< Proverbs 2 >

1 My son, listen to what I say, and [consider my instructions to be as valuable as] [MET] a treasure.
Mwanakomana wangu, kana ukagamuchira mashoko angu, ukachengeta mirayiro yangu mauri,
2 Pay attention to wisdom and try hard to understand it.
ukarerekera nzeve yako kuuchenjeri uye ukaisa mwoyo wako pakunzwisisa,
3 Call out [to God] to get insight; plead with him to help you to understand more [of what he wants you to know].
uye kana ukadanidzira kuti uwanze njere uye ukadanidzira nenzwi guru kuti uwane kunzwisisa,
4 Search [eagerly] for wisdom, like you would search for silver, like you would search for a treasure that someone has hidden.
uye kana ukahutsvaka sounotsvaka sirivha nokuhutsvaka sounotsvaka pfuma yakavanzwa,
5 If you do that, you will understand how to revere Yahweh, and you will succeed in knowing God.
ipapo uchanzwisisa kutya Jehovha uye uchawana ruzivo rwaMwari.
6 Yahweh is the one who gives us wisdom. He is the one who tells us things that we need to know and understand.
Nokuti Jehovha anopa uchenjeri, uye mumuromo make munobuda zivo nokunzwisisa.
7 He gives good advice to those who conduct their lives as they should. He protects [MET] those who do what is right.
Anochengetera vakarurama kukunda, iye ndiye nhoo kuna avo vane mufambiro usina chaunopomerwa,
8 He guards those who act justly/fairly [toward others], and he watches over those who are faithful/loyal [to him].
nokuti anochengetedza nzira yavakarurama, uye anodzivirira nzira yavakatendeka vake.
9 [If you ask God for wisdom], you will understand what is right and just [DOU] [to do], and [you will know] the right way to conduct your life,
Ipapo uchanzwisisa zvakarurama, kururamisira nokuenzanisira nzira dzose dzakanaka.
10 because you will be wise in your inner being; and knowing [what God wants you to know] will cause you to be joyful.
Nokuti uchenjeri huchapinda mumwoyo mako, uye ruzivo ruchafadza mweya wako.
11 If you know [PRS] how to choose what is right to do and if you understand [what God wants] you to do, God will protect you and guard you and keep you safe.
Kungwara kuchakuchengetedza, uye kunzwisisa kuchakurinda.
12 If you are wise [PRS], you will not do what evil people do, and you will not [believe what] deceitful people say.
Uchenjeri huchakuponesa panzira dzavanhu vakaipa, vanhu vane mashoko asakarurama,
13 Deceitful people have stopped acting fairly/justly [toward others] and (walk on dark and evil paths/do what evil people do) [MET].
vanosiya nzira yakarurama kuti vafambe munzira dzerima,
14 They enjoy doing what is wrong; they like to do what is evil and to deceive [people].
vanofarira kuita zvakaipa uye vanofarira kusarurama kwezvakaipa,
15 They (walk on crooked paths/always deceive others) and are always dishonest.
vane nzira dzakaminama uye vanonyengera pamaitiro avo.
16 If you are wise [PRS], you will [also] be saved from (immoral women/prostitutes); you will not pay attention when adulterous women try to (seduce/entice you by what they say.)
Zvichakuponesazve pamukadzi chifeve, kubva pamudzimai asingazvibati, anokwezva namashoko ake,
17 Those women have left the husbands whom they married when they were young; they have disregarded the solemn promise they made to God [not to commit adultery].
uyo akasiya murume woumhandara hwake uye akashaya hanya nesungano yaakaita pamberi paMwari.
18 If you go into houses of women who are like that, you will die [when you are still young]; the road [to their houses] leads to hell. (questioned)
Nokuti imba yake inoenda kurufu, uye nzira dzake kumweya yavakafa.
19 No man who (visits/sleeps with) a woman like that will again [live harmoniously with his family]. He will never have a [happy] life again.
Hakuna anoenda kwaari achidzoka kana kuzowana nzira dzoupenyu.
20 If [you are wise], you should behave like good men behave. You should (stay on the paths that righteous [people] walk on/do what godly people do) [MET],
Naizvozvo iwe uchafamba munzira dzavanhu vakanaka uye ucharamba uri munzira dzavakarurama.
21 because only godly people will live in this land [and receive God’s blessings]; [only] those who have not done wrong will stay here [for a long time].
Nokuti vakarurama vachagara munyika, uye vasina chavanopomerwa vacharamba vari mairi;
22 Wicked [people] will be expelled from this land, and [people] who are not trustworthy will be thrown {God will throw them} out of it.
asi vakaipa vachaparadzwa panyika, uye vasina kutendeka vachabviswa pairi.

< Proverbs 2 >