< Proverbs 14 >

1 Wise women [PRS] hold their families together [by the wise things that they do], but foolish women ruin their families by the foolish things that they do.
Mace mai hikima kan gina gidanta, amma da hannunta wawiya takan rushe shi ƙasa.
2 By [continually] behaving/acting righteously, [people show that they] greatly revere Yahweh; those who (walk on crooked paths/always deceive others) [show that they] despise him.
Wanda tafiyarsa ta aikata gaskiya ce kan ji tsoron Ubangiji, amma wanda hanyoyinsa ba a kan gaskiya ba ne yakan rena shi.
3 Foolish people will be punished [MTY] for what they say, but wise [people] will be protected by what they say [MTY].
Maganar wawa kan kawo sanda a bayansa, amma leɓunan masu hikima kan tsare su.
4 If [a man has] no oxen [to plow his field], he does not [need to put] grain [in their feedbox], but if [he has] oxen, they will enable [him to produce] an abundant crop.
Inda ba shanu, wurin sa wa dabbobi abinci zai kasance ba kome, amma daga ƙarfin saniya ce yalwar girbi kan fito.
5 Witnesses who are reliable [always] say what (is true/really happened), but witnesses who are not reliable constantly tell lies [about what happened].
Mashaidi na gaskiya ba ya ruɗu, amma mashaidin ƙarya kan baza ƙarairayi.
6 Those who make fun [of being wise] will never become wise, but those who understand [what is right] learn things easily.
Mai ba’a kan nemi hikima amma ba ya samun kome, amma sani kan zo a sawwaƙe ga mai basira.
7 Stay away from foolish people, because they will not be able to teach you anything [useful].
Ka guji wawa, gama ba za ka sami sani a leɓunansa ba.
8 Those who have good sense are wise, so they know what they should do [and what they should not do]; foolish people do not know what is right to do, but because they think that they do, they are deceiving themselves.
Hikima masu la’akari shi ne su yi tunani a kan hanyoyinsu, amma wautar wawaye ruɗu ne.
9 Foolish people make fun of their committing sins; but God is pleased with those who do what is right.
Wawaye kan yi ba’a a gyaran zunubi, amma fatan alheri yana samuwa a cikin masu aikata gaskiya.
10 If you are very sad or if you are joyful, only you know what you are experiencing; no one else [can] know what you are feeling.
Kowace zuciya ta san ɓacin ranta, kuma babu wani dabam da zai yi rabon jin daɗinsa.
11 Houses built by wicked [people] will be destroyed, but houses built by good/righteous [people] will last for a long time.
Za a rushe gidan mugu, amma tentin mai aikata gaskiya zai haɓaka.
12 There are some kinds of behavior [MET] that [some] people [falsely] think are right, but (walking on those roads/continually doing those things) causes [those people] to die.
Akwai hanyar da ta yi kamar tana daidai ga mutum, amma a ƙarshe takan kai ga mutuwa.
13 [Sometimes] when people laugh, they are [really] sad, and when they stop laughing, they are still sad.
Ko cikin dariya zuciya takan yi ciwo, kuma farin ciki kan iya ƙarasa a baƙin ciki.
14 Those who stubbornly continue to do what is wrong will get what they deserve, and those who continually do what is good will [also] get what they deserve.
Marasa bangaskiya za su sami sakamako cikakke saboda hanyoyinsu, kuma mutumin kirki zai sami lada saboda nasa.
15 Foolish people believe everything [that people tell them]; those who have good sense think carefully about what will be the result of their actions.
Marar azanci kan gaskata kome, amma mai la’akari kan yi tunani game da matakinsa.
16 Wise people are careful and avoid [doing things that will give them] trouble; foolish people are careless and act (too quickly/without thinking).
Mai hikima kan ji tsoron Ubangiji ya kuma guji mugunta, amma wawa yana da girman kai yakan yi kome da garaje.
17 Those who quickly become angry [IDM] do foolish things; [people] hate those who plan to do wicked things (OR, those who have good sense remain calm/patient).
Mutum mai saurin fushi yakan yi ayyukan wauta, akan kuma ƙi mai son nuna wayo.
18 Foolish people get what they deserve for doing foolish things; those with good sense are rewarded [MET] by being able to learn a lot.
