< Proverbs 7 >
1 My son, heed my advice, and guard my instructions [as you would] [MET] [guard] a treasure.
HIJO mío, guarda mis razones, y encierra contigo mis mandamientos.
2 Obey my commands, and [as a result you will] live [a good life]. Consider the things that I teach you [to be very precious]; guard them, [just] like you protect your eyes.
Guarda mis mandamientos, y vivirás; y mi ley como las niñas de tus ojos.
3 Tie my commands around your fingers [in order that they will remind you to obey them]. Always keep them in mind [MET].
Lígalos á tus dedos; escríbelos en la tabla de tu corazón.
4 [Love] wisdom [like you love] your sister. Understand what is wise, [and let that be as dear to you as] members of your family.
Di á la sabiduría: Tú eres mi hermana; y á la inteligencia llama parienta:
5 If you are wise and if you understand what is wise [PRS], you will not [sleep with] an immoral woman; you will not listen to a woman who tries to entice you [to sleep with her] by what she says.
Para que te guarden de la mujer ajena, y de la extraña que ablanda sus palabras.
6 One day, I was standing at the window inside my house, and I looked outside.
Porque mirando yo por la ventana de mi casa, por mi celosía,
7 I saw some young men who did not have good sense. Among them was a man who was very foolish.
Vi entre los simples, consideré entre los jóvenes, un mancebo falto de entendimiento,
8 He crossed the street near [the house of] an immoral woman. He was walking along the path toward her house
El cual pasaba por la calle, junto á la esquina de aquella, é iba camino de su casa,
9 at twilight, when it was getting dark [DOU].
A la tarde del día, ya que oscurecía, en la oscuridad y tiniebla de la noche.
10 Suddenly the woman came out to see/meet him. She was dressed (seductively/like a prostitute), wanting to persuade him to sleep with her.
Y he aquí, una mujer que le sale al encuentro con atavío de ramera, astuta de corazón,
11 She was a loud talker, one who was rebellious; she [SYN] never stayed at home.
Alborotadora y rencillosa, sus pies no pueden estar en casa;
12 She often went into the city streets and plazas/markets, waiting to trap some man.
Unas veces de fuera, ó bien por las plazas, acechando por todas las esquinas.
13 [When she saw that young man], she put her arms around him and kissed him. Then without being a bit ashamed, she said,
Y traba de él, y bésalo; desvergonzó su rostro, y díjole:
14 “I have [some meat that is left over from] a sacrifice that I made today [to maintain fellowship with Yahweh]; I have fulfilled/done what I promised him that I would do.
Sacrificios de paz había prometido, hoy he pagado mis votos;
15 And now I have come out to meet/see you. I was searching for you, and [now] I have found you!
Por tanto he salido á encontrarte, buscando diligentemente tu rostro, y te he hallado.
16 I have put on my bed sheets/bedspreads that were made from [very fine] linen [that were imported] {[people brought]} from Egypt.
Con paramentos he ataviado mi cama, recamados con cordoncillo de Egipto.
17 I have sprinkled [sweet-smelling] perfumes on my bed— myrrh and aloes and cinnamon.
He sahumado mi cámara con mirra, áloes, y cinamomo.
18 Come [with me]; let us enjoy having sex until [tomorrow] morning. Let’s enjoy making love.
Ven, embriaguémonos de amores hasta la mañana; alegrémonos en amores.
19 My husband is not at home; he has gone away on a long journey.
Porque el marido no está en casa, hase ido á un largo viaje:
20 He is carrying a wallet filled with money, and he will not return until the middle of this month.”
El saco de dinero llevó en su mano; el día señalado volverá á su casa.
21 [So] she persuaded him by [her] enticing/tempting words. She allured him by her smooth/sweet talk.
Rindiólo con la mucha suavidad de sus palabras, obligóle con la blandura de sus labios.
22 [And] he went with her immediately, like an ox that was going to where it would be slaughtered, or like a deer (OR, a fool) that is stepping into a noose/trap,
Vase en pos de ella luego, como va el buey al degolladero, y como el loco á las prisiones para ser castigado;
23 where it will remain/stay until someone shoots an arrow into its liver [and kills it]. [He was] like a bird that flew into a trap. He did not know that (it would cost him his life/he would die as a result).
Como el ave que se apresura al lazo, y no sabe que es contra su vida, hasta que la saeta traspasó su hígado.
24 My son, listen to what I say; pay [careful] attention to my words.
Ahora pues, hijos, oidme, y estad atentos á las razones de mi boca.
25 Do not allow anything to arouse/persuade you to go with an immoral woman like that. Do not go where she goes.
No se aparte á sus caminos tu corazón; no yerres en sus veredas.
26 She has caused many men to be ruined; truly, no one can count the men she has killed.
Porque á muchos ha hecho caer heridos; y aun los más fuertes han sido muertos por ella.
27 The road to her house is the road to the grave. Those who enter her bedroom [PRS] will die as a result. (Sheol )
Caminos del sepulcro son su casa, que descienden á las cámaras de la muerte. (Sheol )