< Proverbs 30 >
1 These are sayings/messages that God gave to Agur, the son of Jakeh. [Agur wrote them] for Ithiel and Ucal.
Les paroles d'Agur fils de Jaké, [savoir] la charge que cet homme-là proféra à Ithiel, à Ithiel, [dis-je], et à Ucal.
2 It seems that I am very stupid; I do not deserve to be considered to be a human; I do not have the good sense that humans should have.
Certainement je suis le plus hébété de tous les hommes, et il n'y a point en moi de prudence humaine.
3 I have not learned [how to become] wise and I do not know [much] about God.
Et je n'ai point appris la sagesse; et saurais-je la science des saints?
4 [But let me say this]: No one [RHQ] has ascended to heaven [to find out what God is like] and returned [to tell us]. No one [RHQ] has gathered/held the wind in his hand. No one [RHQ] has wrapped the water [in the ocean] in [a piece of] cloth, and no one [RHQ] has established the boundaries of the earth. [If you know who has done those things, tell me] [RHQ] his name, and the names of his children [SAR]! [But you do not know who has done those things, so you cannot speak with authority about what God is like].
Qui est celui qui est monté aux cieux, et qui en est descendu? Qui est celui qui a renfermé le vent dans ses poings, qui a serré les eaux dans son manteau, qui a dressé toutes les bornes de la terre? Quel est son nom, et quel est le nom de son fils, si tu le connais?
5 Everything that God has said is true; he is [like] a shield [MET] for all those who request him to protect them.
Toute la parole de Dieu est épurée; il est un bouclier à ceux qui ont leur refuge vers lui.
6 Do not add to (OR, change) what God has said; if you do that, he will rebuke you and show that you are lying.
N'ajoute rien à ses paroles, de peur qu'il ne te reprenne, et que tu ne sois [trouvé] menteur.
7 [God], I ask you to do two things for me; [please] do them before I die:
Je t'ai demandé deux choses, ne me les refuse point durant ma vie.
8 Help me never to lie or deceive [people] and do not cause me to become poor or to become rich. [Just] give me the food that I need;
Eloigne de moi la vanité, et la parole de mensonge; ne me donne ni pauvreté ni richesses, nourris-moi du pain de mon ordinaire.
9 because if I become rich, I might say that I do not [RHQ] know you and that I do not need you; and if I become poor, I might dishonor you by stealing things.
De peur qu'étant rassasié je ne te renie, et que je ne dise: qui est l'Eternel? de peur aussi qu'étant appauvri, je ne dérobe, et que je ne prenne [en vain] le nom de mon Dieu.
10 Do not (slander/say bad things about) a worker to his boss; if you do that, the worker will curse you, and cause you to have trouble.
Ne blâme point le serviteur devant son maître, de peur que [ce serviteur] ne te maudisse, et qu'il ne t'en arrive du mal.
11 [I will list four kinds of evil things that people do]: Some people curse their fathers and do not [ask God to] bless their mothers.
Il y a une race de gens qui maudit son père, et qui ne bénit point sa mère.
12 Some people think that they are perfect, but [really] they have never been cleansed from their guilt for committing disgusting sins.
Il y a une race de gens qui pense être nette, et qui toutefois n'est point lavée de son ordure.
13 Some people are very proud; they think that they are very good and they despise others.
Il y a une race de gens de laquelle les yeux sont fort hautains, et dont les paupières sont élevées.
14 Some people [act very cruelly toward others]; [it is as though] [MET] they have teeth that are [like] sharp knives; they severely oppress poor [people] and try to cause them to disappear from the land.
Il y a une race de gens dont les dents sont des épées, et dont les dents mâchelières sont des couteaux, pour consumer de dessus la terre les affligés et les nécessiteux d'entre les hommes.
