< Proverbs 14 >

1 Wise women [PRS] hold their families together [by the wise things that they do], but foolish women ruin their families by the foolish things that they do.
Nwanyị maara ihe na-ewu ụlọ ya, ma nwanyị nzuzu na-eji aka ya akwada ụlọ ya.
2 By [continually] behaving/acting righteously, [people show that they] greatly revere Yahweh; those who (walk on crooked paths/always deceive others) [show that they] despise him.
Ime ihe ziri ezi bụ ịtụ egwu Onyenwe anyị; ma ndị na-ejehie nʼụzọ ha na-akpọ ya asị.
3 Foolish people will be punished [MTY] for what they say, but wise [people] will be protected by what they say [MTY].
Ọnụ onye nzuzu na-ekwupụta okwu mpako, ma egbugbere ọnụ onye maara ihe na-echebe ha.
4 If [a man has] no oxen [to plow his field], he does not [need to put] grain [in their feedbox], but if [he has] oxen, they will enable [him to produce] an abundant crop.
Mgbe ehi na-adịghị, ụlọ ebe a na-azụ anụ na-adị ọcha, ma site nʼike ehi ihe omume nke ubi na-ejupụta nʼụlọ.
5 Witnesses who are reliable [always] say what (is true/really happened), but witnesses who are not reliable constantly tell lies [about what happened].
Onye akaebe eziokwu adịghị aghọgbu mmadụ, ma onye akaebe ụgha na-agha ụgha mgbe ọbụla.
6 Those who make fun [of being wise] will never become wise, but those who understand [what is right] learn things easily.
Onye na-akwa emo na-achọ amamihe ma ọ dịghị achọta ya; ma ihe ọmụma na-abịara onye nwere nghọta ọsịịsọ.
7 Stay away from foolish people, because they will not be able to teach you anything [useful].
Si nʼebe onye nzuzu wezuga onwe gị, nʼihi na ị gaghị achọta ihe ọmụma nʼọnụ ya.
8 Those who have good sense are wise, so they know what they should do [and what they should not do]; foolish people do not know what is right to do, but because they think that they do, they are deceiving themselves.
Amamihe nke onye nwere uche bụ ihe na-eme ka ọ mata ebe ọ na-aga, ma enweghị uche nke ndị nzuzu bụ aghụghọ.
9 Foolish people make fun of their committing sins; but God is pleased with those who do what is right.
Ndị nzuzu na-eji okwu idozi ihe mmehie mebiri akwa emo; ma obi ebere ka a na-achọta nʼetiti ndị omume ha ziri ezi.
10 If you are very sad or if you are joyful, only you know what you are experiencing; no one else [can] know what you are feeling.
Ọ bụ naanị onye ihe na-eme maara ụfụ ya, ọ dịghị onye ọzọ ga-eso keta ọṅụ ya.
11 Houses built by wicked [people] will be destroyed, but houses built by good/righteous [people] will last for a long time.
A ga-ala ụlọ onye ajọ omume nʼiyi, ma ụlọ ikwu onye omume ya ziri ezi ga-awasa ka igu.
12 There are some kinds of behavior [MET] that [some] people [falsely] think are right, but (walking on those roads/continually doing those things) causes [those people] to die.
Ọ dị ụzọ nke ziri ezi nʼanya mmadụ, ma nʼikpeazụ ọ na-eduba nʼọnwụ.
13 [Sometimes] when people laugh, they are [really] sad, and when they stop laughing, they are still sad.
Ọ bụladị nʼime ọchị obi mgbu na-adị, ma ọṅụ nwere ike kwụsị nʼiru ụjụ.
14 Those who stubbornly continue to do what is wrong will get what they deserve, and those who continually do what is good will [also] get what they deserve.
Ndị na-ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi aghaghị inweta ụgwọ ọrụ ha, ma ezi mmadụ ga-enwetakwa ụgwọ ọrụ ya.
15 Foolish people believe everything [that people tell them]; those who have good sense think carefully about what will be the result of their actions.
Onye na-enweghị uche na-ekwenye ihe niile a gwara ya; ma onye nwere uche na-atule mara ebe ọ na-eje.
16 Wise people are careful and avoid [doing things that will give them] trouble; foolish people are careless and act (too quickly/without thinking).
Onye mara ihe na-atụ egwu Onyenwe anyị na-ewezugakwa onwe ya nʼihe ọjọọ, ma onye nzuzu na-ewebiga iwe oke ma na-eche na ọ ka bụ onye kwesiri ntụkwasị obi.
17 Those who quickly become angry [IDM] do foolish things; [people] hate those who plan to do wicked things (OR, those who have good sense remain calm/patient).
Onye iwe ọkụ na-eme ihe nzuzu, ma onye na-echepụta nzube ọjọọ ka a na-akpọ asị.
18 Foolish people get what they deserve for doing foolish things; those with good sense are rewarded [MET] by being able to learn a lot.
