< Proverbs 17 >

1 It is better [to eat] a dry piece [of bread] and not have strife/quarrels than to have a big feast in a house where [everyone] is quarreling.
Wuxoogaa cunto qallalan ah oo xasilloonaanu la jirto Ayaa ka wanaagsan guri hilib allabari ka buuxo oo diriru la jirto.
2 A slave who acts wisely will [some day] be the boss of his master’s disgraceful son and when his master dies, the slave will receive part of his master’s possessions.
Addoonkii caqli lahu wuxuu xukumi doonaa wiilkii ceeb soo jiida, Oo walaalaha ayuu la dhaxal geli doonaa.
3 [Workers put] silver and gold in a very hot furnace [to burn out what is impure], and Yahweh [similarly] examines people’s inner beings [to see if they are pure].
Weelka lacagta lagu safeeyo lacagtaa iska leh, oo foornadana dahabkaa iska leh, Laakiinse Rabbigu qalbiyaduu imtixaamaa.
4 Those who do what is evil pay attention to people who say [MTY] what is evil, and liars pay attention to [other people’s] lies.
Xumaanfaluhu wuxuu maqlaa bushimaha shar leh, Oo beenaaluhuna wuxuu dhegaystaa carrabka xun.
5 Those who make fun of poor [people] insult God, the one who made the poor [people], [and] those who are happy when [someone else has] troubles will certainly be punished [LIT] [by God].
Ku alla kii miskiinka ku majaajiloodaa wuxuu caayaa Kan sameeyey, Kii belaayooyin ku farxaana ma taqsiir la'aan doono.
6 Old [people] are [usually] proud of [MET] their grandchildren, [just like] children are [usually] proud of their parents.
Odayaasha waxaa taaj u ah carruurta carruurtooda, Oo sharafta carruurtuna waa aabbayaashood.
7 Fine/Eloquent speech is not suitable for foolish people to say, just like lies are not suitable for rulers [to say].
Hadalkii weynu nacas uma eka, Sidaas oo kalena bushimihii been sheegaa amiir uma eka.
8 People think that a bribe is like a magic stone [to persuade someone to do what they want him to do]; they think that because of the bribe, that person will do whatever they want him to do.
Hadiyaddu waxay kii haysta la tahay sida dhagax qaali ah, Oo meel alla meeshay u leexataba way ku barwaaqowdaa.
9 If you want people to like/love you, forgive them for the wrong things that they do to you. If you continue to remind them about those wrong things, they will no longer be your friends.
Kii xadgudub qariyaa jacayl buu doondoonaa, Laakiinse kii xaal ku noqnoqdaa saaxiibbuu kala kaxeeyaa.
10 Rebuking people who have good sense will accomplish more for them than hitting them 100 times [with a stick].
Canaantu waxay ninkii garasho leh u tartaa In ka badan boqol jeedal oo nacas lagu dhuftay ay u taraan.
11 [Because] wicked people are always trying to cause trouble, someone will be sent to severely punish them.
Ninkii shar lahu wuxuu doondoonaa caasinimo keliya, Sidaas daraaddeed waxaa isaga lagu diri doonaa farriingeeye aan naxariis lahayn.
12 A mother bear whose cubs have been taken away from her is dangerous, but it is more dangerous to confront a foolish person who is doing something foolish.
Nin ha la kulmo orso dhasheeda laga xaday, Intuu nacas nacasnimo samaynaya la kulmi lahaa.
13 If someone does something evil in return for something good being done to him, evil/trouble will never leave that person’s family.
Ku alla kii wanaag xumaan ku celiyaa, Gurigiisa xumaanu ka fogaan mayso.
14 Starting a quarrel is like allowing water to start to leak out of a dam; they both need to be stopped before they get worse.
Muranka bilowgiisu waa sida biyo la soo faruuray. Haddaba isqabashada iska daa intaan lays ilaaqin.
15 There are two things that Yahweh hates: (Condemning innocent [people]/Saying that people who have done nothing wrong must be punished), and declaring that people who have done wicked things should not be punished.
Kii kan sharka leh xaq ka dhiga, iyo kii kan xaqa ah gardarro ku xukuma, Labadaba Rabbigu aad buu u karhaa.
16 It is useless to allow foolish people [RHQ] to try to become wise by paying for it, because they do not have enough good sense to become wise.
Lacagta nacaska gacantiisa ku jirtaa bal maxay u tartaa inuu xigmad ku soo iibsado, Waayo, isagu garasho ma leh?
17 Friends love [others] all the time, and relatives are able to help us when we have troubles.
Had iyo goor saaxiibba saaxiibkii wuu jecel yahay, Walaalna wuxuu u dhashay dhibaato.
18 [If someone borrows money from another person], it is foolish for you to promise [IDM] that you will pay the money back if that other person is unable to pay back the money that he borrowed.
Ninkii garaaddaranu gacan buu dhaar ugu dhiibaa, Oo wuxuu dammiin ku noqdaa deriskiisa hortiisa.
19 Those who like to sin [also] like to cause strife/trouble; [and] those who build fancy doors in their houses [to show that they are very wealthy] (OR, speak proudly) are inviting disaster.
Kii xadgudub jecelu muran buu jecel yahay, Oo kii iriddiisa sarraysiiyaana wuxuu doondoontaa baabba'.
20 Those who (have perverse minds/are always thinking about doing evil things) will not prosper, and disasters will happen to those who always tell lies.
Kii qalbi qalloocan lahu wanaag ma helo, Oo kii carrab maroorsan lahuna wuxuu ku dhex dhacaa belaayo.
21 Children who are foolish [soon] cause their parents to be very sad; their parents will not be joyful at all.
Kii nacas dhalaa murugtiisuu u dhalaa, Oo nacas aabbihiisna farxad ma leh.
22 Being cheerful is [like swallowing] good medicine; being discouraged/gloomy [all the time will] (drain away your energy/cause you to become weak) [MTY].
Qalbigii faraxsanu waa dawo wanaagsan, Laakiinse qalbigii jabanu lafahuu engejiyaa.
23 Wicked people/judges accept bribes that are given to them secretly, and as a result they do not decide matters justly/fairly.
Ninkii shar lahu laabtuu laaluush ka qaataa, Si uu jidadka garta u qalloociyo.
24 Those who have good sense determine to do what is wise, but foolish people are always thinking about many different things [and never decide what they should do].
Xigmaddu waxay hor joogtaa kii garasho leh; Laakiinse nacaska indhihiisu waxay eegaan dhulka darafkiisa.
25 Children who are foolish cause their father to be sad and [also] cause their mother to be very sorrowful.
Wiilkii nacas ahu waa u murug aabbihiis, Waana u qadhaadh tii dashay.
26 It is not right to force someone who has done nothing wrong to pay a fine; it is wrong to punish good/respected people.
Weliba ma wanaagsana in kii xaq ah la taqsiiro, Ama in kuwa sharafka leh qummanaantooda aawadeed wax loogu dhufto.
27 Those who have good sense do not talk a lot, and those who (control their tempers/keep themselves from becoming very angry) are [truly] wise.
Kii hadalkiisa yareeyaa, aqoon buu leeyahay, Oo kii qalbigiisu qabow yahayna waa nin garasho leh.
28 People [may] think that foolish people who do not say anything are wise; if foolish people (do not say anything/keep their mouths shut), others will think that they are [very] intelligent.
Xataa nacasku markuu iska aamusan yahay waxaa loo yaqaan mid caqli leh, Kii bushimihiisa isku qabtana nin miyir leh.

< Proverbs 17 >