< Psalms 10 >

1 Yahweh, (why are you far away [from us]?/it seems that you are far away [from us].) [RHQ] Why do you not pay attention when we have troubles [RHQ]?
Zakaj stojiš daleč stran, oh Gospod? Zakaj se skrivaš v časih stiske?
2 People who are proud gladly cause poor people to suffer. So [cause what they do to others to happen to them]! May they be caught in the [same] traps that they set to catch others [MET]!
Zlobni v svojem ponosu preganjajo revnega. Naj se ujamejo v naklepe, ki so si jih domislili.
3 They brag about the [evil] things that they want to do. They praise people who seize from others things that do not belong to them, and they curse you, Yahweh.
Kajti zlobni se baha z željo svojega srca in blagoslavlja pohlepnega, ki ga Gospod prezira.
4 Wicked people are very proud. As a result, they do not (seek help from/are not concerned about) God; they do not even think that God exists.
Zlobni zaradi ponosa svojega obličja ne bo povpraševal po Bogu. V vseh njegovih mislih ni Boga.
5 But [it seems that] they succeed in everything that they do. They do not think that they will be condemned/punished for their deeds, and they (sneer at/make fun of) their enemies.
Njegove poti so vedno boleče, tvoje sodbe so daleč zgoraj izven njegovega pogleda. Glede na vse njegove sovražnike on puha nanje.
6 They think, “Nothing bad will happen to us! We will never have troubles!”
V svojem srcu je rekel: »Ne bom omajan, kajti nikoli ne bom v nadlogi.«
7 When they talk [MTY], they are always cursing, lying, and threatening to harm others. They constantly say [MTY] evil things that show that they are ready to do cruel things to others.
Njegova usta so polna preklinjanj, prevare in sleparstva. Pod njegovim jezikom je vragolija in prazne reči.
8 They hide in villages, ready to (ambush/suddenly attack) and kill people who (are innocent/have done nothing wrong). They constantly search for people who will not be able to (resist/defend themselves) [when they are attacked].
Sedi v skrivališčih vasi. Na skrivnih krajih mori nedolžnega. Njegove oči so na skrivaj naravnane zoper revnega.
9 They are like [MET] lions that crouch down and hide, waiting to pounce on their prey. They are like hunters that catch their prey with a net and then drag it away.
Na skrivnem preži kakor lev v svojem brlogu. Leži na preži, da ujame revnega. Revnega ujame, ko ga vleče v svojo mrežo.
10 Just like helpless animals are crushed, people who cannot defend themselves are killed because wicked people are very strong.
Klečeplazi in se ponižuje, da lahko revni pade po njegovih močnih.
11 Wicked people say, “God will not pay any attention [to what we do]. His eyes are covered, so he never sees anything.”
V svojem srcu je rekel: »Bog je pozabil. Skriva svoj obraz, tega nikoli ne bo videl.«
12 Yahweh God, arise [and help us] Punish [IDM] those wicked people! And do not forget those who are suffering!
Vstani, oh Gospod, oh Bog, dvigni svojo roko. Ne pozabi ponižnega.
13 Wicked people revile you [RHQ] continually. They think, “God will never punish us!”
Zakaj zlobni zaničuje Boga? V svojem srcu je rekel: »Ti tega ne boš zahteval.«
14 But you see the trouble and the distress [that they cause]. People who are suffering expect that you will help them; and you help orphans, [also].
To si videl, kajti gledaš vragolijo in zlobnost, da to poplačaš s svojo roko. Revni se ti izroča, pomočnik si osirotelemu.
15 (Break the arms/Destroy the power) of wicked [DOU] people! Continue to pursue and punish them for the wicked things that they do, until they stop doing those things.
Zlomi laket zlobnemu in zlemu človeku. Preiskuj njegovo zlobnost, dokler je ne najdeš več.
16 Yahweh, you are our king forever, but [wicked] nations will disappear from the earth.
Gospod je Kralj na veke vekov. Pogani so izginili iz njegove dežele.
17 You have listened to afflicted/suffering people when they cry out to you. You hear them [when they pray], and you encourage [IDM] them.
Gospod, slišal si hrepenenje ponižnih. Pripravil boš njihovo srce, svojemu ušesu boš povzročil, da sliši,
18 You show that orphans and oppressed people have not done things that are wrong, with the result that human beings will not cause people to be terrified any more.
da razsodiš osirotelega in zatiranega, da človek iz zemlje ne more več zatirati.

< Psalms 10 >