< Philippians 1 >

1 [I], Paul, and Timothy, [who is with me, are] men who serve Christ Jesus. I [am writing this letter] to all [of you who are] pastors and deacons in Philippi [city] and to the rest of God’s people [there who have a close relationship] with Christ Jesus.
Павло і Тимофій, раби Христа Ісуса. Усім святим у Христі Ісусі, що знаходяться у Филиппах разом з єпископами та дияконами.
2 [We both] (OR, [I]) [pray that] God, [who is] our Father, and Jesus Christ, [who is our] Lord, [will continue to] be kind to you and [will continue to] cause you to have [inner] peace.
Благодать вам і мир від Бога, нашого Отця, і від Господа Ісуса Христа.
3 I thank my God whenever I think about you.
Я дякую моєму Богові при кожній згадці про вас,
4 Every time [DOU] I pray [for you], I joyfully pray [DOU] for all of you.
завжди, у кожній моїй молитві за всіх вас. З радістю молюся
5 I [thank God and rejoice] because you have been [working] together with me in order to [make known] the good message about Christ. [You started doing that] when you first [MTY] [believed it, and you have continued doing it] until now.
за вашу участь у поширенні Доброї Звістки з перших днів і донині.
6 I am completely confident that [God], who has begun to do in you what is good, (OR, that since [God] has begun to do in you what is good, he) will continue to do that until he finishes doing it on the day Christ Jesus [MTY] [returns].
Адже я впевнений у тому, що Той, Хто розпочав у вас добре діло, завершить його до Дня Христа Ісуса.
7 During this time that I have been a prisoner [MTY] and during the times I was previously able to defend the good message about Christ and proved/confirmed [to others] that it is true, all of you have been sharing with me (OR, have helped me) in this work [that God] kindly gave [to me to do. So] indeed it is right that I feel joyful about you all, because you are very dear [IDM] to me.
Це справедливо так думати про вас усіх, адже я ношу вас у серці, і як в моєму ув’язненні, так і в захисті та утвердженні Доброї Звістки ви учасники цієї благодаті разом зі мною.
8 God [can] verify that Christ Jesus causes me to [love and] long for all of you very much, [just like] Christ loves [you].
Адже Бог мені свідок, що я сумую за всіма вами почуттями Христа Ісуса.
9 And what I pray [for you] is that [God will enable] you to truly know and learn how to love [one another] more and more in every situation.
І за те молюся, щоб ваша любов зростала все більше й більше в пізнанні та всякому розумінні,
10 [And I pray that he will enable] you to completely understand [how you should believe and act]. I [pray this] in order that you might be [spiritually] pure and faultless (OR, completely faultless [DOU]) on the day that Christ [returns] [MTY],
щоб ви могли визначати те, що краще, аби ви були чистими й непорочними в День Христа,
11 [and in order that] you might conduct your lives [IDM] completely righteously as a result of Jesus Christ [enabling you to do so], in order that [people will] honor God and praise him (OR, [people will] praise God very much [DOU]).
сповнені плодом праведності через Ісуса Христа на славу й похвалу Бога.
12 My fellow believers, I want you to know that the [troubles] I have experienced [have not prevented me from proclaiming the good message to people. Instead], [these things that I have experienced] have enabled even more people to hear the good message [about Christ].
Брати, хочу, щоб ви знали: те, що сталося зі мною, посприяло поширенню Доброї Звістки,
13 [Specifically], all the military guards who are stationed [here in Rome] and many other [HYP] [people in this city] [HYP] now know that I am a prisoner [MTY] because I [proclaim the good news] about Christ.
оскільки всій імператорській варті та всім іншим стали відомі мої кайдани за Христа,
14 Also, most of the believers [here now] proclaim the message from God more courageously and fearlessly [because] they trust the Lord [more firmly to help them. They trust the Lord more] because [they have seen how the Lord has helped me] while I have been a prisoner [MTY] [here].
і багато братів, які через мої кайдани вірять у Господа, мають ще більшу наснагу безстрашно звіщати Слово.
15 Some people proclaim [the message about Christ as I do] because they are happy [with my work]. They proclaim [the message about] Christ because they love [me and because] they know that [God] has placed me [here] to defend the message about Christ [CHI].
Правда й те, що дехто проповідує Христа через заздрість та чвари, а дехто – з доброї волі.
Одні [роблять] це з любові, знаючи, що я поставлений захищати Добру Звістку.
