< Proverbs 9 >

1 [It is as though] wisdom [is a woman who] has built a [big] house for herself, and has set up seven columns [to support the roof],
La sagesse a bâti sa maison, elle a taillé ses sept colonnes.
2 and has slaughtered an animal [and cooked the meat], and has mixed [nice spices] in the wine, and has put [the food] on the table.
Elle a immolé ses victimes, mêlé son vin, et dressé sa table.
3 [It is as though then] she sent out her servant women to call out from the highest place in the town,
Elle a envoyé ses servantes, elle appelle, au sommet des hauteurs de la ville:
4 “You people who need to understand more, come in!” And to those who are ignorant, [it is as though] she calls out,
« Que celui qui est simple entre ici! » Elle dit à celui qui est dépourvu de sens:
5 “Come and eat the food that I [have prepared], and drink the [good] wine that I have mixed!
« Venez, mangez de mon pain, et buvez du vin que j’ai mêlé;
6 (Leave/Go away from) [other] foolish people, and [if you do that, you will continue to] live. Walk on the road that will enable you to (have knowledge/know what is true and what is not true).”
quittez l’ignorance, et vous vivrez, et marchez dans la voie de l’intelligence. »
7 If you rebuke someone who will not allow others to correct him, he will insult you. If you reprove/scold an evil man, he will hurt you.
Celui qui reprend le moqueur s’attire la raillerie, et celui qui réprimande le méchant s’attire l’outrage.
8 Do not rebuke someone who will not allow others to (correct him/tell him what he has done is wrong), because he will hate you for doing that. [But] if you rebuke a wise person, he will respect you.
Ne reprends pas le moqueur, de peur qu’il ne te haïsse; reprends le sage, et il t’aimera.
9 If you give instruction to wise people, they will become wiser. And if you teach righteous people, they will learn more.
Donne au sage, et il deviendra plus sage; instruis le juste, et il augmentera son savoir.
10 If you want to be wise, you must start by revering Yahweh, and if you know God, the Holy One, you will understand [which teachings are wise/true].
Le commencement de la sagesse, c’est la crainte de Yahweh; et l’intelligence, c’est la science du Saint.
11 If you become wise, you will live many years [DOU].
Car par moi tes jours se multiplieront, par moi s’augmenteront les années de ta vie.
12 If you are wise, you are the one who will benefit from it; if you ridicule [becoming wise], you are the one who will suffer.
Si tu es sage, tu es sage à ton profit; si tu es moqueur, tu en porteras seul la peine.
13 Foolish women talk loudly; they are ignorant and are never ashamed [of the wrong things that they do].
La folie est une femme bruyante, stupide et ne sachant rien.
14 They sit at the doors of their houses [or] they sit on the top [of the hills] in the town,
Elle s’est assise, à la porte de sa maison, sur un siège, dans les hauteurs de la ville,
15 and they call out to the men who are passing by, who are trying to be concerned with their own affairs,
pour inviter les passants qui vont droit leur chemin:
16 “You people who need to understand more, come into [my house]!” And to those who are ignorant, they call out,
« Que celui qui est simple entre ici! » Elle dit à celui qui est dépourvu de sens:
17 “[Just as] water which you have stolen tastes very good and food that you eat by yourself tastes the best, [if you have sex secretly with someone to whom you are not married, you will enjoy it very much].”
« Les eaux dérobées sont plus douces, et le pain du mystère est plus agréable! »
18 But men who go to those women’s houses do not know that those who have gone there are now dead; they have descended down into the deepest parts of the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Et il ne sait pas qu’il y a là des ombres, et que ses invités sont déjà dans les profondeurs du schéol. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 9 >