< Proverbs 28 >

1 Wicked [people] run away [even] when no one is pursuing them, but righteous/good [people are not afraid]; they are as brave as lions.
Kuwa sharka lahu waxay cararaan iyadoo aan ciduna eryanayn, Laakiinse kuwa xaqa ahu waxay u dhiirran yihiin sida libaax oo kale.
2 When [the people of] a nation sin, they will have one ruler after another; but when their leaders are wise and have good sense, their government will last for a long time.
Waddan xadgudubkiisa aawadiis amiirradu way badan yihiin, Laakiinse ninkii waxgarasho iyo aqoon leh dowladdiisu way sii raagtaa.
3 A poor person who oppresses [other] poor [people] is [like] [MET] a very heavy/hard rain that [destroys the crops], with the result that there is no food [for people to eat].
Miskiin masaakiinta dulmaa Waa sida roob dhulka xaadha oo aan cunto ka tegin.
4 Those who reject/disobey [God’s] laws always speak well of wicked [people]; but those who obey [God’s] laws [always] oppose what wicked people do.
Kuwa sharciga ka tagaa waxay ammaanaan kuwa sharka leh, Laakiinse kuwa sharciga dhawra ayaa iyaga la dirira.
5 Evil people do not understand what it means to act justly, but those who try to obey/worship Yahweh understand that very well.
Nimanka sharka lahu garsooridda ma gartaan, Laakiinse kuwa Rabbiga doondoonaa wax walbay gartaan.
6 It is better to be honest [even] though you are poor than to be dishonest [even] though you are rich.
Kii jidad qalloocan ku socda, in kastoo uu taajir yahay, Waxaa ka roon miskiinka daacadnimadiisa ku socda.
7 Young people who obey the laws are wise [IDM]; parents whose children associate with those who (carouse/go to wild parties) are humiliated/disgraced because of what their children do.
Ku alla kii sharciga dhawraa waa wiil caqli leh, Laakiinse kii raaca kuwa cirta weyn, aabbihiisuu ceebeeyaa.
8 When people become very rich by charging very high interest [DOU], their money will [eventually] go to someone who does kind things for the poor.
Kii korsaar iyo ribo maalkiisa ku korodhsadaa, Wuxuu u ururin doonaa mid masaakiinta u naxariista.
9 If people do not obey [MTY] [God’s] laws, [God] (detests their prayers/considers that their prayers stink).
Kii dhegtiisa ka leexiya inuu sharciga maqlo, Xataa baryootankiisu waa karaahiyo.
10 Those who cause honest/good [people] to do what is evil will fall into their own pits/traps, but good things will happen to those who (are innocent/have not done what is wrong).
Ku alla kii kuwa xaqa ah jid shar ah ku ambiyaa, Isagaa ku dhici doona godkiisa, Laakiinse kuwa qummanu wax wanaagsan bay dhaxli doonaan.
11 [Many] rich people think that they are wise, but poor people who have good sense will find out whether rich people really are wise or not.
Taajirku waa isla caqli weyn yahay, Laakiinse miskiinka waxgarashada leh ayaa isaga kashifa.
12 When righteous/good [people] (succeed/win [elections]), everyone (celebrates/is happy); but when wicked [people win], everyone hides [because they are afraid of what the wicked people will do].
Kuwa xaqa ahu markay guulaystaan, waxaa jirta ammaan weyn, Laakiinse markii kuwa sharka lahu sara kacaan dadku waa dhuuntaa.
13 Those who refuse to confess/admit their sins will not prosper, but [God] acts mercifully/kindly toward those who confess their sins and turn away from their sinful behavior.
Kii xadgudubyadiisa qariyaa ma liibaani doono, Laakiinse kii qirta oo haddana ka tagaa, naxariis buu heli doonaa.
14 [God] is pleased with those who always revere him, but those who are stubborn [IDM] will experience disasters.
Ninkii mar kasta cabsadaa waa barakaysan yahay, Laakiinse kii qalbigiisa sii adkeeyaa masiibuu ku dhici doonaa.