17 Others proclaim [the message about] Christ because they envy [me] and oppose [me]. They proclaim the message about Christ because they have wrong motives. They [wrongly] assume [that because they are causing many people to follow them, I will be jealous, and as a result], I will feel more miserable while I am a prisoner [MTY] [here].
А інші проповідують Христа з самолюбних амбіцій, не щиро, бажаючи зробити ще тяжчими мої кайдани.
18 But it does not matter whether [people proclaim the message about Christ] because they have wrong motives, or whether [people proclaim the message about Christ] because they have right motives. The important thing in either case is that [the message about] Christ is being proclaimed {people are proclaiming [the message about] Christ}. And because of that I rejoice! Philippians 1:18b-26 Furthermore, I will continue to rejoice,
Ну і що? Неважливо, як, удавано чи правдиво, але Христа проповідують, і через це я радію. І надалі радітиму,
19 because when I experience troubles, I know that some day God will say that he approves [of what I have done] (OR, that [the Roman authorities] will set me free). [This will happen] as a result of your praying for me, and [as a result] of [God’s] Spirit, whom Jesus Christ gave me, helping me.
знаючи, що це приведе до мого визволення завдяки вашим молитвам та підтримці Духа Ісуса Христа,
20 I [know that this will happen] because I very confidently expect [DOU] that I will faithfully honor Christ. I expect that like I always [have done], Christ will be greatly honored {I will continue now also to very boldly honor Christ} by means of all that I do [SYN, MTY], whether by [the way I] live or [by the way I] die.
згідно з моїм ревним очікуванням та моєю надією, що я ні в чому не буду осоромлений, але з усією сміливістю, як завжди, так і нині, Христос буде звеличений у моєму тілі, чи то життям, чи то смертю.
21 As for me, I live [in order to honor] Christ. But if I die, it will be better [for me than if I continue to live, because then I will be with him].
Бо для мене жити – це Христос, а вмерти – це надбання.
22 On the other hand, if I continue to live, that will enable me to continue to serve [Christ] effectively. As a result, I do not know which to choose.
Але якщо [треба] жити в тілі, то це означатиме для мене плідну працю. Що ж обрати? Я не знаю!
23 That is, I am not sure which of those two I [prefer]. I long to leave [this world] and [go to] be with Christ, because that will be very much better [for me].
Я стиснутий з двох сторін: маю бажання піти й бути разом із Христом, бо так набагато краще,
24 Nevertheless, it is more important that I remain alive [than that I go to be with Christ because] you still need [me to help you].
однак залишатися в тілі – потрібніше для вас.
25 Since I am convinced of this, I know that I will remain [alive] and that I will [go/come to] be with you all. [As a result], you will believe [in Christ] more firmly, and [as a result of that], you will rejoice.
Будучи впевненим у цьому, я знаю, що залишуся та продовжу жити поруч з усіма вами для вашого успіху й радості віри,
26 [That is], you will be able to rejoice very greatly because of Christ Jesus [bringing] me [to be with you again].
щоб через мене, коли я знову прийду до вас, ваша похвала зросла в Христі Ісусі.
27 Most importantly, as fellow [believers in Christ], conduct yourselves just like [you learned you should do when you heard] the message about Christ. Do that in order that whether I come and see you, or whether [I am away from you and] people tell me about you, [what I hear or see will make me happy]. They will tell me that you are unitedly and cooperatively resisting [those who oppose the message about Christ] (OR, [oppose you]). I [will know] that you are not allowing others to influence you to believe a message that is different from the gospel [about Christ].
Тільки живіть згідно із Христовою Доброю Звісткою, щоб, незалежно від того, чи прийду й побачу вас, чи ні, я чув, що ви залишаєтеся в одному дусі й однодушно боретеся за віру Доброї Звістки,
28 And I [will know] that you are not at all frightened by {afraid of} the people who oppose you. This will show/prove to those people that [God] will destroy them, but this will show/prove to you that [God] will save you eternally. It is God who is doing [all] this.
не даючи супротивникам залякати себе ні в чому. Для них це доказ [їхнього] знищення, а для вас – спасіння, і це від Бога.
29 Remember that he has not only kindly enabled you to believe in Christ, [he] has also kindly allowed you to suffer for the sake of Christ.
Адже завдяки Христу вам дарована благодать не тільки вірити в Нього, а й страждати за Нього,
30 [As a result], you are [having to] resist [those who oppose the good message], just like you saw that I [had to] resist [such people there in Philippi], and just like you hear that I [still have to resist such people here] now.
маючи таку ж боротьбу, яку ви бачили в мене й про яку ви зараз чуєте.

< Philippians 1 >