< Proverbs 6 >

1 My son, if someone has borrowed money from a friend or a stranger, and if you have promised that you will pay the money back if that person is unable to pay back the money he borrowed,
Wuoda, ka isechiwo singo ni jabathi, kata ka isingori ni inichul ni ngʼat mikia gope,
2 you may be trapped by what you have agreed to do, [because if the one who borrowed the money is not able to pay it back, you will have to pay it]. What you have said that you will do will be like a snare to you.
ka diponi omaki nikech gima ne iwacho, mi idwodori kod weche mane oa e dhogi,
3 So, my son, I will tell you what you should do to escape from your difficulty, so that the moneylender does not get control over your [wealth: ] Humbly go to your friend and plead with him [to cancel the agreement]!
to tim kama, wuoda, mondo ibed thuolo, nikech isepodho e lwet jabathi: Dhiyo kendo ibolri e nyime; bangʼe to ikwa jabathino oweyi thuolo!
4 Do not wait until tomorrow; [go immediately]! Do not rest until you [go and talk with him].
Kik iwe nindo ohingi, kata ayula wangʼ oteri.
5 Save yourself, like a deer that escapes from a deer hunter [or] like a bird that flees from a bird hunter.
To resri ibed thuolo, mana kaka mwanda mayombo jadwar, kata kaka winyo matony e obadho mar jamak winy.
6 You lazy individual, learn something from [watching] the ants. Become wise from observing what they do.
In janyawo, dhi ir biye; mondo ineye kendo ipar yoregi, mondo ibed mariek!
7 They do not have a king or a governor or any [other] person who rules them [and forces them to work],
Biye onge jatelo kata jaloch kata ruoth,
8 [but] they work hard [all] during the summer, gathering and storing food to eat during the winter.
to kata kamano, gikano chiembgi e ndalo oro, kendo gichoko chiembgi e ndalo keyo.
9 [But], you lazy loafer, how long will you [continue to] sleep [RHQ]? Are you never going to get up from sleeping [and go to work]?
In jasamuoyo, nyaka karangʼo ma ibiro bedo kinindo aninda kanyo? Karangʼo mibiro chiewoe mondo ia e nindo?
10 You sleep a for a little time; [you say, “I will take] just a short nap.” You lie down and fold/lay your hands [across your chest] and rest;
Nindo matin, ayula wangʼ matin, kwakruok matin kiyweyo,
11 and suddenly you will become poor. It will be as though a bandit suddenly comes and takes all that you have.
to dhier biro monji ka janjore kendo chan ka jalweny momanore.
12 [I will describe for you what] worthless and evil people [are like]. They constantly lie;
Ngʼat mamono kendo jaricho mawuotho awuotha kowacho weche mogak,
13 by winking their eyes and moving their feet and making signs with their fingers, they signal [to their friends what they are intending/planning to do].
oningʼo wangʼe, owuoyo gi tiendene ka ogoro piny, kendo ogwelo ji gi lith lwetene,
14 They plan to do evil things. They constantly cause strife/trouble.
ochano richo kod miriambo ei chunye, kinde duto okelo miero.
15 But disasters will hit them suddenly; they will be crushed/ruined and nothing will be able to heal them.
Kuom mano, masira biro make maloye apoya nono; notieke apoya nono, maonge resruok.
16 There are six, [maybe] seven, kinds of people that Yahweh hates. [They are]:
Nitie gik moko auchiel ma Jehova Nyasaye mon-go, chutho gin gik moko abiriyo ma ok more:
17 People who show by their eyes that they are very proud; people who lie [MTY]; people [SYN] who kill others [SYN] who have done nothing wrong;
wenge mag sunga, lep mariambo, lwedo machwero remo maonge ketho,
18 people who plan to do evil deeds; people [SYN] who run quickly to do wrong things;
chuny machano chenro maricho, tiende maringo kadhi e richo,
19 people who easily tell lies in court; and people who cause strife between family members.
jahang wach mawacho miriambo kendo ngʼatno makelo miero e kind jowete.
