< Proverbs 12 >

1 Those who want to know [what is right to do] want to be (disciplined/corrected) when they do what is wrong; it is foolish to not want to be (corrected/told that what you did is wrong).
Den sig gerna straffa låter, han varder klok; men den der ostraffad vara vill, han blifver en dåre.
2 Yahweh is pleased with good people, but he condemns those who plan to harm [others].
Den der from är, honom vederfars tröst af Herranom; men en ond man varder förkastad.
3 People do not become secure/safe by doing what is wicked; righteous [people] will be very safe and secure [LIT] like [MET] a tree that has deep roots.
Ett ogudaktigt väsende främjar menniskona intet; men dens rättfärdigas rot skall blifva.
4 A good wife is one who causes her husband to be greatly honored, but a wife who does things that cause her husband to be ashamed [will destroy him] like [SIM] cancer [destroys] his bones.
En idog qvinna är sins mans krona; men en oidog är såsom var i hans ben.
5 What righteous [people] want to do is [to treat people] fairly; what wicked [people] want to do is to deceive people.
De rättfärdigas tankar äro redelige; men de ogudaktigas anslag äro bedrägeri.
6 What wicked [people] say is like a trap [MET] that kills [MTY] people [who pass by], but what righteous [people] say [MTY] rescues those whom [wicked people threaten to harm].
De ogudaktigas anslag vakta efter blod; men de frommas mun friar dem.
7 Wicked [people] will die [before they become old and we will see] them no more, but righteous people will live [for many years] and have many descendants.
De ogudaktige skola varda omstörte, och icke mer vara till; men dens rättfärdigas hus blifver beståndandes.
8 [People will] praise those who have good sense, but [people will] despise those (who are always thinking about doing evil things/whose thinking is twisted).
Ett godt råd varder (dock på ändalyktene) lofvadt; men arg list kommer på skam.
9 It is better to be a humble/ordinary person who has only one servant than to think that you are very important while you have nothing to eat.
Den som ringa är, och tager vara uppå sitt, han är bättre än den der stor vill vara, och honom fattas bröd.
10 Righteous people take care of their domestic animals, but wicked people act cruelly [toward their animals].
Den rättfärdige förbarmar sig öfver sin ök; men de ogudaktigas hjerta är obarmhertigt.
11 Farmers who work hard in their fields will [produce good crops] that will give them plenty to eat, but those who waste their time working on worthless projects are foolish.
Den som sin åker brukar, han skall få bröd tillfyllest; men den som går efter de ting, som intet af nödene äro, han är en dåre.
12 Wicked [people] desire to take away what [other] evil people have, but [Yahweh] enables righteous/godly [people] to be steadfast and productive [MET].
Dens ogudaktigas lust är till att göra skada; men dens rättfärdigas rot skall bära frukt.
13 Evil people are trapped by the evil things that they say [MTY], but righteous [people] escape from trouble.
Den onde varder gripen i sin egen falska ord; men den rättfärdige undkommer ångest.
14 People are rewarded for [the good things] that they say [to others], and people are [also] rewarded for the good work that they do [MTY].
Mycket godt kommer enom genom munsens frukt; och menniskone varder vedergullet efter som hennes händer förtjent hafva.
15 Foolish people [always] think that what they are doing is right; wise people heed [other people when they give them good] advice.
Enom dåra behagar hans sed väl; men den der råde lyder, han är vis.
16 Foolish people quickly become angry when someone does something that they don’t like; but those who have good sense ignore it when others insult them.
En dåre beviser sina vrede snarliga; men den der smälek fördöljer, han är vis.
17 [In the courtroom], honest people say what is true, but untruthful/dishonest people tell [nothing but] lies.
Den som sannfärdig är, han säger hvad rätt är; men ett falskt vittne bedrager.
18 What some people say [hurts people badly], as much as [SIM] a sword can; but what wise [people] say (heals [others’ souls]/comforts others).
Den der ovarliga talar, han stinger såsom ett svärd; men de visas tunga är helsosam.
19 When people tell [MTY] lies, others soon realize that what they said is not true [IDM]; but when people say what is true, others will remember that forever.
En sannfärdig mun består evigliga; men en falsk tunga består icke länge.
20 Those who plan to do what is evil are always wanting to deceive [others], but things will go well for those who plan [to do] good things.
De som något ondt råda, bedraga sig sjelfva; men de som tillfrid råda, de skola glädja sig deraf.
21 Bad things [usually] [HYP] do not happen to righteous [people], but wicked [people] always have troubles.
Dem rättfärdiga varder intet ondt vederfarandes; men de ogudaktige skola med olycko fulla varda.
22 Yahweh detests those [MTY] who tell lies, but he is delighted with those who faithfully do what they promise that they will do.
Falske munnar äro Herranom en styggelse; men de som troliga handla, de behaga honom väl.
23 Those with good sense do not reveal [all] that they know; foolish people show [clearly] by what they say that they (are ignorant/have not learned much).
En vis man gör icke mycket af sin klokhet; men de dårars hjerta utropar sin dårskap.
24 Those [SYN] who work hard become rulers [of others]; those who are lazy become slaves [of others.]
En trifven hand skall varda väldig; men den som som lat är, hon måste skatt gifva.
25 When people are anxious/worried, they become depressed/dejected, but when others speak kindly to them, it causes them to be cheerful again.
Sorg i hjertana kränker; men ett vänligit ord fröjdar.
26 Godly/Righteous people try to [give good advice to] their friends (OR, try to make friends with others), but the manner in which wicked [people] live misleads their friends.
Den rättfärdige hafver bättre än hans näste; men de ogudaktigas väg förförer dem.
27 Lazy people do not even [cook the meat of] the animals that they catch/kill, but those who work hard will acquire (OR, are like) a valuable treasure.
Enom latom lyckas icke hans handel; men en trifven menniska varder rik.
28 Those who (live righteously/continually do what is right) are [walking] on the road to a long life; (it is not a road to death/they will not die when they are still young).
På rättom väg är lif, och på farnom stig är ingen död.

< Proverbs 12 >