< Proverbs 26 >
1 Just [like] [SIM] [it is not appropriate for] snow [to fall] in summer time, or rain [to fall] at harvest time, it is not appropriate to praise/honor foolish people.
Jak śnieg w lecie i jak deszcz we żniwa, tak głupiemu nie przystoi chwała.
2 Like [SIM] birds that fly by [and do not alight/land on anything], if someone curses you, it cannot hurt you if you (do not deserve them/have not done to him what is wrong).
Jak ptak się tuła [i] jak jaskółka lata, tak nie przyjdzie niezasłużone przekleństwo.
3 It is necessary to whip a horse and to put a bridle on a donkey [to force them to go where we want them to go], and similarly [SIM] [it is often necessary to strike] foolish people with a stick [to cause them to do what is right].
Bicz na konia, wędzidło na osła, a kij na grzbiet głupiego.
4 If a foolish person asks a foolish question, [do not answer him], because [if you answer his question], you are just as foolish as he is.
Nie odpowiadaj głupiemu według jego głupoty, abyś i ty nie był do niego podobny.
5 If you give a foolish answer to someone who asks a foolish question, he will realize that he is (not very wise/foolish).
Odpowiedz głupiemu według jego głupoty, aby nie był mądry we własnych oczach.
6 Anyone who asks a foolish person to take a message to someone [is himself doing something as foolish as] cutting off his own feet or drinking poison.
Kto powierza głupiemu posłannictwo, odcina sobie nogi i pije na własną szkodę.
7 A lame man cannot use his legs, and similarly [SIM] [it is useless for] a foolish person to speak [MTY] (proverbs/wise sayings).
[Jak] nierówne są nogi chromego, tak przysłowie w ustach głupich.
8 Tying a stone in a sling [so that it cannot be thrown at a target] is [as foolish as] [SIM] honoring a foolish person.
Jaki jest ten, kto przywiązuje kamień do procy, taki ten, kto oddaje cześć głupiemu.
9 If a drunk person waves some thorns/brambles with his hand, [he is not able to accomplish anything useful by doing that] (OR, [he does not feel it when a thorn sticks in his hand]); similarly, if foolish people speak [MTY] proverbs, [they do not help anyone who hears them].
Jak cierń wbija się w rękę pijaka, tak przysłowie w ustach głupców.
10 A man who shoots arrows [to try] to wound everybody who is near [is foolish]; similarly, anyone who hires a foolish person [who passes by is very foolish].
Wielki [Bóg] stworzył wszystko i odpłaca głupiemu, odpłaca również przestępcom.
11 A foolish person will foolishly do something stupid a second time; it is [like] [SIM] a dog returning to [eat] what it has vomited.
[Jak] pies powraca do swoich wymiocin, tak głupi powtarza swoją głupotę.
12 [God] can help/bless foolish people more easily than he can help/bless people who are not wise [RHQ], but think that they are wise.
Widzisz człowieka, co mądry w swoich oczach? Więcej nadziei dla głupca niż dla niego.
13 Lazy people [just stay inside their houses and do nothing]; [they keep] saying “[I think] there is a lion in the street!”
Leniwy mówi: Lew na drodze, lew na ulicach.
14 A door [continually] swings back and forth on its hinges [and does not go anywhere]; similarly [SIM], lazy people [just continually turn over] in their beds [and never do anything].
Jak drzwi się obracają na swoich zawiasach, tak leniwy na swoim łóżku.
15 Some people are extremely lazy; they put their hand in a dish [to get some food] but do not [even] lift the food up to their mouths.
Leniwy kryje rękę pod pachę, a ciężko mu ją podnosić do ust.
16 Lazy people think that they are wiser than seven/several people who can answer [others’ questions] with good sense.
Leniwy uważa się za mądrzejszego niż siedmiu odpowiadających rozsądnie.
17 Anyone who (meddles/involves himself) in a quarrel that does not concern him is [as foolish as] [SIM] someone who tries to grab a passing dog by its ears.
Kto przechodzi i wtrąca się w cudzy spór, jest jak ten, który łapie psa za uszy.
18 Crazy people who shoot burning arrows to kill people
Jak szalony wypuszcza iskry, strzały i śmierć;
19 are as foolish as those who deceive someone else and [then] say, “I was only joking.”
Taki jest każdy, kto zwodzi swego bliźniego i mówi: Czy nie żartowałem?
20 If there is no [more] firewood [to put on the fire], the fire will go out; similarly [SIM], if there are no people who (gossip/tell people things that are not true), quarreling will end.
Gdy nie ma drew, ogień gaśnie; tak gdy nie ma plotkarza, ustaje spór.
21 [Putting] charcoal on burning coals or [putting] wood on a fire [causes the fire to keep burning]; similarly, people who like to quarrel cause people to keep arguing.
Jak węgiel dla żaru i drwa do ognia, tak kłótliwy człowiek do wzniecenia sporu.
22 People [enjoy listening to what gossips say about others just like] [SIM] they enjoy tasty food; they [enjoy listening to what gossips tell them like] they enjoy swallowing tasty food.
Słowa plotkarzy są [jak] rany; przenikają do głębi wnętrzności.
23 People who say nice things when they are thinking about doing evil things are like a nice glaze/covering on a [cheap] clay pot.
Palące wargi i złe serce [są jak] gliniana skorupa pokryta żużlem srebrnym.
24 Those who hate someone and are saying [MTY] something very different from what they are thinking are hypocrites; they are only planning [to harm that person].
Ten, kto nienawidzi, udaje wargami, lecz w sercu knuje podstęp.
25 When they say nice things, do not believe them, because in their inner beings are many things that [Yahweh] hates.
Gdy mówi miłym głosem, nie wierz mu, bo siedem obrzydliwości ma w swoim sercu.
26 They try to deceive people to cause them to think that they do not hate [that person], but in a public meeting, the people will find out the evil things [that they have done].
Nienawiść [człowieka] bywa pokryta podstępem, [ale] jego niegodziwość będzie odkryta na zgromadzeniu.
27 Those who dig a deep pit [for other people to fall into] will fall into it themselves; rocks will roll down on those who start to cause rocks to roll down [to crush someone].
Kto kopie dół, wpadnie w niego; kto kamień toczy, na niego się on obróci.
28 Those [MTY] who tell lies to others [really] hate them, and those who deceive [others] ruin them.
Kłamliwy język nienawidzi [tych, których] uciska, a usta pochlebcze prowadzą do zguby.