< Proverbs 27 >

1 Do not boast about [what you will do] tomorrow, because you do not know what will happen [PRS] on any day.
Sabahkı gününlə öyünmə, Günün nə doğacağını bilməzsən.
2 Do not praise yourself [MTY, PRS]; allow others to praise you. If someone else praises you, that is okay.
Qoy səni özün yox, başqaları tərifləsin, Sənə tərifi öz dilin yox, yad söyləsin.
3 [It causes pain to our bodies to carry heavy] stones or [a pail full of] sand, but doing something stupid/foolish [can cause] great [pain to other people’s spirits.]
Daşın, qumun çəkisi ağırdır, Səfehin əsib-coşması bunların ikisindən də ağırdır.
4 It is cruel to be angry [with others], and our being angry sometimes destroys [others], but being jealous of someone is [RHQ] often more cruel than that.
Hiddət amansızdır, qəzəbsə aşıb-daşar, Paxıllıq daha betərdir, ona necə dözmək olar?
5 It is better to correct someone openly than to show that you l don’t love that person [by not correcting him].
Aşkar irad gizli məhəbbətdən üstündür.
6 If a friend criticizes you, [he is a good friend and] you can trust him; but if one of your enemies kisses you, he is [probably wanting to] deceive you.
Dostun vurduğu yara onun sədaqətinə görədir, Amma düşmən öpdükcə öpər.
7 When someone’s stomach is full, he does not want to eat honey; but when someone is [very] hungry, he thinks that [even] bitter things taste sweet.
Toxun könlü şanı balını belə, rədd edər, Lakin ac olana acı şeylər belə, şirin gələr.
8 Anyone who wanders [far] from his home/family is like [SIM] a bird that is far from its nest.
Yurdundan ayrı düşən insan Bir quş kimi yuvasından ayrı düşür.
9 [Putting olive] oil and perfume on a person’s skin causes him to feel good, but having a friend [who gives] good advice [is even better].
Gözəl ətir və buxurun ürəyə verdiyi ləzzət kimi Dostun nəsihəti də insana xoş gələr.
10 Do not neglect your friends or your parents’ friends; and at a time when you are experiencing a disaster, do not go to a relative [who lives far away to request his help]; someone who lives near you can help you more than relatives who live far away.
Həm öz dostunu, həm də atanın dostunu tərk etmə, Dara düşəndə qardaşının evinə getmə. Yaxın qonşu uzaq qohumdan yaxşıdır.
11 My child/son, cause me to be happy by becoming wise, in order that I will [know how to] reply to those who would criticize me [about your behavior].
Oğlum, hikmətli ol, qoy qəlbim sevinsin, Onda məni utandırana cavab verə bilərəm.
12 Those who have good sense will realize that there is something dangerous ahead, and they will hide; those who do not have good sense [just] keep going, and later they will suffer because of [doing] that.
Uzaqgörən qabaqcadan şəri görüb ondan qaçar, Cahil isə irəli çıxar, ziyan tapar.
13 [You deserve to] have your property taken from you if you [foolishly] promise to a stranger (OR, a strange woman) that you will pay what she owes if she is unable to pay it [DOU].
Özgəyə zamin duranın libasını al, Onu qərib qadın üçün girov saxla.
14 If you rise early in the morning and call out a greeting to your neighbor [while he is still sleeping], he will consider it to be a curse, [not a blessing].
Kim ki qonşusunu sübh erkən ucadan salamlar, O zaman salamı söyüş sayılar.
15 [Having] a wife that is [constantly] nagging is as [bad as listening] to rain continually dripping on a rainy day.
Davakar qadın yağışda daman damcıya oxşar.
16 [Trying] to restrain/stop her [from doing that] is as [difficult] [SIM] [as trying] to stop the wind or [trying] to hold oil in your hand.
Onu yel kimi dayandırmaq olmaz, Zeytun yağı kimi ovucda saxlamaq olmaz.
17 [We can use one] iron tool to sharpen [another] iron [tool]; similarly [SIM], [when one person shares] what he is thinking, it can help other people [to think more clearly].
Dəmir dəmiri itilər, İnsan insanın ağlını iti edər.
18 Those who take care of fig trees will have figs to eat; [similarly], servants who protect their master will be honored [by him].
Əncir becərən barını yeyər, Ağasının qayğısına qalan şərəfləndirilər.
19 [When a person looks] in the water, he sees his own face; similarly [SIM], [when we look at] a person’s behavior, we know what he is thinking.
Sifətin əksi suyun üzünə düşdüyü kimi İnsanın ürəyi də onu elə göstərər.
20 [It is as though] the place where the dead people are is always wanting more people to [die and] come there; and humans [SYN] are always wanting to acquire more things, [too]. (Sheol h7585)
Ölüm və Həlak yeri doymadığı kimi İnsanın da gözü doymaz. (Sheol h7585)
21 [Workers put] silver and gold in a very hot furnace [to burn out what is impure], and [SIM] people learn [what we are really like when they see how we react when people] praise us.
İsti kürədə qızıl-gümüş yoxlanar, İnsan da başqalarının tərifi ilə tanınar.
22 Even if you beat/crush a fool severely [like] [MET] you pulverize grain with a pestle, you [probably] will not be able to cause him to stop (being foolish/doing foolish things).
Buğdanı həvəngdəstədə döysən, kəpəyi çıxar, Amma səfehi nə qədər döysən, səfehliyi çıxmaz.
23 Take good care of your flocks of sheep and herds of cattle,
Sürünə yaxşı bax, naxırına nəzər yetir,
24 because the money [that you acquired from selling animals previously] will not (last/stay with you) forever; similarly [SIM], governments [MTY] certainly do not [RHQ] last forever.
Nə var-dövlət əbədidir, nə də tac nəsildən-nəslə keçir.
25 After you cut the hay [DOU] and [store it to feed the animals in the winter while] a new crop of hay is growing,
Saman yığılandan sonra təzə ot bitəndə, Dağlarda ot biçiləndə
26 you will be able to [shear the sheep and] make clothes from the wool, and you will get money from selling [some of] the goats to buy [more] land,
Quzuların səni geyindirər, Təkələrini satıb tarla ala bilərsən.
27 and you will get enough milk from the [other] goats for you and your family and your female servants.
Keçilər sənə yemək üçün o qədər süd verər ki, Bu, evin azuqəsinə, kənizlərinin dolanışığına çatar.

< Proverbs 27 >