< Proverbs 15 >

1 When people are angry with you, reply to them gently, and it will calm them; but if you reply harshly to them, it causes them to become more angry.
Una respuesta amable evitará la ira, pero las palabras hirientes aumentarán el enojo.
2 When wise [people] speak [MTY], it causes those who hear what they say to want to know more; foolish people continually say [MTY] what is foolish.
Las palabras de los sabios despertarán interés por el conocimiento; pero los necios hablarán sin sentido.
3 Yahweh sees [MTY] [what is happening] everywhere; he observes what bad [people do] as well as what good [people do].
El Señor lo ve todo, y observa el bien y el mal.
4 Those who speak [MTY] kindly to people are [like] [MET] trees [whose fruit gives] life; speaking what is false causes people to (despair/feel very discouraged).
Las palabras amables son Fuente de vida, pero el decir mentiras causa gran daño.
5 Foolish children despise their parents when their parents correct/discipline them; wise children accept it.
Solo un necio aborrece la instrucción de su padre; pero el prudente acepta la corrección.
6 There are many valuable things in the houses of righteous [people]; the wealth of wicked [people] causes them to have troubles/difficulties.
Hay abundante tesoro donde en la vivienda de los justos; pero el salario de los malvados es causa de tribulación.
7 What wise [people] teach [MTY] causes others to know much more, [but] foolish people cannot teach others what is useful.
Los sabios comparten su conocimiento, pero los necios no piensan de esta mima manera.
8 Yahweh detests the sacrifices that are offered by wicked [people]; what delights/pleases him very much are the prayers of righteous/good [people].
El Señor aborrece el sacrificio de los malvados, pero le complacen las oraciones de los justos.
9 Yahweh hates/detests the behavior of wicked [people], but he loves those who always do what is righteous/just/fair.
El Señor odia el camino del malvado, pero ama a los que actúan con rectitud.
10 Those who do what is wrong will be severely punished; those who do not want to be corrected will die.
Si abandonas el camino del bien, recibirás disciplina. Todo el que aborrece la corrección morirá.
11 Yahweh knows [what is happening in] the place where dead people [DOU] are, so he certainly knows [RHQ] what people are thinking. (Sheol h7585)
Los muertos no tienen secretos que el Señor no sepa. ¡Cuanto más conoce nuestros pensamientos! (Sheol h7585)
12 Some people do not want to be corrected; they never go to wise [people to seek good advice from them].
Los burladores no aprecian la corrección, por lo tanto no van donde los sabios para pedir consejo.
13 When people are happy, they have smiles on their faces; but when they are sad, [by looking at their faces we can see that] they are sad.
Si estas feliz por dentro, tu rostro lucirá alegre; pero si estas triste, lucirás derrotado.
14 Those who have good sense want to learn more; foolish people [MTY] are very satisfied with being foolish/ignorant.
Una mente inteligente busca el conocimiento; pero los necios se alimentan de estupidez.
15 Those who are oppressed constantly have difficulties, but those who (OR, if they) are happy, [it is as though] [MET] they are having a big feast every day.
La vida de los pobres es dura, pero si permaneces alegre, la vida es una fiesta sin final.
16 Being poor and revering Yahweh is better than being rich and having a lot of troubles.
Es mejor respetar al Señor y tener poco, que tener abundancia de dinero y además los problemas que le acompañan.
17 Eating meals with [people whom you] love and having only vegetables to eat is better than eating with [people who] hate [each other and] having lots of good meat [to eat].
Mejor una cena de vegetales donde hay amor, que comer carne con odio.
18 Those who quickly become angry cause arguments/quarreling, but those who do not quickly become angry cause people to act peacefully.
Los irascibles provocan los problemas, pero los que tardan en enojarse ayudan a sosegar los conflictos.
19 Lazy people constantly [have difficulties] [MET]; [it is as though they are] walking through thorns; but those who are honest and hard-working [will have few difficulties; it is as though they are walking] on a level highway [MET].
El camino de los perezosos está lleno de espinas, pero el camino de los justos es una autopista abierta.
20 Children who are wise cause their parents to be happy; it is foolish children who despise their parents.
Un hijo sabio trae alegría a su padre; pero un hombre necio aborrece a su madre.
21 Foolish people are happy to [continually] act foolishly; those who have good sense do what is right.
La necedad alegra a los tontos, pero los prudentes hacen lo recto.
22 If there is no one to give us good advice, we will not accomplish what we are planning to do; but when we have many [good] advisors, we will succeed.
Los planes se caen sin el buen consejo, pero hay éxito donde hay muchos consejeros.
23 People rejoice when they are able to reply well to what others have asked them; [truly], it is very delightful to be able to say the right thing at the right time.
Una buena respuesta trae alegría a sus oyentes. ¡Cuán bueno es oír la palabra acertada en el momento correcto!
24 Wise people walk on a road that leads up to a long life; they do not walk on a road that leads down to the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
El camino de la vida para los justos va hacia arriba, para que pueden evitar caer en la tumba que esta debajo. (Sheol h7585)
25 Yahweh tears down the houses of proud [people], but he protects the property of widows.
El Señor derriba la casa de los orgullosos, pero protege los límites de la casa de la viuda.
26 Yahweh detests what wicked [people] are thinking [about doing]; [but] when people say what is kind, he considers those words to be pure.
El Señor odia los pensamientos de los malvados, pero honra las palabras de los puros.
27 Those who try hard to get money by acting dishonestly cause trouble for their family; those who refuse to accept bribes will live [for a long time].
Los que codician las ganancias ilícitas acarrean problemas para sus familias. Pero los que aborrecen el soborno, vivirán.
28 Righteous/Good [people] think carefully before they answer [what others ask them]; wicked [people] very quickly say what is evil.
Los justos piensan en la mejor forma de responder a una pregunta, pero los tontos hablan con maldad.
29 Yahweh does not listen [MTY] to what wicked [people request him to do]; he listens to righteous [people] when they pray.
El Señor guarda distancia con los malvados, pero escucha las oraciones de los justos.
30 If people have a smile on their faces, it makes them/others happy, and [when people hear] good news, it refreshes their spirits [MTY].
Los ojos brillantes producen alegría, y las buenas noticias mejoran el ánimo.
31 If people pay attention when [people] correct/warn them, they will become wise.
Si atiendes el buen consejo serás uno más entre los sabios.
32 If people refuse to listen [when others try] to correct them, they are despising/hurting themselves; those who (pay attention/heed) when [others] warn them (become wiser/acquire good sense).
Si ignoras la instrucción, te aborreces a ti mismo; pero si escuchas la corrección, obtendrás entendimiento.
33 If you revere Yahweh, you will learn how to become wise, but [only] after you become humble will [people] honor you.
El respeto por el Señor enseña sabiduría; la humildad viene antes de la honra.

< Proverbs 15 >