< Proverbs 20 >

1 Drinking a lot of wine or [other] strong drinks causes people to start fighting; it is foolish to become drunk/intoxicated.
Vīns ir zobgalis, stiprs dzēriens trakgalvis; kas no tā straipalē, nav gudrs.
2 Being afraid of a king when he is angry is like [SIM] being afraid of a lion when it growls/roars; if you cause the king to become angry, he may execute you.
Ķēniņa draudi ir kā jauna lauvas rūkšana; kas viņu apkaitina, tas grēko pret savu dzīvību.
3 [People] respect those who stay away from disputes/arguments; foolish people [love to] quarrel.
Vīram gods, būt tālu no bāršanās; bet kas vien ģeķis, iemaisās.
4 [If] a lazy man does not plow [his fields at the right/proper time], he will look for [crops] at harvest [time], but there will be nothing there.
Aukstuma dēļ sliņķis near; pļaujamā laikā viņš meklēs augļus, bet nekā!
5 [Just] as it is difficult to bring up water from a deep well, it is difficult to know what people are thinking, but someone who has good sense/insight will be able to find out what people are thinking.
Vīra padoms sirdī ir dziļš ūdens, bet gudrs vīrs to izsmeļ.
6 Many people proclaim that they can be trusted [to do what they say that they will do], but it is very difficult to find [RHQ] someone who can really be trusted.
Ir daudz, kas katrs savu labu sirdi teic; bet uzticamu vīru, kas to atradīs!
7 If parents conduct their lives as they should, [God] blesses their children (OR, their children are very happy/fortunate).
Taisnais staigā savā skaidrībā; svētīgi būs viņa bērni pēc viņa!
8 A king who sits on his throne to judge people can [easily] [MTY] find out what things that people have done are good and what things are evil.
Ķēniņš, uz soģa krēsla sēžot, izdeldē visu ļaunu ar savām acīm.
9 There is no one [RHQ] who can truthfully say, “I do not know of any wrong things that I have done; I have (gotten rid of all my sinful behavior/quit doing what is sinful).”
Kas var sacīt: Es esmu šķīsts savā sirdī, es esmu tīrs no grēkiem?
10 Yahweh detests people who use weights that are not right and measures that are not correct.
Divējāds svars un divējāds mērs, šie abi Tam Kungam ir negantība.
11 Even children show by what they do whether they are good or not; they show whether (what they do/their behavior) is honest and right [or not].
Jau pie bērna darbošanās var nomanīt, vai viņa vīra darbi būs skaidri un taisni.
12 Two of the things that Yahweh has created [for us] are ears to hear things and eyes to see things.
Ausi dzirdošu un aci redzošu, abas darījis Tas Kungs.
13 If you want to sleep [all the time], you will become poor; if you stay awake [and work], you will have plenty of food.
Nemīlē miegu, ka nepalieci par nabagu; atdari savas acis, tad būsi maizes paēdis.
14 People [look at things that they are about] to buy, [and in order to get it for a lower price sometimes they] say, “(It is no good/It is poor quality),” but [after they buy it], they go and boast [about having bought it for a cheap price].
„Slikts, slikts!“saka pircējs; bet aizgājis, tad lielās.
15 Gold and precious stones are [valuable], but wise words [MTY] are more valuable.
Ja arī zelta un pērļu ir daudz, tomēr tas skaistākais glītums ir gudras lūpas.
16 If you foolishly promise to a stranger that you will pay what he owes if he is unable to pay it [DOU], [you deserve to] have someone take your coat from you.
„Atņem viņam drēbi, jo tas priekš sveša galvojis, un tā nezināmā parādnieka vietā ķīlā tu to!“
17 People [may] think that food that they acquire by doing what is dishonest will taste very good, but later [they will not enjoy what they have done any more than they would enjoy] eating gravel/sand.
Zagta maize dažam salda, bet pēcgalā viņa mute būs pilna zvirgzdu.
18 When people give you good advice, [if you do what they suggest], your plans will succeed; so be sure to get good advice from wise people before you start fighting a war.
Ar padomu ved nodomus galā, un karu tu vedi ar gudriem padomiem.
19 Those who go around telling gossip are [always] telling secrets to [others]; so stay away from people who foolishly talk [too much].
Mēlnesis apkārt lienot izpļurkstē, kas slēpjams; bet tu netinies ar to, kas savu muti nevalda.
20 If someone curses his father or his mother, his life will be ended, [just] like a lamp is extinguished.
Kas tēvu un māti lād, tā spīdeklis izdzisīs visu dziļākā tumsībā,
21 If you very quickly take the property that your parents promise will be yours after they die, you will not receive any good/blessing from it.
Mantība, ko no pirmā gala iegūst, beidzamā galā nebūs svētīga.
22 Do not say, “I will do evil to those who do evil to me;” wait for Yahweh [to do something about it], and he will (help you/[do what is right]).
Nesaki: Es atriebšu ļaunu! Gaidi uz To Kungu, un viņš tevi izpestīs.
23 Yahweh detests [those who use] dishonest scales and weights that are not accurate/correct.
Divējāds svars Tam Kungam negantība, un viltīgs svara kauss nav labs.
24 Yahweh is the one who has decided what will happen to us, so (how can we (understand/know) what will happen before it happens?/we humans certainly cannot (understand/know) what will happen before it happens.) [RHQ]
No Tā Kunga ir cilvēka soļi; kā gan cilvēks izprastu savu ceļu!
25 You should think carefully before you solemnly promise to dedicate something to God, because later you might be sorry you have promised to do it.
Svētas lietas aplam solīt un pēc apdomāt, būs cilvēkam par valgu.
26 Wise kings find out [MET] which people have done what is wrong, and they punish them very severely [IDM].
Gudrs ķēniņš izdeldē bezdievīgos un ved skrituli pār tiem.
27 Our consciences are [like] lamps that Yahweh [has given to us to enable us to know what we are thinking] [MET]; they reveal what is hidden deep in our (minds/inner beings).
Dieva gaišums ir cilvēka dvēsele, kas pārzina visu sirds dziļumu.
28 Kings will continue to rule as long as they faithfully love their people and are loyal to them and as long as they rule righteously/fairly.
Žēlastība un ticība pasargā ķēniņu, un caur žēlastību stāv stiprs viņa goda krēsls.
29 We honor/admire young people because they are strong, but we respect [MTY] old people more because they are wise.
Jaunekļu krāšņums ir viņu spēks, un sirmi mati veco goda kronis.
30 When we are beaten or whipped, it [can] cause us to quit doing what is evil in our lives; when someone wounds us [by punishing us], it [can] cause our behavior to become good.
Zilu un jēlu sapērt, tā nelieti noberž tīru un ar sitieniem līdz kauliem.

< Proverbs 20 >