15 Leeches [are always wanting more blood to suck]; [similarly, greedy people are always] saying “Give [me some]!” or “Give [me more]!” [MET] There are four things that are never (satisfied/content with what they have); they always want more [LIT]:
La sangsue a deux filles, [qui disent]: Apporte, apporte. Il y a trois choses qui ne se rassasient point; il y en a même quatre qui ne disent point; C'est assez:
16 The place where the dead people are; women who do not have any children; ground that needs water/rain; and a fire that always needs more wood. (Sheol )
Le sépulcre, la matrice stérile, la terre qui n'est point rassasiée d'eau, et le feu qui ne dit point: C'est assez. (Sheol )
17 Those who [SYN] make fun of their fathers or refuse to obey their mothers (OR, despise their aged mothers) should [die and] have their eyes pecked out by crows, and the [rest of their corpses should be] fed to the vultures.
L'œil [de celui] qui se moque de son père, et qui méprise l'enseignement de sa mère, les corbeaux des torrents le crèveront, et les petits de l'aigle le mangeront.
18 There are four things that are wonderful to me, [but] I do not understand any of them:
Il y a trois choses qui sont trop merveilleuses pour moi, même quatre, [lesquelles] je ne connais point;
19 How eagles fly in the sky, how snakes [are able to] move/crawl across a big rock, how ships sail on the seas, and how a man falls in love with a woman.
Savoir, la trace de l'aigle dans l'air, la trace du serpent sur un rocher, le chemin d'un navire au milieu de la mer, et la trace de l'homme vers la vierge.
20 This is what a woman who (is not faithful to/does not have sex only with) her husband does: She commits adultery [EUP], and [then] bathes and says, “I have not done anything that is wrong!”
Telle est la trace de la [femme] adultère; elle mange, et s'essuie la bouche, puis elle dit: Je n'ai point commis d'iniquité.
21 There are four things that no [one in] the world can tolerate:
La terre tremble pour trois choses, même pour quatre, lesquelles elle ne peut porter:
22 [What] a slave [does who] becomes a king, a foolish person eating [too much] food,
Pour le serviteur quand il règne; pour l'insensé quand il est rassasié de viande;
23 [what] a woman who is hated [does when she] gets married, and [what] a female servant [does when she] becomes the boss instead of her mistress.
Pour la [femme] digne d'être haïe, quand elle se marie; et pour la servante quand elle hérite de sa maîtresse.
24 [There are] four animals on the earth that are small, but they are very wise:
Il y a quatre choses très-petites en la terre qui toutefois sont bien sages et bien avisées:
25 Ants are not strong, but they store up food during the summer [in order to have it during the winter].
Les fourmis, qui sont un peuple faible, et qui néanmoins préparent durant l'été leur nourriture.
26 Rock badgers [also] are not strong, but they make their homes among the rocks [where they will be safe].
Les lapins, qui sont un peuple sans force, et qui néanmoins font leurs maisons dans les rochers;
27 Locusts do not have a king, but they march like [the soldiers in] an army.
Les sauterelles, qui n'ont point de Roi, et qui toutefois vont toutes par bandes.
28 Lizards/Geckos [are very small and] you can hold them in your hand, but they are [cleverly able to get] inside kings’ palaces.
L'araignée, qui saisit [les mouches] avec ses pieds, et qui est pourtant dans les palais des Rois.
29 [There are] four animals that strut around and look very impressive while they walk [DOU]:
Il y a trois choses qui ont un beau marcher, même quatre, qui ont une belle démarche:
30 Lions, which are stronger than all other animals and are not afraid of any of them;
Le lion, qui est le plus fort d'entre les bêtes, et qui ne tourne point en arrière pour la rencontre de qui que ce soit;
31 male goats, strutting roosters, and kings who (parade/walk proudly back and forth) in front of the people whom they rule.
[Le cheval], qui a les flancs bien troussés; le bouc; et le Roi, devant qui personne ne peut subsister.
32 If you have acted foolishly, exalting yourself, or if you been planning [to do something] evil, stop it immediately [IDM]!
Si tu t'es porté follement en t'élevant, et si tu as mal pensé, mets ta main sur la bouche.
33 If you churn milk, it produces butter/curds, and if you hit [someone hard on his] nose, [his nose] bleeds; similarly, if you do something to cause [people to become] angry, strife [usually] results.
Comme celui qui bat le lait, en fait sortir le beurre; et celui qui presse le nez, en fait sortir le sang; ainsi celui qui presse la colère, excite la querelle.