< Proverbs 5 >

1 My son, listen carefully to some [more] wise things that I will tell you. Listen well to what I am going to teach you.
Mon fils, sois attentif à ma sagesse, Prête l’oreille à mon intelligence,
2 If you do that, you will be able to choose wisely [what to do], and you will know [the right things] to say [MTY].
Afin que tu conserves la réflexion, Et que tes lèvres gardent la connaissance.
3 What an immoral woman says [to you may be] as sweet as honey, and sound smoother than olive oil [feels on your skin],
Car les lèvres de l’étrangère distillent le miel, Et son palais est plus doux que l’huile;
4 but the result [of being with her] will be bitter like gall and [injure you as badly], like being cut with a sharp two-edged sword.
Mais à la fin elle est amère comme l’absinthe, Aiguë comme un glaive à deux tranchants.
5 If you go where she goes [MTY], you will go down to where the dead people are. Her steps will lead you straight to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Ses pieds descendent vers la mort, Ses pas atteignent le séjour des morts. (Sheol h7585)
6 She is not concerned about the roads that lead to a [long] life. She walks [down] a crooked path, and she does not realize [that she is on the wrong road].
Afin de ne pas considérer le chemin de la vie, Elle est errante dans ses voies, elle ne sait où elle va.
7 So now, my sons, listen to me. (Never turn aside from/always remember) [LIT] what I am about to tell you.
Et maintenant, mes fils, écoutez-moi, Et ne vous écartez pas des paroles de ma bouche.
8 Run away from immoral women! Do not go near the doors of their houses!
Éloigne-toi du chemin qui conduit chez elle, Et ne t’approche pas de la porte de sa maison,
9 If you enter the home of one of them, you will lose your (self-respect/good reputation) and [that woman’s husband] will not act mercifully toward you; he will [kill you and] take everything that you have acquired during your life!
De peur que tu ne livres ta vigueur à d’autres, Et tes années à un homme cruel;
10 Foreigners will take your money, and [all] the good things that you have worked for will (end up in their hands/become their possessions).
De peur que des étrangers ne se rassasient de ton bien, Et du produit de ton travail dans la maison d’autrui;
11 And when you are about to die, you will groan [with severe pain] because diseases [that you have gotten from being immoral] will be destroying your body.
De peur que tu ne gémisses, près de ta fin, Quand ta chair et ton corps se consumeront,
12 Then you will say, “I hated it [when people tried to] correct me. I despised [people when they] reproved/rebuked me.
Et que tu ne dises: Comment donc ai-je pu haïr la correction, Et comment mon cœur a-t-il dédaigné la réprimande?
13 I did not heed what my teachers said! I paid no attention to those who [tried to] teach me [something about my behavior].
Comment ai-je pu ne pas écouter la voix de mes maîtres, Ne pas prêter l’oreille à ceux qui m’instruisaient?
14 [Now] I am almost ruined, and I will be disgraced in public gatherings.”
Peu s’en est fallu que je n’aie éprouvé tous les malheurs Au milieu du peuple et de l’assemblée.
15 Like a man is refreshed by drinking water from his own well [MET], enjoy [having sex] [EUP] only with your own wife.
Bois les eaux de ta citerne, Les eaux qui sortent de ton puits.
16 Like you would not waste good water by pouring it into the street, [you should not have sex with other women]. [MET, EUP]
Tes sources doivent-elles se répandre au-dehors? Tes ruisseaux doivent ils couler sur les places publiques?
17 Enjoy [having sex] only with your wife; do not [have sex with] other women.
Qu’ils soient pour toi seul, Et non pour des étrangers avec toi.
18 Let your wife be a source of great pleasure to you. (Be happy/[Enjoy sex]) with the woman whom you married when you were both young.
Que ta source soit bénie, Et fais ta joie de la femme de ta jeunesse,
19 She is as pretty and graceful [as] a young female deer. Allow her breasts to always satisfy you. Allow her lovemaking to excite you.
Biche des amours, gazelle pleine de grâce: Sois en tout temps enivré de ses charmes, Sans cesse épris de son amour.
20 My son, do not be [RHQ] captivated/charmed by an immoral woman! Do not fondle the breasts of another man’s wife!
Et pourquoi, mon fils, serais-tu épris d’une étrangère, Et embrasserais-tu le sein d’une inconnue?
21 [I say that] because Yahweh sees clearly everything that we do; he knows [where we are going on] the roads that we walk on.
Car les voies de l’homme sont devant les yeux de l’Éternel, Qui observe tous ses sentiers.
22 Evil men’s sinful desires hold them fast; their sins are [like] ropes that bind them.
Le méchant est pris dans ses propres iniquités, Il est saisi par les liens de son péché.
23 Evil men [will] die because they are unable to say “No” to their desires; they [will] (go astray/be lost) because of the foolish things that they do.
Il mourra faute d’instruction, Il chancellera par l’excès de sa folie.

< Proverbs 5 >