< Proverbs 11 >

1 Yahweh detests [people who use] scales that do not weigh correctly; he is delighted with [those who use] correct weights on the scales.
Az álnok font útálatos az Úrnál; az igaz mérték pedig kedves néki.
2 [People who are] proud will [eventually] be disgraced; it is wise to be humble.
Kevélység jő: gyalázat jő; az alázatosoknál pedig bölcseség van.
3 [People who are] good are guided by [doing what is] honest; those who are not honest will be ruined because of the wrong things that they do.
Az igazakat tökéletességök vezeti; de a hitetleneket gonoszságuk elpusztítja.
4 [Your] money will not help [you] on the day that [God] judges [and punishes people]; but if you live righteously, you will live a long time.
Nem használ a vagyon a haragnak idején; az igazság pedig kiragad a halálból.
5 When people are honest and good, that will (direct their paths/show them what is right for them to do); but wicked [people will] experience disasters because of the evil things that they do.
A tökéletesnek igazsága igazgatja az ő útát; de önnön istentelenségében esik el az istentelen.
6 [God] rescues/protects righteous [people] because they (are honest/do what is right), but those who (are treacherous/cannot be trusted) will be trapped because of their being greedy.
Az igazaknak igazságok megszabadítja őket; de az ő kivánságokban fogatnak meg a hitetlenek.
7 When wicked [people] die, they cannot confidently expect to receive anything [that is good]; they expect that [their money] will help/save them, but it will not.
Mikor meghal az istentelen ember, elvész az ő reménysége; a bűnösök várakozása is elvész.
8 [Yahweh] rescues righteous [people] from their troubles/difficulties; instead, it is the wicked who will have troubles.
Az igaz a nyomorúságból megszabadul; az istentelen ő helyette beesik abba.
9 Godless people can ruin others by what they say [MTY], but righteous [people will] be saved by [their (own] good sense/being wise).
Szájával rontja meg a képmutató felebarátját; de az igazak a tudomány által megszabadulnak.
10 When things go well for righteous [people], [the people in] [MTY] their city are happy, and they shout joyfully when wicked [people] die.
Az igazak javán örül a város; és mikor elvesznek az istentelenek, örvendezés van.
11 When righteous [people request God to] bless a city, that city will become great, but cities are ruined by what wicked [people] say [MTY].
Az igazaknak áldása által emelkedik a város; az istentelenek szája által pedig megromol.
12 It is foolish to despise others; those who (have good sense/are wise) do not say anything [to criticize others].
Megútálja felebarátját a bolond; az eszes férfiú pedig hallgat.
13 Those who (spread gossip/tell bad things about others) will tell your secrets [to others], but if there is someone whom you can trust, you can trust him to not tell your secrets [to others].
A rágalmazó megjelenti a titkot; de a hűséges lelkű elfedezi a dolgot.
14 A nation will be destroyed/ruined if it does not have [leaders] who guide it [wisely]; but if there are many [good] advisors, the nation remains secure.
A hol nincs vezetés, elvész a nép; a megmaradás pedig a sok tanácsos által van.
15 If you promise a stranger that you will pay his debt [if he cannot pay it himself], you will regret it. You will be safe if you refuse to guarantee that you will pay someone else’s debts.
Teljességgel megrontatik, a ki kezes lesz idegenért; a ki pedig gyűlöli a kezességet, bátorságos lesz.
16 [People] honor/respect women who are kind/gracious; ruthless/violent people may get a lot of money, [but that is all that they will get].
A kedves asszony megtartja a tiszteletet, a hatalmaskodók pedig megtartják a gazdagságot.
17 Those who are kind benefit themselves [because others will be kind to them], but those who are cruel will hurt themselves [because others will be cruel to them].
Ő magával tesz jól a kegyes férfiú; a kegyetlen pedig öntestének okoz fájdalmat.
18 If wicked people earn a lot of money, that will deceive them [because they will not keep it for very long], but those who do what is right will surely be rewarded [by God forever].
Az istentelen munkál álnok keresményt; az igazságszerzőnek pedig jutalma valóságos.
19 Those who always do what is right will live [a long/happy life], but those who insist on doing what is wrong will not live [very long].
A ki őszinte az igazságban, az életére -, a ki pedig a gonoszt követi, az vesztére míveli azt.
20 Yahweh hates those who are always thinking about doing evil things, but he is delighted with those who always do what is right.
Útálatosok az Úrnál az álnok szívűek; kedvesek pedig ő nála, a kik az ő útjokban tökéletesek.
21 It is certain that [Yahweh] will punish evil people and that righteous people will escape [from being punished].
Kézadással erősítem, hogy nem marad büntetlen a gonosz; az igazaknak pedig magva megszabadul.
22 [It is] ([unsuitable/not proper/disgusting]) for a beautiful woman not to know what is right to do, like [SIM] [it is unsuitable/disgusting] for a pig to have a gold ring in its snout/nose.
Mint a disznó orrában az aranyperecz, olyan a szép asszony, a kinek nincs okossága.
23 When the things that righteous people want happen, it brings good [to them and to others], but when the wicked get what they want, it causes everyone else to become angry.
Az igazaknak kivánsága csak jó, az istentelenek várakozása pedig harag.
24 Some people give [their money] generously [to poor people], but they become richer [in spite of that], and some people hold tightly to their money, but they still become poor [in spite of that].
Van olyan, a ki bőven adakozik, és annál inkább gazdagodik; és a ki megtartóztatja a járandóságot, de ugyan szűkölködik.
25 Those who give generously [to others] will prosper; if you help others, [they/someone] will help you, too.
A mással jóltevő ember megkövéredik; és a ki mást felüdít, maga is üdül.
26 People curse/despise someone who hoards his grain [and does not sell it], waiting to get a higher/bigger price for it, but they praise someone who sells it [when people need it, even when the price is not high].
A ki búzáját visszatartja, átkozza azt a nép; annak fején pedig, a ki eladja, áldás van.
27 If you sincerely want to [do what is] right, [people] will respect you, but if you are wanting to cause trouble, trouble is what you will get.
A ki jóra igyekezik, jóakaratot szerez: a ki pedig gonoszt keres, ő magára jő az.
28 Those who trust in their money will [disappear like the] withered [leaves that fall from the trees], but righteous [people] will keep going strong, like green leaves [in the summer].
A ki bízik az ő gazdagságában, elesik; de mint a fa ága, az igazak kivirágoznak.
29 Those who bring troubles to their families will inherit nothing [MET] [from them], and those who do foolish things [like that] will [some day] become the servants of wise [people].
A ki megháborítja az ő házát, annak öröksége szél lesz; és a bolond szolgája a bölcs elméjűnek.
30 Those who live righteously will live [for a long time], but [those who act] violently will destroy [their own] lives (OR, those who are wise will have many people come and live with them).
Az igaznak gyümölcse életnek fája; és lelkeket nyer meg a bölcs.
31 [Sometimes] righteous [people] are rewarded [here] on the earth, but it is much more certain that very wicked people [DOU] [will be rewarded by being punished].
Ímé, az igaz e földön megnyeri jutalmát; mennyivel inkább az istentelen és a bűnös!

< Proverbs 11 >