< Proverbs 9 >

1 [It is as though] wisdom [is a woman who] has built a [big] house for herself, and has set up seven columns [to support the roof],
Hikmat telah mendirikan rumah, dan menegakkan ketujuh tiangnya.
2 and has slaughtered an animal [and cooked the meat], and has mixed [nice spices] in the wine, and has put [the food] on the table.
Ia telah memotong ternak untuk pesta, mengolah air anggur dan menyediakan hidangan.
3 [It is as though then] she sent out her servant women to call out from the highest place in the town,
Pelayan-pelayan wanita disuruhnya pergi untuk berseru-seru dari tempat-tempat tinggi di kota,
4 “You people who need to understand more, come in!” And to those who are ignorant, [it is as though] she calls out,
"Siapa tak berpengalaman, silakan ke mari!" Kepada yang tidak berakal budi, hikmat berkata,
5 “Come and eat the food that I [have prepared], and drink the [good] wine that I have mixed!
"Mari menikmati makananku dan mengecap anggur yang telah kuolah.
6 (Leave/Go away from) [other] foolish people, and [if you do that, you will continue to] live. Walk on the road that will enable you to (have knowledge/know what is true and what is not true).”
Tinggalkanlah kebodohan, supaya engkau hidup bahagia. Turutilah jalan orang arif."
7 If you rebuke someone who will not allow others to correct him, he will insult you. If you reprove/scold an evil man, he will hurt you.
Kalau orang yang tak mau diajar kautunjukkan kesalahannya, ia akan menertawakan engkau. Kalau orang jahat kaumarahi, ia akan mencaci makimu.
8 Do not rebuke someone who will not allow others to (correct him/tell him what he has done is wrong), because he will hate you for doing that. [But] if you rebuke a wise person, he will respect you.
Jangan mencela orang yang tak mau diajar, ia akan membencimu. Tetapi kalau orang bijaksana kautunjukkan kesalahannya, ia akan menghargaimu.
9 If you give instruction to wise people, they will become wiser. And if you teach righteous people, they will learn more.
Kalau orang bijaksana kaunasihati, ia akan menjadi lebih bijaksana. Dan kalau orang yang taat kepada Allah kauajar, pengetahuannya akan bertambah.
10 If you want to be wise, you must start by revering Yahweh, and if you know God, the Holy One, you will understand [which teachings are wise/true].
Untuk menjadi bijaksana, pertama-tama orang harus mempunyai rasa hormat dan takut kepada TUHAN. Jika engkau mengenal Yang Mahasuci, engkau akan mendapat pengertian.
11 If you become wise, you will live many years [DOU].
Hikmat akan memberikan kepadamu umur panjang.
12 If you are wise, you are the one who will benefit from it; if you ridicule [becoming wise], you are the one who will suffer.
Apabila hikmat kaumiliki, engkau sendiri yang beruntung. Tetapi jika hikmat kautolak, engkau sendiri pula yang dirugikan.
13 Foolish women talk loudly; they are ignorant and are never ashamed [of the wrong things that they do].
Kebodohan adalah seperti wanita cerewet yang tidak berpengalaman dan tidak tahu malu.
14 They sit at the doors of their houses [or] they sit on the top [of the hills] in the town,
Tempatnya ialah di pintu rumahnya atau di pintu gerbang kota.
15 and they call out to the men who are passing by, who are trying to be concerned with their own affairs,
Dari situ ia berseru kepada orang yang lewat. Orang yang tulus hati dibujuknya,
16 “You people who need to understand more, come into [my house]!” And to those who are ignorant, they call out,
"Mari singgah, hai kamu yang belum berpengalaman!" Dan kepada orang yang tak berakal budi ia berkata,
17 “[Just as] water which you have stolen tastes very good and food that you eat by yourself tastes the best, [if you have sex secretly with someone to whom you are not married, you will enjoy it very much].”
"Air curian rasanya manis, dan makan sembunyi-sembunyi lebih enak."
18 But men who go to those women’s houses do not know that those who have gone there are now dead; they have descended down into the deepest parts of the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Mereka yang menjadi mangsanya tidak tahu bahwa orang yang mengunjungi dia menemui ajalnya di situ; dan mereka yang telah masuk ke dalam rumahnya, sekarang berada di dalam dunia orang mati. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 9 >