< Proverbs 6 >

1 My son, if someone has borrowed money from a friend or a stranger, and if you have promised that you will pay the money back if that person is unable to pay back the money he borrowed,
내 아들아 네가 만일 이웃을 위하여 담보하며 타인을 위하여 보증하였으면
2 you may be trapped by what you have agreed to do, [because if the one who borrowed the money is not able to pay it back, you will have to pay it]. What you have said that you will do will be like a snare to you.
네 입의 말로 네가 얽혔으며 네 입의 말로 인하여 잡히게 되었느니라
3 So, my son, I will tell you what you should do to escape from your difficulty, so that the moneylender does not get control over your [wealth: ] Humbly go to your friend and plead with him [to cancel the agreement]!
내 아들아 네가 네 이웃의 손에 빠졌은즉 이같이 하라 너는 곧 가서 겸손히 네 이웃에게 간구하여 스스로 구원하되
4 Do not wait until tomorrow; [go immediately]! Do not rest until you [go and talk with him].
네 눈으로 잠들게 하지 말며 눈꺼풀로 감기게 하지 말고
5 Save yourself, like a deer that escapes from a deer hunter [or] like a bird that flees from a bird hunter.
노루가 사냥꾼의 손에서 벗어나는 것 같이 새가 그물 치는 자의 손에서 벗어나는 것 같이 스스로 구원하라
6 You lazy individual, learn something from [watching] the ants. Become wise from observing what they do.
게으른 자여 개미에게로 가서 그 하는 것을 보고 지혜를 얻으라
7 They do not have a king or a governor or any [other] person who rules them [and forces them to work],
개미는 두령도 없고 간역자도 없고 주권자도 없으되
8 [but] they work hard [all] during the summer, gathering and storing food to eat during the winter.
먹을 것을 여름 동안에 예비하며 추수 때에 양식을 모으느니라
9 [But], you lazy loafer, how long will you [continue to] sleep [RHQ]? Are you never going to get up from sleeping [and go to work]?
게으른 자여 네가 어느 때까지 눕겠느냐 네가 어느 때에 잠이 깨어 일어나겠느나
10 You sleep a for a little time; [you say, “I will take] just a short nap.” You lie down and fold/lay your hands [across your chest] and rest;
좀더 자자, 좀더 졸자, 손을 모으고 좀더 눕자 하면
11 and suddenly you will become poor. It will be as though a bandit suddenly comes and takes all that you have.
네 빈궁이 강도 같이 오며 네 곤핍이 군사 같이 이르리라
12 [I will describe for you what] worthless and evil people [are like]. They constantly lie;
불량하고 악한 자는 그 행동에 궤휼한 입을 벌리며
13 by winking their eyes and moving their feet and making signs with their fingers, they signal [to their friends what they are intending/planning to do].
눈짓을 하며 발로 뜻을 보이며 손가락질로 알게 하며
14 They plan to do evil things. They constantly cause strife/trouble.
그 마음에 패역을 품으며 항상 악을 꾀하여 다툼을 일으키는 자라
15 But disasters will hit them suddenly; they will be crushed/ruined and nothing will be able to heal them.
그러므로 그 재앙이 갑자기 임한즉 도움을 얻지 못하고 당장에 패망하리라
16 There are six, [maybe] seven, kinds of people that Yahweh hates. [They are]:
여호와의 미워하시는 것 곧 그 마음에 싫어하시는 것이 육 칠 가지니
17 People who show by their eyes that they are very proud; people who lie [MTY]; people [SYN] who kill others [SYN] who have done nothing wrong;
곧 교만한 눈과 거짓된 혀와 무죄한 자의 피를 흘리는 손과
18 people who plan to do evil deeds; people [SYN] who run quickly to do wrong things;
악한 계교를 꾀하는 마음과 빨리 악으로 달려가는 발과
19 people who easily tell lies in court; and people who cause strife between family members.
거짓을 말하는 망령된 증인과 및 형제 사이를 이간하는 자니라
20 My son, obey my commands, and do not ignore what your mother has taught you.
내 아들아 네 아비의 명령을 지키며 네 어미의 법을 떠나지 말고
21 Remember the things that we have said. Those things should be [like a beautiful necklace] around your neck.
그것을 항상 네 마음에 새기며 네 목에 매라
22 [If you follow our advice, it will be as though] what we have taught you [PRS] will lead you, wherever you go. When you sleep, they will protect you. And when you wake up in the morning, they will teach/instruct you.
그것이 너의 다닐 때에 너를 인도하며 너의 잘 때에 너를 보호하며 너의 깰 때에 너로 더불어 말하리니
23 These commands and what we teach you [will be like] a lamp to light your path [MET]. When we rebuke you and correct/punish you, we will be showing you the road to having [a good] life.
대저 명령은 등불이요 법은 빛이요 훈계의 책망은 곧 생명의 길이라
24 Heeding [PRS] these commands and things that we have taught you will enable you to keep away from immoral women and from [listening to] the enticing words of an adulterous woman.
이것이 너를 지켜서 악한 계집에게, 이방 계집의 혀로 호리는 말에 빠지지 않게 하리라
25 [Even] if such a woman is beautiful and has lovely eyes, do not desire to go with her. Do not let her persuade you to go with her (with her eyes/by the way she looks at you).
네 마음에 그 아름다운 색을 탐하지 말며 그 눈꺼풀에 홀리지 말라
26 [Do not forget that] you can hire a prostitute for only a loaf of bread, but [if you sleep with] another man’s wife, (it may cost you/you may lose) your life.
음녀로 인하여 사람이 한조각 떡만 남게 됨이며 음란한 계집은 귀한 생명을 사냥함이니라
27 Can you carry hot coals in your pocket and not be burned [RHQ]?
사람이 불을 품에 품고야 어찌 그 옷이 타지 아니하겠으며
28 Can you walk on burning coals and not scorch/burn your feet?
사람이 숯불을 밟고야 어찌 그 발이 데지 아니하겠느냐
29 [No]! And in the same way, anyone who (sleeps with/has sex with) another man’s wife will [suffer for doing that]. [He will certainly] [LIT] be punished severely.
남의 아내와 통간하는 자도 이와 같을 것이라 무릇 그를 만지기만 하는 자도 죄 없게 되지 아니하리라
30 We do not despise a thief if he steals some food because he is very hungry.
도적이 만일 주릴 때에 배를 채우려고 도적질하면 사람이 그를 멸시치는 아니하려니와
31 But [if he steals something and then] is caught [by the police], he will have to pay back (seven times as much as/much more than) he stole. He may need to sell everything that is in his house [to get enough money to pay it back].
들키면 칠 배를 갚아야 하리니 심지어 자기 집에 있는 것을 다 내어 주게 되리라
32 [But] a man who commits adultery with some woman is very foolish, [because] he is destroying his own self/soul [by what he is doing].
부녀와 간음하는 자는 무지한 자라 이것을 행하는 자는 자기의 영혼을 망하게 하며
33 [That woman’s husband] will wound him badly, and [other people] will despise him. His shame will never end.
상함과 능욕을 받고 부끄러움을 씻을 수 없게 되나니
34 Because that woman’s husband will (be jealous/not want anyone else to sleep with her), he will become furious, and when he gets revenge, he will not act mercifully [toward the man who slept with his wife].
그 남편이 투기함으로 분노하여 원수를 갚는 날에 용서하지 아니하고
35 And he will not accept any bribe/money, even if it is a big bribe, to (appease him/cause him to stop being angry).
아무 벌금도 돌아 보지 아니하며 많은 선물을 줄지라도 듣지 아니하리라

< Proverbs 6 >