< Proverbs 15 >

1 When people are angry with you, reply to them gently, and it will calm them; but if you reply harshly to them, it causes them to become more angry.
جواب ملایم خشم را فرو می‌نشاند، اما جواب تند آن را بر می‌انگیزاند.
2 When wise [people] speak [MTY], it causes those who hear what they say to want to know more; foolish people continually say [MTY] what is foolish.
از زبان مرد دانا حکمت می‌چکد، اما از دهان آدم نادان حماقت بیرون می‌آید.
3 Yahweh sees [MTY] [what is happening] everywhere; he observes what bad [people do] as well as what good [people do].
خدا همه جا را زیر نظر دارد و ناظر اعمال نیکان و بدان است.
4 Those who speak [MTY] kindly to people are [like] [MET] trees [whose fruit gives] life; speaking what is false causes people to (despair/feel very discouraged).
زبان شفابخش درخت حیات است، اما زبان فریبکار روح را در هم می‌شکند.
5 Foolish children despise their parents when their parents correct/discipline them; wise children accept it.
شخص نادان نصیحت پدر خود را خوار می‌شمارد، ولی فرزند عاقل تأدیب پدرش را می‌پذیرد.
6 There are many valuable things in the houses of righteous [people]; the wealth of wicked [people] causes them to have troubles/difficulties.
در خانهٔ شخص درستکار گنج فراوان است، اما دسترنج آدمهای بدکار برای ایشان تلخکامی به بار می‌آورد.
7 What wise [people] teach [MTY] causes others to know much more, [but] foolish people cannot teach others what is useful.
حکمت توسط دانایان منتشر می‌شود نه به‌وسیلۀ جاهلانی که در آنها راستی نیست.
8 Yahweh detests the sacrifices that are offered by wicked [people]; what delights/pleases him very much are the prayers of righteous/good [people].
خداوند از قربانیهای بدکاران نفرت دارد، اما از دعای درستکاران خشنود است.
9 Yahweh hates/detests the behavior of wicked [people], but he loves those who always do what is righteous/just/fair.
خداوند از اعمال بدکاران متنفر است، اما پیروان راستی را دوست می‌دارد.
10 Those who do what is wrong will be severely punished; those who do not want to be corrected will die.
کسانی که راه راست را ترک گفته‌اند تنبیه سختی در انتظارشان است و اگر نخواهند تنبیه و اصلاح شوند خواهند مرد.
11 Yahweh knows [what is happening in] the place where dead people [DOU] are, so he certainly knows [RHQ] what people are thinking. (Sheol h7585)
حتی دنیای مردگان از نظر خداوند پنهان نیست، چه رسد به افکار انسان! (Sheol h7585)
12 Some people do not want to be corrected; they never go to wise [people to seek good advice from them].
کسی که کارش مسخره کردن است از نزدیک شدن به افراد دانا خودداری می‌کند چون دوست ندارد سرزنش آنان را بشنود.
13 When people are happy, they have smiles on their faces; but when they are sad, [by looking at their faces we can see that] they are sad.
دل شاد، چهره را شاداب می‌سازد، اما تلخی دل، روح را افسرده می‌کند.
14 Those who have good sense want to learn more; foolish people [MTY] are very satisfied with being foolish/ignorant.
شخص دانا تشنهٔ دانایی است، اما نادان خود را با حماقت سیر می‌کند.
15 Those who are oppressed constantly have difficulties, but those who (OR, if they) are happy, [it is as though] [MET] they are having a big feast every day.
انسان وقتی غمگین است همه چیز به نظرش بد می‌آید، اما وقتی دلش شاد است هر چیزی او را خوشحال می‌کند.
16 Being poor and revering Yahweh is better than being rich and having a lot of troubles.
دارایی کم همراه با خداترسی بهتر است از ثروت هنگفت با اضطراب.
17 Eating meals with [people whom you] love and having only vegetables to eat is better than eating with [people who] hate [each other and] having lots of good meat [to eat].