20 My son, obey my commands, and do not ignore what your mother has taught you.
Wuoda, rit chike wuonu kendo kik iwe puonj minu.
21 Remember the things that we have said. Those things should be [like a beautiful necklace] around your neck.
Kan-gi ka ipandogi e chunyi nyaka chiengʼ; twegi e ngʼuti motegno.
22 [If you follow our advice, it will be as though] what we have taught you [PRS] will lead you, wherever you go. When you sleep, they will protect you. And when you wake up in the morning, they will teach/instruct you.
Ka iwuotho, to gibiro chiki; to ka inindo, to giniriti; to ka ichiewo, to giniwuo kodi.
23 These commands and what we teach you [will be like] a lamp to light your path [MET]. When we rebuke you and correct/punish you, we will be showing you the road to having [a good] life.
Nikech chikegi gin taya, to puonjni en ler, kendo kwer mikwerogo ngʼato kuom gima otimo marach kelo mana ngima,
24 Heeding [PRS] these commands and things that we have taught you will enable you to keep away from immoral women and from [listening to] the enticing words of an adulterous woman.
mamiyo ibedo mabor gi dhako mandhaga kaachiel gi lep mayom mar dhako mabayo.
25 [Even] if such a woman is beautiful and has lovely eyes, do not desire to go with her. Do not let her persuade you to go with her (with her eyes/by the way she looks at you).
Kik ber mare mineno gi wangʼ omi chunyi gombe kata weye oywayi kolombi gi wangʼe.
26 [Do not forget that] you can hire a prostitute for only a loaf of bread, but [if you sleep with] another man’s wife, (it may cost you/you may lose) your life.
Nikech ochot nyalo miyo ibed matin maromo gi nengo makati, to dhako ma jachode biro tieko ngimani.
27 Can you carry hot coals in your pocket and not be burned [RHQ]?
Bende ngʼato nyalo tingʼo mach e kore, ma lepe ok owangʼ?
28 Can you walk on burning coals and not scorch/burn your feet?
Bende ngʼato nyalo wuotho e mirni mar mach maliel, ma ok tiendene owangʼ?
29 [No]! And in the same way, anyone who (sleeps with/has sex with) another man’s wife will [suffer for doing that]. [He will certainly] [LIT] be punished severely.
Ma e kaka ngʼat ma terore gi chi ngʼat machielo chalo; ngʼato angʼata ma omule ok notony ma ok okum.
30 We do not despise a thief if he steals some food because he is very hungry.
Ji ok cha jakuo kokwalo chiemo mondo ogaago kech kodenyo.
31 But [if he steals something and then] is caught [by the police], he will have to pay back (seven times as much as/much more than) he stole. He may need to sell everything that is in his house [to get enough money to pay it back].
Kata kamano ka omake, to nyaka ochul nyadibiriyo, kata obedo ni en nengo mapek kuome makawo mwandu mag ode duto.
32 [But] a man who commits adultery with some woman is very foolish, [because] he is destroying his own self/soul [by what he is doing].
To ngʼat ma terore gi chi ngʼat machielo onge gi rieko, ngʼat matimo kamano ketho ngimane owuon.
33 [That woman’s husband] will wound him badly, and [other people] will despise him. His shame will never end.
Pokne en chwat kod wichkuot kendo nobed gi wichkuot ma ok norum.
34 Because that woman’s husband will (be jealous/not want anyone else to sleep with her), he will become furious, and when he gets revenge, he will not act mercifully [toward the man who slept with his wife].
Nimar nyiego mamako chwor dhakono nyalo kelo tho, omiyo ka ochulo kuor, to nobed maonge ngʼwono kata matin.
35 And he will not accept any bribe/money, even if it is a big bribe, to (appease him/cause him to stop being angry).
Ok enoyie chudo moro amora; ok enoyie asoya kata obedo ni en gima duongʼ manade.

< Proverbs 6 >