Ndị na-enweghị uche na-enweta ụgwọ ọrụ nke uche gbagọrọ agbagọ, ma onye nwere uche na-enweta ihe ọmụma.
19 [Some day] evil [people] will bow down in front of righteous [people to show that they respect them]; they [will humbly stand] at the gates of [the houses of] righteous [people and request their help].
Ndị ọjọọ ga-akpọ isiala nʼihu ndị ezi mmadụ, ndị ajọ omume ga-ada nʼọnụ ụzọ ama ndị ezi omume.
20 [No one likes] poor [people]; even their friends/neighbors do not like them; rich [people] have many friends, but [only while the rich people still have money].
Ọ bụladị ndị agbataobi onye ogbenye na-akpọ ya asị, ma ọgaranya na-enwe ọtụtụ ndị enyi.
21 It is sinful to despise your [poor] neighbors; [God] is pleased with those who do kind things for the poor.
Onye na-eleda onye agbataobi ya anya na-emehie, ma onye na-emere ndị ogbenye ebere ka ihe ga-agara nke ọma.
22 Those who plan to do things that are evil/wrong are walking on the wrong road; people faithfully love, respect and are loyal to those who plan to do what is good.
Ndị na-ezube ihe ọjọọ, ha ọ naghị akpafu? Ma ndị na-ezube ihe ọma na-achọta ịhụnanya na ikwesi ntụkwasị obi.
23 If you work hard, you will (accomplish something good/get a good income), but if all you do is to talk [and not work], you will remain poor.
Ịrụsị ọrụ ike na-eweta uru; ma oke okwu na-eweta ụkpa.
24 One of the rewards [MET] of being wise is to become rich; the reward of acting foolishly is to become more foolish.
Okpueze nke ndị maara ihe bụ akụnụba ha, ma enweghị uche nke ndị nzuzu na-emepụta naanị ihe na-abaghị uru.
25 By saying [in court] what is true, you [can] save the life [of the one who is being falsely accused]; if you tell lies, you are abandoning someone who needs your help [to defend him].
Onye na-agba akaebe eziokwu na-anapụta ndụ mmadụ, ma onye akaebe ụgha bụ onye aghụghọ.
26 Those who revere Yahweh are confident [that he will protect them], and their family will [also] be protected.
Onye ọbụla na-atụ egwu Onyenwe anyị nwere ebe mgbaba; nye ụmụ ya ọ ga-abụkwa ebe ize ndụ.
27 Having an awesome respect for Yahweh is [like] [MET] [having] a fountain that gives life; it will help you to escape when something dangerous is threatening to kill you [MET].
Ịtụ egwu Onyenwe anyị bụ isi iyi nke ndụ; nke na-eme ka mmadụ ghara ịma nʼọnya ọnwụ.
28 If a king rules over many people, many people will [be able to] honor him; if he has only a few people in his kingdom, he will have very little [HYP] power.
Otuto onye eze na-enwe dabeere nʼọnụọgụgụ ndị ọ na-achị, e wezuga ndị ọ na-achị, eze enweghị ugwu ọbụla.
29 Those who do not quickly become angry are very wise; by quickly becoming angry, people show that they are foolish.
Onye na-enwe ndidi nwere ọtụtụ nghọta, ma onye obi ọkụ na-egosi enweghị uche ya.
30 Having a mind that is peaceful results in having a healthy body; having a mind that is [often] in turmoil is [like] [MET] cancer in [a person’s] bones.
Ndụ dị jụụ na-eme ka ụbọchị mmadụ dị ogologo; ekworo na-eme ka o ree ure.
31 Those who oppress poor people are insulting God, the one who made those poor people, but acting kindly toward them is respecting God.
Onye ọbụla na-emegbu onye ogbenye na-elelị Chineke kere ha anya, ma onye na-emere onye ogbenye ebere na-asọpụrụ Chineke.
32 Wicked [people] ruin themselves by the evil things that they do, but righteous/good [people] are kept safe/protected even when they die (OR, because of their continually doing what is right).
Ọ bụladị nʼọnwụ onye ezi omume nwere ebe mgbaba nʼime Chineke, ma ndị ajọ omume na-ala nʼiyi, mgbe mbibi bịara.
33 Those who have good sense always think what is wise; foolish people do not know anything about being wise.
Nʼobi onye nwere nghọta ka amamihe na-anọgide, ma ọ bụladị nʼetiti ndị nzuzu ọ na-eme ka amara ya.
34 [When] the people of a nation [continually act] righteously, it causes that nation to be great; [continually doing what is] evil causes a nation to be disgraced.
Ezi omume na-ewuli mba elu, ma mmehie bụ ihe ihere nye ndị ọbụla.
35 Kings are pleased with officials who do their work competently/skillfully, but they punish [MTY] those who [do their work in a manner that] causes the kings to be disgraced.
Eze na-aṅụrị ọṅụ nʼihi odibo maara ihe; ma odibo na-eweta ihere na-akpali oke iwe ya.

< Proverbs 14 >