain angry forever.
non in perpetuum irascetur neque in aeternum comminabitur
10 He punishes us for our sins, but he does not punish us [severely] as we deserve [DOU]!
non secundum peccata nostra fecit nobis nec secundum iniustitias nostras retribuit nobis
11 The skies are very high above the earth, and Yahweh’s faithful love for all those who revere him is just as great.
quoniam secundum altitudinem caeli a terra corroboravit misericordiam suam super timentes se
12 He has taken away [the guilt for] [MTY] our sins, taking it as far from us as the east is from the west.
quantum distat ortus ab occidente longe fecit a nobis iniquitates nostras
13 Just like parents act mercifully toward their children, Yahweh is kind to those who revere him.
quomodo miseretur pater filiorum misertus est Dominus timentibus se
14 He knows what our bodies are like; he remembers that [he created us from] dirt, and so we quickly fail [to do what pleases him] [MET].
quoniam ipse cognovit figmentum nostrum recordatus est quoniam pulvis sumus
15 We humans do not live forever [SIM]; we are like grass [SIM] [that withers and dies]. We are like wild flowers: They bloom [for a short while],
homo sicut faenum dies eius tamquam flos agri sic efflorebit
16 but then the [hot] wind blows over them, and they disappear; no one sees them again.
quoniam spiritus pertransivit in illo et non subsistet et non cognoscet amplius locum suum
17 But Yahweh will faithfully keep loving forever all those who revere him. He will act fairly to our children and to their children;
misericordia autem Domini ab aeterno et usque in aeternum super timentes eum et iustitia illius in filios filiorum
18 he will act that way to all those who obey the agreement he made with them [to bless them if they did what he told them to do], to all those who obey what he has commanded.
his qui servant testamentum eius et memores sunt mandatorum ipsius ad faciendum ea
19 Yahweh made/caused the heavens to be the place where he rules [MTY]; from there he rules over everything.
Dominus in caelo paravit sedem suam et regnum ipsius omnibus dominabitur
20 You angels who belong to Yahweh, praise him! You are powerful creatures/beings who do what he tells you to do; you obey what he commands.
benedicite Domino angeli eius potentes virtute facientes verbum illius ad audiendam vocem sermonum eius
21 Praise Yahweh, you armies/thousands of angels who serve him and do what he desires!
benedicite Domino omnes virtutes eius ministri eius qui facitis voluntatem eius
22 All you things that Yahweh has created, praise him; praise him in every place where he rules, everywhere! And I [also] will praise Yahweh!
benedicite Domino omnia opera eius in omni loco dominationis ipsius benedic anima mea Domino