< Proverbs 19 >
1 Conducting our lives as we should [even though] we are poor is better than being foolish and telling lies.
성실히 행하는 가난한 자는 입술이 패려하고 미련한 자 보다 나으니라
2 Being enthusiastic but not thinking carefully [about what we are about to do] is not good; doing things hastily can cause us a lot of trouble [IDM].
지식 없는 소원은 선치 못하고 발이 급한 사람은 그릇하느니라
3 Some people are ruined as a result of their [own] foolish actions, and when that happens, they [SYN] angrily say that it is Yahweh’s fault.
사람이 미련하므로 자기 길을 굽게 하고 마음으로 여호와를 원망하느니라
4 Those who are rich easily find people who want to be their friends, but when [people become] poor, their friends [often] desert them.
재물은 많은 친구를 더하게 하나 가난한즉 친구가 끊어지느니라
5 Those who tell lies in court will surely be punished [LIT]; they will not escape it.
거짓 증인은 벌을 면치 못할 것이요 거짓말을 내는 자도 피치 못하리라
6 Many [people] try to persuade important people to do favors for them; everyone [wants to] be a friend of those who give gifts.
너그러운 사람에게는 은혜를 구하는 자가 많고 선물을 주기를 좋아하는 자에게는 사람마다 친구가 되느니라
7 [Even] the relatives of someone who becomes poor hate him, and his friends certainly stay away from him, too; [even] if he tries to talk with them, they will not be his friends [again].
가난한 자는 그 형제들에게도 미움을 받거든 하물며 친구야 그를 멀리 아니하겠느냐 따라가며 말하려 할지라도 그들이 없어졌으 리라
8 Those who become wise [IDM] are doing a favor for themselves; those who get good sense will prosper.
지혜를 얻는 자는 자기 영혼을 사랑하고 명철을 지키는 자는 복을 얻느니라
9 Those who tell lies in court will certainly be punished [LIT]; they will be ruined.
거짓 증인은 벌을 면치 못할 것이요 거짓말을 내는 자는 망할 것이니라
10 It is not appropriate for foolish people to live (luxuriously/like rich people), and it is even less appropriate for slaves to rule important officials.
미련한 자가 사치하는 것이 적당치 못하거든 하물며 종이 방백을 다스림이랴
11 Those who have good sense do not quickly become angry; people respect those who ignore offensive [things that people say to them].
노하기를 더디하는 것이 사람의 슬기요 허물을 용서하는 것이 자기의 영광이니라
12 When a king is angry, [that causes people to be afraid of him], like the roar of a lion [causes people to be afraid] [SIM], but if he acts kindly toward people, [they like it just] like [they like] dew on the grass [in the morning].
왕의 노함은 사자의 부르짖음 같고 그의 은택은 풀 위에 이슬 같으니라
13 Foolish children [can] cause disasters to happen to their parents. A wife who constantly (nags/quarrels with) [her husband is as annoying as] water that continually drips [MET].
미련한 아들은 그 아비의 재앙이요 다투는 아내는 이어 떨어지는 물방울이니라
14 We [can] inherit a house or money from our parents [when they die], but only Yahweh [can] give someone a sensible wife.
집과 재물은 조상에게서 상속하거니와 슬기로운 아내는 여호와께로서 말미암느니라
15 Those who are lazy sleep soundly, but if they are lazy, they will be hungry [because of not earning money to buy food].
게으름이 사람으로 깊이 잠들게 하나니 해태한 사람은 주릴 것이니라
16 Those who obey [God’s] commandments will remain alive [for a long time]; those who despise/disobey them (OR, those who do not control their own conduct) will die [while they are still young].
계명을 지키는 자는 자기의 영혼을 지키거니와 그 행실을 삼가지 아니하는 자는 죽으리라
17 When we give things to poor [people], [it is as though] we are lending to Yahweh, and he will (pay us back/reward us for what we did).
가난한 자를 불쌍히 여기는 것은 여호와께 꾸이는 것이니 그 선행을 갚아 주시리라
18 Discipline your children while [they are young], while you still hope that [they will learn to behave as they should]; [if you do not discipline them], you are helping them to destroy [themselves].
네가 네 아들에게 소망이 있은즉 그를 징계하고 죽일 마음은 두지 말지니라
19 Those who (do not control their temper/quickly become very angry) will have to endure what happens as a result; [but] if we rescue them [from those troubles once], we will have to continue rescuing them.
노하기를 맹렬히 하는 자는 벌을 받을 것이라 네가 그를 건져 주면 다시 건져 주게 되리라
20 Pay attention when [people give you good] advice and learn from them, in order that you will become wise for the rest of your life.
너는 권고를 들으며 훈계를 받으라 그리하면 네가 필경은 지혜롭게 되리라
21 People plan to do many [kinds of things], but what will happen is what Yahweh has decided will happen.
사람의 마음에는 많은 계획이 있어도 오직 여호와의 뜻이 완전히 서리라
22 People want others to be loyal to them; it is better to be poor than to tell a lie [to a judge in court in order to get money].
사람은 그 인자함으로 남에게 사모함을 받느니라 가난한 자는 거짓말하는 자보다 나으니라
23 [Those who have] an awesome respect for Yahweh will live [a long life]; they rest peacefully and are not harmed [during the night].
여호와를 경외하는 것은 사람으로 생명에 이르게 하는 것이라 경외하는 자는 족하게 지내고 재앙을 만나지 아니하느니라
24 Some people are extremely lazy; they put their hand in a dish [to take some food] but do not even lift the food up to their mouths.
게으른 자는 그 손을 그릇에 넣고도 입으로 올리기를 괴로와하느니라
25 If you punish someone who makes fun of those who are wise, those who (are naive/need to be instructed) will learn to do what is smart; if you rebuke those who are wise, they will [listen to what you say and] become wiser.
거만한 자를 때리라 그리하면 어리석은 자도 경성하리라 명철한 자를 견책하라 그리하면 그가 지식을 얻으리라
26 Anyone who mistreats/abuses his father or forces his mother to leave the home is a child who is acting shamefully and disgracefully.
아비를 구박하고 어미를 쫓아 내는 자는 부끄러움을 끼치며 능욕을 부르는 자식이니라
27 My son, if you stop learning things, you will [soon] forget what [you already] know.
내 아들아 지식의 말씀에서 떠나게 하는 교훈을 듣지 말지니라
28 Worthless witnesses [in court] make fun of [judges who try to] make fair decisions, and wicked people [enjoy] doing evil [like] they enjoy eating [good food] [MET].
망령된 증인은 공의를 업신여기고 악인의 입은 죄악을 삼키느니라
29 [God] is ready to punish those who make fun [of him/religion]; those who do foolish things deserve to be flogged/whipped.
심판은 거만한 자를 위하여 예비된 것이요 채찍은 어리석은 자의 등을 위하여 예비된 것이니라