15 Wicked people who [mistreat] poor people whom they rule are [as dangerous to them as] [SIM] a lion roaring [at them] or a bear springing up [to attack them].
Taliyihii shar lahu wuxuu dadka masaakiintaa ku yahay Sida libaax ciyaya iyo sida orso weerar ah oo kale.
16 Rulers who do not have good sense cruelly oppress [the people they rule], but rulers who do not want to become rich by cheating/deceiving [people] will live (OR, rule) for a long time.
Amiirkii garaaddaranu waa nin dulun weyn, Laakiinse kii neceb faa'iidada xaqdarrada ah cimrigiisuu dheerayn doonaa.
17 Those who are guilty of murdering [MTY] another person will (be fugitives/keep running away) until they die; do not help them to escape.
Ninkii nin dhiiggiis qabaa Wuxuu u carari doonaa godka, oo ninna yaanu ka joojin.
18 Those who [continually] do what is right will be safe/protected, but those who are dishonest will [suddenly] be ruined.
Ku alla kii si qumman u socda waa la samatabbixin doonaa, Laakiinse kii si qalloocan laba jid ugu socdaa haddiiba wuu dhici doonaa.
19 Farmers who work [hard] in their fields will [produce good crops and always] have plenty of food [to eat], but those who spend all their time (on useless projects/doing things that do not benefit anyone) will become very poor.
Kii dhulkiisa beertaa, cunto badan buu ka dhergi doonaa, Laakiinse kii waxmatarayaal raacaa wuxuu ka dhergi doonaa caydhnimo.
20 [God] will greatly bless those who (are trustworthy/always do what they say that they will do), but he will certainly punish [LIT] those who try to become rich quickly.
Ninkii aamin ahu aad buu u barakoobi doonaa, Laakiinse kii taajirnimo ku degdegaa ma taqsiir la'aan doono.
21 It is not good [for judges] to decide matters unfairly/unjustly, but [some] people will do what is wrong [even] if they receive [only] a very small bribe [HYP] [for doing it].
Ma wanaagsana in dadka loo kala eexdo, Iyo inuu nin xabbad kibis ah u xadgudbo toona.
22 Selfish people [IDM] are very eager to become rich quickly; they do not realize that they will [soon] become poor.
Kii taajirnimo ku degdegaa waa qumay, Mana oga inuu caydhoobi doono.
23 Those who rebuke someone will be appreciated/thanked more than those who [say nice things to others merely] to (flatter them/cause them to feel good).
Kii nin canaantaa wuxuu marka dambe heli doonaa Raallinimo ka badan kan carrabka ku faaniya.
24 Anyone who steals things from his father or his mother and says “That is not sinful” is as bad as a bandit.
Kii aabbihiis ama hooyadiis wax ka dhaca oo haddana yidhaahda, Taasu xadgudub ma aha, Wuxuu saaxiib la yahay kii wax dumiya.
25 Greedy people cause trouble/strife; those who trust in Yahweh will prosper [IDM].
Kii hunguri weynu muran buu kiciyaa, Laakiinse kii Rabbiga isku halleeya waa la barwaaqaysiin doonaa.
26 Those who believe that what they think [is always right] are foolish; those who act wisely will (escape danger/be safe).
Kii qalbigiisa isku halleeyaa waa nacas, Laakiinse ku alla kii si caqli ah u socda waa la samatabbixin doonaa.
27 Those who give things to poor [people] will not become poor, but many [people] will curse those who refuse to help [IDM] poor people.
Kii miskiinka wax siiyaa ma baahan doono, Laakiinse kii indhaha ka qarsada aad baa loo habaari doonaa.
28 When wicked [people] become rulers, people hide [because they are afraid of what those wicked people will do]; but when wicked people are no longer rulers, good/righteous [people will] become the rulers.
Markii kuwa sharka lahu kacaan dadku waa dhuuntaa, Laakiinse markay halligmaan, kuwa xaqa ahu way sii kordhaan.

< Proverbs 28 >