< Proverbs 10 >
1 These [are more] proverbs/wise sayings from Solomon: If children are wise, they cause their parents to be happy; but if children are foolish, they cause their parents to be very sad.
Süleymanın məsəlləri: Hikmətli oğul atasını sevindirər, Axmaq oğul anasına dərd gətirər.
2 Money that you get by doing dishonest/wicked things will really not benefit you; but by living righteously you will live for (a long time/many years).
Şər yolla yığılan xəzinədən fayda götürmək olmaz, Amma salehlik insanı ölümdən qurtarar.
3 Yahweh does not allow righteous [people] to starve, but he will prevent wicked [people] from getting what they want.
Rəbb saleh insanı ac qoymaz, O, acgöz pisləri doydurmaz.
4 Lazy people [soon] become poor; it is those who work hard who become rich.
Tənbəlin əlləri onu yoxsullaşdırar, Çalışqanın əli sərvət qazanar.
5 Those who are wise, harvest the crops when they are ripe; it is shameful/disgraceful to sleep [and not work] during harvest time.
Ağıllı oğul yayda məhsul yığar, Biçin vaxtı yatan oğul rüsvay olar.
6 Righteous [people will] be blessed [by God]; [the nice things] that wicked [people] say [MTY] [sometimes] conceal the fact that they [are planning to] act violently.
Saleh insanın başından bərəkət yağar, Şər adamın dili zorakılığı gizli saxlar.
7 After righteous [people die], other people are blessed as they remember [what those people did before they died]; but we will soon forget wicked people [MTY] after they die.
Saleh insanın adı xeyir-dua ilə çağırılar, Şər adamın adı isə çürüyər.
8 Wise people heed good instruction/advice, but people who talk foolishly will ruin themselves.
Qəlbən hikmətli olan əmrləri qəbul edər, Səfeh boşboğazlığı üzündən itib-batar.
9 Honest people will be safe, but [others] (OR, God) will find out those who are dishonest.
Kamalla gəzib-dolaşan dinc yaşar, Yolu əyri olanlar üzə çıxar.
10 Those who signal with their eyes [that they are about to do something that is wrong] cause trouble, but those who rebuke others truthfully cause them to be peaceful.
Göz vuran başına bəla açar, Səfeh boşboğazlığı üzündən itib-batar.
11 What righteous [people] say [MTY] is [like] a fountain that (gives life/enables people to live many years) [MET], but what wicked [people] say [MTY] hides [the fact] that they intend to act violently.
Salehin ağzı həyat qaynağı olar, Amma şər adamın dili zorakılığı gizli saxlar.
12 When we hate others, it causes quarrels, but if we love others, we forgive them [for the wrong things that they do].
Nifrət nifaq yaradar, Lakin məhəbbət bütün günahları örtər.
13 Those who have good sense say [MTY] what is wise, but people who do not have good sense must be punished.
Dərrakəlinin dilindən hikmət tökülər, Qanmaz kürəyindən kötəklənər.
14 Wise people continue to learn all that they can, but when foolish people speak, they soon cause trouble.
Hikmətli adamlar bilik toplar, Səfehin boşboğazlığı onu bəlaya yaxınlaşdırar.
15 The wealth that rich people have [protects them like a city is protected by a] strong wall around it [MET], but people who are poor suffer much [because they have no one to help them].
Zənginin var-dövləti ona qalalı şəhərdir, Kasıbı yoxsulluq bəlaya salar.
16 If you are righteous, your reward will be a good life, [but] all that sinful people gain is to sin more.
Salehin mükafatı həyatdır, Şər adamınsa qazancı günahdır.
17 Those who pay attention when others try to (correct them/teach them what they are doing that is wrong) will live (happily/for many years); but those who reject being rebuked will not find the road to life (OR, cause others to go astray).
Tərbiyəyə bağlanan həyat yolunda olar, Məzəmməti rədd edən yolunu azar.
18 Those who will not admit that they hate [others] are liars, and those who slander [others] are foolish.
Nifrətini gizlədən yalan danışar, Axmaq hər yana böhtanlar yayar.
19 When people talk a lot, that will lead them to sin a lot [by what they say]; if you are wise, you will refuse to say very much.
Çox sözlərlə günahı azaltmaq olmaz, Dilini saxlayan ağıllıdır.
20 What righteous/good [people] say [MTY] is [as valuable as] pure silver [MET]; what wicked [people] think is worthless.
Saleh insanın dili saf gümüşə oxşar, Şər adamın qəlbinin dəyəri az olar.
21 What righteous [people] say [MTY] benefits many [people], but foolish people die because of the stupid [things that they do].
Saleh öz dili ilə çox adamı doydurar, Səfeh qanmazlığı üzündən həlak olar.
22 Yahweh blesses [some people] by enabling them to become rich, and working hard will not make them to become richer (OR, and he will not also cause them to become sad).
Rəbbin xeyir-duası insana sərvət gətirər, Daha ona qüssə verməz.
23 Foolish people (have fun/enjoy) doing what is wrong, but wise/sensible people enjoy doing what is wise.
Axmaq üçün şər iş görmək bir əyləncədir, Dərrakəlininsə hikməti var.
24 Righteous [people] will get the good things that they want/desire, but what wicked [people] are afraid of is what will happen to them.
Şər adam nədən qorxursa, başına gələr, Saleh isə muradına çatar.
25 When storms come, the wicked will (be blown away/never be safe), but righteous [people will] be safe forever.
Qopan tufan şəri süpürüb aparar, Salehin təməli əbədi qalar.
26 We do not like a lazy person who refuses to do the job that he is given to do, [just] like we do not like vinegar in our mouths or smoke in our eyes.
Dişlərə sirkə, gözlərə tüstü necə təsir edirsə, Tənbələ iş buyuran bunu elə hiss edər.
27 If you revere Yahweh, you will live for a long time; but wicked [people] die before they become old.
Rəbb qorxusu ömür uzadar, Şər insanların ömründən illər azalar.
28 Righteous [people] confidently expect [that good things will happen to them], and that causes them to be happy/joyful; but when wicked [people] confidently expect something good to happen, it does not happen.
Salehləri sevinc gözlər, Şər insanların ümidi boşa çıxar.
29 Yahweh protects [MET] those who live righteously, but he destroys those who do what is evil.
Kamilin pənahı Rəbbin yoludur. Şər iş görənin başı bəla ilə doludur.
30 Righteous [people] will always be secure [LIT], but wicked people will be removed from their land (OR, from this earth).
Saleh heç vaxt sarsılmaz, Şər insanlar yer üzündə qalmaz.
31 Righteous people [MTY] say things that are wise, but [God] will shut the mouths of people [MTY] who say what is not true.
Salehin ağzı hikmətlə çiçəklənər, Hiyləli dillər kəsilər.
32 Righteous people [MTY] know what to say that is acceptable, but wicked [people] [MTY] are [constantly] saying things that are not true.
Saleh insanın dili razı salmağı bacarar, Şər insanın ağzından hiyləli sözlər çıxar.