< Proverbs 29 >

1 Some people remain stubborn [IDM] [even] though they are often reproved/warned [about doing what is wrong], [but some day] they will be crushed/ruined, and nothing will be able to heal them.
Munthu amene amawumitsabe khosi lake atadzudzulidwa kwambiri, adzawonongeka mwadzidzidzi popanda chomuchiritsa.
2 When righteous [people] are rulers, people are happy, but when wicked [people] rule, people (groan/are miserable).
Anthu olungama akamalamulira mʼdziko anthu amakondwa, koma ngati dziko lilamulidwa ndi anthu oyipa mtima anthu amadandaula.
3 Those who are eager to become wise cause their parents to be glad; those who spend their time with prostitutes will end up giving all their money to them.
Munthu amene amakonda nzeru amasangalatsa abambo ake, koma woyenda ndi akazi achiwerewere amasakaza chuma chake.
4 When a king rules justly/fairly, he causes his nation to be strong, but a king who is concerned [only] with getting more money from the people ruins his nation.
Mfumu imalimbitsa dziko poweruza mwachilungamo, koma mfumu imene imawumiriza anthu kuti ayipatse mphatso imawononga dziko.
5 Those who (flatter others/say nice things to others [merely] to cause them to feel good) are really setting a trap for them (OR, for themselves) [SYN].
Munthu woshashalika mnzake, akudziyalira ukonde mapazi ake.
6 Evil people will be trapped by the sins that they commit, but righteous/honest people will sing and be joyful/happy.
Munthu woyipa amakodwa ndi machimo ake, koma wochita chilungamo amayimba lokoma.
7 Righteous/Good people know that poor [people] should be treated fairly/justly, [but] wicked people (are not concerned about/do not pay attention to) those matters at all.
Munthu wolungama amasamalira anthu osauka, koma woyipa salabadira zimenezi.
8 Those who make fun of [everything that is good say things that] cause [everyone in] the city to (be agitated/in turmoil); those who are wise enable [people] to remain calm.
Anthu onyoza atha kuwutsa ziwawa mu mzinda, koma anthu anzeru amaletsa ukali.
9 If a wise person sues a foolish person, the foolish person merely laughs [at him] and yells [at him] and will not be quiet (OR, [the dispute will] not be resolved).
Ngati munthu wanzeru atsutsana ndi chitsiru, chitsirucho chimachita phokoso ndi kumangoseka ndipo sipakhala mtendere.
10 Those who murder others hate people who (are honest/always do what is right), but righteous [people] try to protect them.
Anthu okhetsa magazi amadana ndi munthu wangwiro koma anthu olungama amasamalira moyo wake.
11 People who are wise are patient and restrain/control themselves when they are angry, but foolish people (quickly show others that they are very angry/do not restrain themselves at all).
Munthu wopusa amaonetsa mkwiyo wake, koma munthu wanzeru amadzigwira.
12 If a ruler (pays attention to/believes) [people who tell] lies, all his officials will [also] become wicked.
Ngati wolamulira amvera zabodza, akuluakulu ake onse adzakhala oyipa.
13 There is one thing that is true about both poor people and those who oppress them: Yahweh enables all of them to see.
Munthu wosauka ndi munthu wopondereza anzake amafanana pa kuti: Yehova ndiye anawapatsa maso onsewa.
14 If kings judge poor [people] fairly, they will continue to rule for a long time.
Ngati mfumu iweruza osauka moyenera, mpando wake waufumu udzakhazikika nthawi zonse.
15 If children are punished/spanked and reproved/warned, they become wise; but if they are allowed to do whatever they want to do, they [do things that] cause their mothers to be ashamed of them.
Ndodo ndi chidzudzulo zimapatsa nzeru koma mwana womulekerera amachititsa amayi ake manyazi.
16 When wicked [people] rule, there are more crimes committed {people commit more crimes}, but [some day] those wicked people will (be defeated/no longer rule), and righteous [people] will see that happen.
Oyipa akamalamulira zoyipa zimachuluka, koma anthu olungama adzaona kugwa kwa anthu oyipawo.
17 If you discipline your children, they will no longer [do things that] will cause you to be worried; instead, they [will do things that] will delight you [SYN].
Umulange mwana wako ndipo adzakupatsa mtendere ndi kusangalatsa mtima wako.
18 When the people [of a nation] do not receive messages that come directly from God, they do not control their behavior. [God] is pleased with those who obey his laws.
Ngati uthenga wochokera kwa Yehova supezeka anthu amangochita zofuna zawo; koma wodala ndi amene amasunga malamulo.
19 It is not possible to correct/discipline servants only by talking to them; they understand what you are saying, but they do not pay attention to it.
Munthu wantchito sangalangizidwe ndi mawu okha basi; ngakhale awamvetse mawuwo sadzatha kuchitapo kanthu.
20 [God] can help/bless foolish people more easily [RHQ] than he can help/bless people who speak without thinking first.
Ngakhale munthu wa uchitsiru nʼkuti ndiponi popeza chikhulupiriro chilipo kuposa munthu wodziyesa yekha kuti ndi wanzeru poyankhula.
21 If someone gives his servants everything that they want, starting from when they are young, some day those servants will take from him everything that he owns.
Ngati munthu asasatitsa wantchito wake kuyambira ali mwana, potsirizira adzapeza kuti wantchitoyo wasanduka mlowachuma wake.
22 Those who [quickly] become angry cause [many] arguments, and they [also] commit many sins.
Munthu wamkwiyo amayambitsa mikangano, ndipo munthu waukali amachita zolakwa zambiri.
23 Proud people will be disgraced; those who are humble will be respected.
Kunyada kwa munthu kudzamutsitsa, koma munthu wodzichepetsa amalandira ulemu.
24 Those who help thieves [to steal] only hurt themselves; [when they are in court], they solemnly ask [God] to curse them [if they do not tell the truth], but they do not tell the truth [about the crime that was committed], [and as a result, God will curse them].
Woyenda ndi munthu wakuba ndi mdani wa moyo wake womwe; amalumbira koma osawulula kanthu.
25 It is [like] a dangerous trap [MET] [for people] to be (afraid of/worried about) what others will think about them, but those who trust in Yahweh are safe/protected.
Kuopa munthu kudzakhala ngati msampha, koma aliyense amene amadalira Yehova adzatetezedwa.
26 Many [people] request rulers to do things to help them, but Yahweh is [the only one] who surely does for people what is fair/just.
Anthu ambiri amafunitsitsa kuti wolamulira awakomere mtima, koma munthu amaweruzidwa mwachilungamo ndi thandizo la Yehova basi.
27 Righteous [people] hate/detest those who do what is evil, and wicked [people] hate [those whose behavior is always] good.
Anthu olungama amanyansidwa ndi anthu achinyengo; koma anthu oyipa amanyansidwa ndi anthu a mtima wowongoka.

< Proverbs 29 >