نان خشک خوردن در جایی که محبت هست، بهتر است از غذای شاهانه خوردن در جایی که نفرت وجود دارد.
18 Those who quickly become angry cause arguments/quarreling, but those who do not quickly become angry cause people to act peacefully.
آدم تندخو نزاع به پا می‌کند، ولی شخص صبور دعوا را فرو می‌نشاند.
19 Lazy people constantly [have difficulties] [MET]; [it is as though they are] walking through thorns; but those who are honest and hard-working [will have few difficulties; it is as though they are walking] on a level highway [MET].
راه آدم تنبل با خارها پوشیده است، اما راه شخص درستکار شاهراهی هموار است.
20 Children who are wise cause their parents to be happy; it is foolish children who despise their parents.
فرزند دانا پدرش را خوشحال می‌کند، اما فرزند نادان مادرش را تحقیر می‌نماید.
21 Foolish people are happy to [continually] act foolishly; those who have good sense do what is right.
آدم نادان از کارهای ابلهانه لذت می‌برد، اما شخص فهمیده از راه راست منحرف نمی‌شود.
22 If there is no one to give us good advice, we will not accomplish what we are planning to do; but when we have many [good] advisors, we will succeed.
نقشه‌ای که بدون مشورت کشیده شود، با شکست مواجه می‌گردد، اما مشورت بسیار، باعث موفقیت می‌شود.
23 People rejoice when they are able to reply well to what others have asked them; [truly], it is very delightful to be able to say the right thing at the right time.
انسان وقتی جواب درست می‌دهد از آن لذت می‌برد. چه عالی است سخنی که بجا گفته شود!
24 Wise people walk on a road that leads up to a long life; they do not walk on a road that leads down to the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
راه دانایان به سوی حیات بالا می‌رود و آنها را از فرو رفتن به جهنم باز می‌دارد. (Sheol h7585)
25 Yahweh tears down the houses of proud [people], but he protects the property of widows.
خداوند خانه متکبران را از بین می‌برد، اما ملک بیوه‌زنان را حفظ می‌کند.
26 Yahweh detests what wicked [people] are thinking [about doing]; [but] when people say what is kind, he considers those words to be pure.
خداوند از نقشه‌های پلید متنفر است، ولی افکار پاک مورد پسند او می‌باشند.
27 Those who try hard to get money by acting dishonestly cause trouble for their family; those who refuse to accept bribes will live [for a long time].
کسی که دنبال سود نامشروع می‌رود به خانواده‌اش لطمه می‌زند، اما شخصی که از رشوه نفرت دارد زندگی خوبی خواهد داشت.
28 Righteous/Good [people] think carefully before they answer [what others ask them]; wicked [people] very quickly say what is evil.
شخص نیک قبل از جواب دادن فکر می‌کند، اما شریر زود جواب می‌دهد و مشکلات به بار می‌آورد.
29 Yahweh does not listen [MTY] to what wicked [people request him to do]; he listens to righteous [people] when they pray.
خداوند از بدکاران دور است، ولی دعای نیکان را می‌شنود.
30 If people have a smile on their faces, it makes them/others happy, and [when people hear] good news, it refreshes their spirits [MTY].
دیدن صورت شاد و شنیدن خبر خوش به انسان شادی و سلامتی می‌بخشد.
31 If people pay attention when [people] correct/warn them, they will become wise.
کسی که انتقادهای سازنده را بپذیرد، جزو دانایان به حساب خواهد آمد.
32 If people refuse to listen [when others try] to correct them, they are despising/hurting themselves; those who (pay attention/heed) when [others] warn them (become wiser/acquire good sense).
کسی که تأدیب را نپذیرد به خودش لطمه می‌زند، ولی هر که آن را بپذیرد دانایی کسب می‌کند.
33 If you revere Yahweh, you will learn how to become wise, but [only] after you become humble will [people] honor you.
خداترسی به انسان حکمت می‌آموزد و فروتنی برای او عزت و احترام به بار می‌آورد.

< Proverbs 15 >