Marar azanci kan gāji wauta, amma mai la’akari kan sami rawanin sani.
19 [Some day] evil [people] will bow down in front of righteous [people to show that they respect them]; they [will humbly stand] at the gates of [the houses of] righteous [people and request their help].
Masu mugunta za su rusuna a gaban masu kirki, mugaye kuma za su yi haka a ƙofofin adalai.
20 [No one likes] poor [people]; even their friends/neighbors do not like them; rich [people] have many friends, but [only while the rich people still have money].
Maƙwabta sukan gudu daga matalauta, amma masu arziki suna da abokai da yawa.
21 It is sinful to despise your [poor] neighbors; [God] is pleased with those who do kind things for the poor.
Duk wanda ya rena maƙwabci ya yi zunubi, amma mai albarka ne wanda yake alheri ga mabukata.
22 Those who plan to do things that are evil/wrong are walking on the wrong road; people faithfully love, respect and are loyal to those who plan to do what is good.
Ba waɗanda suke ƙulla mugunta sukan kauce ba? Amma waɗanda suke ƙulla abin da yake mai kyau sukan sami ƙauna da aminci.
23 If you work hard, you will (accomplish something good/get a good income), but if all you do is to talk [and not work], you will remain poor.
Duk aiki tuƙuru yakan kawo riba, amma zama kana surutu kan kai ga talauci kawai.
24 One of the rewards [MET] of being wise is to become rich; the reward of acting foolishly is to become more foolish.
Dukiyar masu hikima ita ce rawaninsu, amma wautar wawaye kan haifar da wauta ne kawai.
25 By saying [in court] what is true, you [can] save the life [of the one who is being falsely accused]; if you tell lies, you are abandoning someone who needs your help [to defend him].
Mashaidin gaskiya kan ceci rayuka, amma mashaidin ƙarya mai ruɗu ne.
26 Those who revere Yahweh are confident [that he will protect them], and their family will [also] be protected.
Duk mai tsoron Ubangiji yana da zaunannen mafaka, kuma ga’ya’yansa zai zama mafaka.
27 Having an awesome respect for Yahweh is [like] [MET] [having] a fountain that gives life; it will help you to escape when something dangerous is threatening to kill you [MET].
Tsoron Ubangiji shi ne maɓulɓular rai yakan juye mutum daga tarkon mutuwa.
28 If a king rules over many people, many people will [be able to] honor him; if he has only a few people in his kingdom, he will have very little [HYP] power.
Yawan mutane shi ne ɗaukakar sarki, amma in ba tare da mabiya ba sarki ba kome ba ne.
29 Those who do not quickly become angry are very wise; by quickly becoming angry, people show that they are foolish.
Mutum mai haƙuri yana da fahimi mai yawa, amma mai saurin fushi yakan nuna wautarsa a fili.
30 Having a mind that is peaceful results in having a healthy body; having a mind that is [often] in turmoil is [like] [MET] cancer in [a person’s] bones.
Zuciya mai salama kan ba jiki rai, amma kishi kan sa ƙasusuwa su yi ciwo.
31 Those who oppress poor people are insulting God, the one who made those poor people, but acting kindly toward them is respecting God.
Duk wanda ya zalunci matalauci ya zagi Mahaliccinsu ke nan, amma duk wanda ya yi alheri ga mabukata yana girmama Allah ne.
32 Wicked [people] ruin themselves by the evil things that they do, but righteous/good [people] are kept safe/protected even when they die (OR, because of their continually doing what is right).
Sa’ad bala’i ya auku, mugaye kan fāɗi, amma ko a mutuwa masu adalci suna da mafaka.
33 Those who have good sense always think what is wise; foolish people do not know anything about being wise.
Hikima tana a zuciyar mai azanci, kuma ko a cikin wawaye takan sa a santa.
34 [When] the people of a nation [continually act] righteously, it causes that nation to be great; [continually doing what is] evil causes a nation to be disgraced.
Adalci yakan ɗaukaka al’umma, amma zunubi kan kawo kunya ga kowane mutane.
35 Kings are pleased with officials who do their work competently/skillfully, but they punish [MTY] those who [do their work in a manner that] causes the kings to be disgraced.
Sarki yakan yi murna a kan bawa mai hikima, amma bawa marar kunya kan jawo fushinsa.

< Proverbs 14 >